According to Dark Messiah, the game is some sort of cross over with the Shooting Star Rockman (Star Force) series:

UPDATE: After the unveiling, series producer, Takeshi Horninouchi took the stage and announced he has several ideas for individual Rockman projects leading up to the franchise's 25th anniversary.
UPDATE 2: Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but the promotional "shaking hands" artwork for Operate Shooting Star originated at last year's Rockman summer festival. Check it out here.
you've gotta be kidding me.
ReplyDeleteIm SERIOUSLY starting to lose faith in you Capcom...
...Really? Ugh they just couldn't keep EXE dead could they?
ReplyDeleteI wish 3x3 movement back...
ReplyDeleteThat's just awesome!
ReplyDeleteSweet! BN/SF crossover. definatly on my Buy list.
ReplyDeleteThe dream become TRUE!!!!ROCKMAN.EXE I LOVE, YEAH!
ReplyDeleteDidn't see this one coming...
ReplyDeleteI thought I was ready for anything capcom could throw at us. Boy was I wrong.
Glad to see EXE is not down and out.
This might actually get ryuusei some sympathy from me.
What do you guys have against EXE?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, this is defiently seeming interesting....
I'm guessing this is the missing link between the end of EXE 6 and the start of RNR/SSR 1. I'm just wondering how the battle style will be either RNR style or EXE style.
ReplyDeleteThis is completely awesome.
ReplyDeleteI hope they go back to the old battle system then.
ReplyDeleteClassic and Exe are the best for me. The animes, ambiance, it's SO FUN, EXE was exellent, for all!
ReplyDeleteHUB RETURN!
Oh god, seriously...?
ReplyDeleteGuess all EXE fans are happy now <_<
I prefer Ryuusei 4.
my comment to this is fail but i'm glad that they announced a new game.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one actually looking forward to this? :|
ReplyDeleteoh my, exe is back, but with ryuusei in the mixed. When will Capcom announce the next-gen Mega Man game?
ReplyDeleteI APPROVE.
ReplyDeleteThe Mega Man franchise is pretty much dead now. Dead as in Capcom jumping the shark.
ReplyDeleteI am disappointmentin you, Capcom.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah. Putting 20XX Mega Man and 21XX Mega Man in the same game. That was completely called for and desired for well over half of my lifetime.
ReplyDeleteExcept for one small detail I haven't managed to work out for some reason. It'll come to me though.
Oh ye of little faith. I myself am excited about this.
ReplyDeleteEXE and SS? I prefer a classic / X / ZX crossover, but a crossover of all Mega Man series would be much better, with gameplay variety for stages / areas / whatever.
ReplyDeleteah common you kids can't have fun nowadays without complaining.
ReplyDeleteBeing a fan since the clasic series, im looking foward this one.
I really liked EXE and Star Force
Are you SERIOUS?!? Ugh, another game that Capcom's going to rehash and put no effort in (although I have started to miss the Battle Network crew lately). So help me, they better actually add some more 3D graphics or whatever, like they were going to for Battle Network 5: Double Team (even though I really do like sprites). And again I ask, why won't they give what most fans want, Mega Man Legends 3? Seriously Capcom, enough is enough! >_>
ReplyDeleteI think I just shit my pants. Really. I never thought this could happen. YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI need to find my DS so I can eat it. I'm stoked.
What a nice pleasant surprise to brighten my morning.
ReplyDeletethere are people that like sf and get angry at them for that then say exe was better now this MAKE UP YOUR MIND
ReplyDeleteOkay people we should be celebrating. Not only do we get exe back but were also getting a crossover game in the process. Come on what has every fan of the MegaMan Franchise been asking for. Were getting a crossover!!!!!!!
I LOVE you capcom! if only there was an x/classic series crossover too!
ReplyDeleteWell....i dont know (or care) what others think about this, but im gonna be looking forward to this
ReplyDeleteYou've got to be kidding me. They aren't even real Megaman games. Why won't these hobby games die already!?
ReplyDeletewhy the hate? if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.
ReplyDeleteThis looks really good, cant wait to see what and how they do this! =D
From Dark Messiah:
I'm probably reading this totally wrong but doesn't it say it isn't a crossover?
Oh shut up you guys... Quit complaining, we don't even have any info on the game completely and you guys are bashing it. How do we know it won't have 3x3 Movement? It may be like BNDS with WiFi, you never know, so until you have a REALLY valid reason to complain, keep it to yourself.
