So, if the picture doesn't make it clear enough, this was my scariest Rockman moment: Rockman 2, Dr. Wily's supposed transformation from a mad scientists to a devilish extraterrestrial. The entire sequence had me crapping bricks at the age of six. I was so frightened, I forced my younger and more skilled brother to defeat Wily for me.
So, how about you? Any particular moments or events from the series that gave you chills? Traumatized you to no end? Discuss!
scariest rockman moment? when i found out that rockman zx advent hadnt sold as much as capcom wanted and that a sequel was unlikely!
ReplyDeleteThe one I can remember best out of the games I've played is dying in MM8. I didn't expect poor Megaman to *scream* as he died...
ReplyDeleteThe game overs in Super Adventure Rockman qualify as well; they're incredibly effed-up and unnerving (the one you get by losing to the final bosses especially).
Mine would have to be playing Mega Man 7 for the first time, speccifically fighting Wily's final form. Seeing something like that coming at me... wow. XD
ReplyDeleteI never did beat it.
The final stage of Rockman 2. It wasn't the supposed transformation of the Wily alien, but it was those red acid drops. What were they? Acid blood?
ReplyDeleteWhen I realized my year and a half of waiting for X7 was in vain because it was terrible.
ReplyDeleteThe Clozer Woods sub-gate on Megaman Legends, by far (at least, when i first played the game).
ReplyDeleteThat place's atmosphere/design, along with it's creepy music used to give me the creeps...
2 words: MegaMan Legends. every time I entered any of those underground ruins, I was too scared to play with the sound on. Sadly, I was twelve or so when I was playing that game. By the time the second came out, I had finally started appreciating horror -- and didn't find the ruins to be scary at all.
ReplyDeleteI really didn't find any of the other games to be scary in the least.
Sigma's massive giant form at the end of X5. Seriously, the screen goes dark, you hear explosions, and when the lights come back up, the cleft-chinned baldie's face is literally taking up the entire screen--OHSHIT!
ReplyDeleteEasy, Rockman X4 when Double transforms and kills all the other robots, that was messed up. After my balls dropped a few years later I thought that was the coolest scene ever though.
ReplyDeleteWhen Duo showed his true colors for the first time in Megaman X4. It was freaking creepy.
ReplyDeleteYa, no doubt. Mega Man X5 ending, that annoying Sigma form. One of the best scenes ever. ;)
ReplyDeleteMegaMan Legends 2 that saul kadaul (SP?) Ruins. It was at night and had been playing the game for hours. Reached the ruins in the town, went down, and was minding my own business when I came to the giant reaver dinosaur. tried attacking him then found out it was pointless. then later that week I found out there was another area where you could turn off the lava heat in the boss area.
ReplyDeleteMegaman Zero 2, after you've beaten Elpizo's first form and he asks for more power, after his transformation you hear this loud "WHRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" before the music starts.
ReplyDeleteScared me shitless.
Whenever I Mega Man 4 I was always scared of dying in Drill Man's level because you couldn't see the platforms till you hit the switch. That problem still haunts me to this day.
ReplyDeleteOh! Pick me! Lol. I agree with Anonymous - MegaMan Legends 2 Saul Kada Ruines were friggin scary the first time I went in. That music...that giant dinosaur reaverbot that you could hear and feel but couldn't see for most of the ruines until you came to the second floor and could just make out his giant head through some vents in the walls. That alone was enough to make me shiver, but than when you end up in the same damn room as the thing... well I just ran like hell. Lol.
Does the random animes count too, or are we just talking games?
ReplyDeleteIf so, in the old Ruby Spears cartoon, during the 'Electric Nightmare' episode, right after Doris the maid's little attempt on Light's life is screwed up by Mega. She goes and rips off her maid clothes, showing this... almost reploid-esque deal underneath it, the moment she turned her dustpan into a gun and said "Hasta la vista Megaman!!!", it scared the absolute crap out of me.
Three words:
ReplyDeleteMegaman X6 Sigma!!!!!!!!!
NOTHING is more terrifying than that, the whole freaking stage and music was haunting enough. Than you arrive at Mindless Zombie Sigma and you start shivering... >_> <_<
*looks around
As a lot of people have said, many of the Ruins in the Legends games are incredibly frightening.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, in Mega Man Zero 4, seeing Dr. Weil alive and well onboard Ragnarok, although now looking like some sort of zombie...now THAT was freakin' scary.
My scariest moment would be the same as yours, Alien/Wily, but for a total different reason! Let me explain...
ReplyDeleteMy 16-year old brother was fighting the little devil on the gamecube version one time after another and failing every time. So, after some time (hours, I think, it was hilarious watching him get mad at first and then just going with the flow... We even ended up doing some improv lyrics on Dr. Wily stage after hearing it SO many times...) he said "Ok, this ends now, time to get serious!" and he put himself like 2 inches away from the TV screen. I was laughing at his reaction, and then after a minute I was just watching in silence: It seemed this time he was gonna make it!
But now it comes the scary part. He did beat the alien hologram, but neither of us saw the wacky 8-bit animation of the defeat coming, with the lines all distorted and whatnot. My bro, with a desperate look on his face, like he was being attacked by a ghost or something, turned around and jumped to a couch behind him, all without being able to turn his eyes away from the screen or stop screaming/moaning. I was like "WTF?" at first, and then it crossed my mind "Oh my god... He's done it this time, he's seizing, he's gone". And I jumped there to see if he was doing ok.
When the animation was gone (what was it? 2, 5 seconds at least?) he looked at me and I said "Leo, are you alright?" he snapped out of it and he said "My God, I almost shit my pants there! I thought I was seizing..." (his thoughts were exactly the same as mine!) "... I mean, WHO thought of THAT animation?"
After a minute, we started laughing our asses off. But man, all that, in 2 seconds... I was shitless scared man!