ReplyDeleteIm very excited about this. I can't believe their making a crossover of sorts, this truly is exciting. Definately looking forward to importing this when it get's released in japan. Hope it doesn't turn out to be another 4.5 where it's a japanese only game since I do plan on buying the NA version as well if planned. Thanks for the great news protodude.
ReplyDeleteThat's right capcom, keep making sequels to the megaman games you SAID you were gonna end and that no one cares about anymore.
ReplyDeleteIt's not like we want a new ZX, Legends, X or classic Megaman.
They'll never stop hammering this in will they?
YES YES YES CAPCOM FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, EXE is back! Obviously. ^_^;;
ReplyDeleteDear Capcom, where's my X9????
ReplyDeleteThis could actually be pretty interesting! As much as I really wasn't a huge fan of EXE or RnR in comparison to the original series, this still could be quite a bit of fun.
ReplyDeleteYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! Wifi-Battle Network play now plz =D
ReplyDeleteThe first screen says Operate (オペレート) Shooting Star, not operator.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is gonna be the beginning of a new series. Capcom's probably using MegaMan.EXE's popularity to sell another SSR game. It could work if they actually use EXE-style game play to make up for SSR's "shortcomings." They can't just stick MegaMan.EXE in there and call it new and improved.
ReplyDeleteStill, once more,
...Sounds good to me...you just can't keep a tried and true Rockman down...so why not bring him back in the style I like?
ReplyDeleteEver since MegaMan Star Force had the BN Blaster, I hoped for a bona fide crossover...now I wanna see what the game will look like and have an excuse to get it more than once--like versions or the BrotherBand!
Although knowing me, I'll still get it, as I'm a fanboi.
So, Mega Man Battle Network Star Force then? =/
ReplyDeletePersonally, I would've preferred Mega Man Classic X. ;-P
Meh.... I saw that coming from miles away...
ReplyDeleteSeriously CAPCOM, you're killing Megaman slowly with that freaking bull**** games, you just have lost another purchaser which would be me...
battle network and starforce! *faints*
ReplyDeleteWhy must they revive a series that already ended? Series that ended should stay ended, cause it's only make matters worse (like killing the story etc)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I didn't see this coming from miles away. Too many hints with EXE stuff in the Ryuusei games as side missions...
ReplyDeleteMeh, I don't really have a problem with it. I'd like to see Dash 3 more but this is better then an RnR4 and new ZX game. I'm actually interested reading more about this, and I loled at the comment "They just couldn't keep EXE dead".
ReplyDeleteOff topic: Happy Father's Day!
I smell a Japan-exclusive game that will be taken no more seriously than Rockman EXE 4.5.
ReplyDelete...Nothing good can come of this...
ReplyDeleteWhere's my robotics timeline game, Capcom? Would it kill you to make ZX3?
There isn't any word in the English language to express how I'm feeling about this. --Flash
ReplyDeleteGreat, more garbage games. Even worse, it combines both series into one colosal boring entity. I guess Starforce by itself wasn't selling enough so they had to throw in Mega Man EXE. to boost sales.
ReplyDeleteStill waiting on X9 and ZX3 Capcom.
What's wrong with all of you? This is GREAT news! They're reviving the EXE series, even if it's just one game! The EXE series was awesome! I myself, am DEFINITELY getting this! Maybe, the English version would be called "Megaman Battle Network: Operator Star Force."
ReplyDeleteI laugh at all you EXE haters because your comments are worthless. Go Capcom!
ReplyDeletewhy so much hate? this is great! been waiting for this for ages!
ReplyDeletei'd love to see what they do
I'm happy for all the EXE and Star Force fans out there who are stoked for this game, but I honestly would have preferred a new side-scrolling Mega Man game over this. However, we recently got Mega Man 9, so I guess I can't complain too much about a lack of classic style Mega Man games. To each their own, I guess.
ReplyDeletebetter not be some multi game in one cartridge like double team ds or zerker x whatever cant wait a year for another exe 6 didnt really do it for me hopefully it turns out to be as good as exe3 and sf3 soundtrack presntation and gameplay wise but better. I dont know how there gonna fuse them cuz the different times id rather a new series or another starforce or even a zx. Cant wait for more info so far its quite intreging.
ReplyDelete@Anon: EXE haters? I LOVED EXE. But this is an RnR game as far as I'm concerned, and I'm one of those so-called "RnR haters". You know, since it can't hold a candle to EXE. But I'm still more ticked off that I don't have my ZX3 yet.
ReplyDeleteIn short, EXE rocked, RnR sucks, but I'd rather have a new ZX anyways.
terIt's the best thing ever.
ReplyDeleteEXE Died when MMBN4 came out, then hardly jumped back up with MMBN5, which wasn't too bad, but defintely changed up the game.
ReplyDeleteStarForce isn't too bad, with a unique fighting style, but it's definitely not as good as MMBN's. LUCKYILY for those who don't know, Capcom brought back the fighting style of MMBN, with minor changes that keep it true to Starforce, so a crossover in the actual fighting shouldn't be too hard to complete. This game is at least worthy of checking out and giving Capcom one more chance with it's beloved Blue Bomber. :D
Enough with the "EXE is garbage" comments already. Let us enjoy this wanted game since Capcom is giving it to us. We won't spoil the fun when you get your long-awaited X9 and Legends 3.
ReplyDelete(Though I'm starting to think about it, just out of spite.)
I've played all the megaman games from original to megaman ZX and personally i love megaman exe out of all da megaman series and hearing dis is unbelievable. BTW i'm 15 years old no lie. As for all u haters just shut u cuz i bet u never played megaman battle network series of starforce n u never tried it. So i suggest 2 all of u haters is 2 either don't say anything or just try da megaman battle network and da starfoce series. As 4 da other megaman exe fans WHO WANTS 2 FIGHT BASS AND PROGRAM ADVANCES AND EVERYTHING IN MEGAMAN BATTLE NETWORK SERIES WITH A BETTER STORY LINE, GRAPHICS AND MUSIC!!! *RISES HIS HAND*
ReplyDeleteyeah @role, the fact is that it's title here is ROCKMAN.EXE operator shooting star, not Ryuusei no rockman, so you know learn to read please. :)
ReplyDeleteI really don't get all the hate over the network series. I see fans of the sidescrollers flame and bash fans of the network games all the time, but I never see it going the other way.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who enjoys all the MM games, I kind of wish people would just shut up.
you're just a hater, role, and its getting old.
ReplyDeleteBtw, Protodude. オペレート Translates to "Operate", not "Operator". Just a heads up. Oh, and it's not "Operation" either, since オペレーション is operation.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what will happen with Clock Genius now...
ReplyDeleteI assume he'll be in this game but judging but how will he fit....?
YEEEEEEEEEES, this is just what I was waiting for! Finally something that is EXE realted other than some crappy cameos and side missions.
ReplyDeleteAlso since its titled with Rockman EXE first I am assuming it is considered more of an EXE revival than an SSR game, which makes me so so so so happy.
Hopefully they don't screw this up! This has a really good chance of netting Capcom some good sales, lets just hope it does well.
That is just epic! Maybe they'll finally use those 3D graphics they abandoned. This is a great consolation game to their canceled BN5DS!
ReplyDeleteAlso,Everybody who is saying that the battle network games are worthless,and are not real Megaman games.You are wrong.This is fact,thank you,and good night
ReplyDeleteEpic! Just...Epic! Two of my favorite Mega Man series, together.
ReplyDeleteWow 70 + comments. A new record! I actually don't mind this RnR and Bn arent my favorites but im definitely am glad it's BN. Better battle system.
ReplyDeleteThat's it?! Ugh...
ReplyDeleteWhere's Legends 3? ZX3? Maverick Hunter X2? Mega Man Powered Up 2? Argh! Capcom!!
I really don't like this. Does this mean Ryuusei is dead!? D=
ReplyDeleteAnd to all you SSR/RnR Haters out there, get out of the fandom.
Broken fanbase much? We have a title and two photos, and people are ALREADY griping about how "it's not what the fans want", when what they really mean is "it's not what I want, so it already sucks".
ReplyDeleteI for one am excited, if a little skeptical.
I'm in love with Capcom and your blog for bringing me this news
ReplyDelete...Wasn't SS supposed to be the future world of EXE? I'm confused, are we doing time travel?
ReplyDeleteI'm really happy about this, but I also REALLY hope they don't botch it. Hopefully it has the original EXE producer and it reflects the quality of the best of the EXE games. (1-3, for most)
ReplyDeleteHopefully we'll get Legends 3 and maybe an X9 too, but unlike a lot of the fans of the other series, I like all of them and am glad the EXE fans get this.
What the heck is this? Are they imitating FF Dissidia?
ReplyDeleteWe'll see soon enough how cool or phail this game would be
"Takeshi Horninouchi announced he has several ideas for individual Rockman projects leading up to the franchise's 25th anniversary."
ReplyDeleteIt almost sounds like they'll do something else big besides this leading up to the 25th anniversary.
I'm going to go ahead and hype everyone up for something that won't happen and say they'll do a crossover between Classic and X and between ZX and Legends, or the like, setting up for Scramble Battle, just to see their reactions when it doesn't.
I think it'll be interesting to see what music will be in this game. Will it be a hybrid of exe themes and shooting star melodies? I so can't wait for a trailer to find out.
ReplyDeleteThe EXE and SF games aren't real Megaman. You've got fans that like them, a few people that can like both and everyone else. If you're everyone else then this is pretty god awful news.
@C: Excuse me?! What makes EXE or Shooting Star any less of a Megaman than Zero or ZX?!
ReplyDeleteZero isn't even playing as a Megaman, it's Zero from the X series! If you coing to make a statement like that you need to back it up with evidence! Now had you said in your opinion they weren't real Megamen then I wouldn't care as much.
Him aside, I am going to be buying this the day it comes out in America and reading up about it when it is released in Japan.
I think this is a great chance to tie up lose ends and add some new characters that I wanted to see. I personally want to see Hardman.EXE and Auto.EXE, and I would kill for the return of Gemini Spark who seems to be absent in RnR3 D;
Oh! and Riderman and Hatman would be great to see, but I'm baised since I am obsessed with the cellphone series.
What do you all want to see in this game?
"The EXE and SF games aren't real Megaman. You've got fans that like them, a few people that can like both and everyone else. If you're everyone else then this is pretty god awful news."
ReplyDeleteHate it all you want, it's still Mega Man. It's made by Capcom, features a character named "Mega Man" who wields a MegaBuster and uses a variety of weapons stolen from enemies, and involves fighting through themed stages in order to reach a boss.
Anyway, here's hoping that this game inherits next to nothing from Star Force.
ReplyDeleteI believe you've just proven my point.
As for "not REAL Megaman", the exact same thing could be said of every series that isn't Classic, so that hardly makes for a valid argument.
Was this the "mystery Mega Man game?" Color me disappointed.
ReplyDelete@C Where are you getting crap like that? By that reasoning no spinoff is megaman. Only the classic series. Which means X isn't either.
ReplyDeleteYou are why my like for classic and X is tarnished. Because you have your head so far up your ass you don't realize what garbage you're spewing.
@C: Judging from your earlier comment, you're one of those so-called 'hardcore' gaming people.
ReplyDelete'Everyone else'? 'They aren't Real Megaman'? You make me sick.
Nobody speaks for the whole fanbase, and by God, nobody can call these 'fake'.
@anonymous: I think it's safe to assume that this is the "mystery game."
ReplyDeleteAh, internet arguments. This is truly amusing. Though it's getting a little old. Time to act like normal people yet?
ReplyDeleteOh wait... this is how normal people act. :P
"Ah, internet arguments. This is truly amusing. Though it's getting a little old. Time to act like normal people yet?
ReplyDeleteOh wait... this is how normal people act. :P"
This is how normal people act when people who are clearly not normal start jumping the gun and stomping on everyone else's parade.
All that rage at C's comment aside, I'm absolutely stoked for this.
I kinda wish that they announced a X9 or Legends 3 along with this (key word: ALONG, not INSTEAD, GET IT, PEOPLE?!), but what the hey, we have a new Rockman game!
All this needless bickering aside... how long does it usually take for a trailer to appear after a game is announced?
ReplyDeleteLooks like Capcom finally realized we love EXE far more than SF. Sounds awesome!
ReplyDelete@anonymous well if they use a usual rockman strategy, then it will be out october/november time, meaning a trailer maybe july/august?
ReplyDelete"All this needless bickering aside... how long does it usually take for a trailer to appear after a game is announced?"
ReplyDeleteFrom what I remember, it's usually about a month or two after the game is announced.
Then again, this isn't the usual game. Anything goes here.
Oh awesome, I hope you're right Mark! :D
ReplyDeleteI personally also hope that this game maybe has a little bit of story from SF, but inherits ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the battle style, or the way the "normal" people and programs look. I also hope that you can do Crossfusion (see BN anime :D). I think THAT would be tight!!
ReplyDeleteIf there is game with a blue robot - like man shooting with his buster, then I will play that XD
ReplyDeleteAwesome news. Thanks Capcom
For what it will be release for? Mobile phones?
ReplyDeleteNintendo DS
hmm personally i liked both series it will be interesting how they tie in both or they might not do that who know well have to wait and find out
ReplyDelete@Mark: I'll believe it when I see it. Words mean nothing. After all, Capcom's known for taking something that works and shooting it to hell. After all... We got RnR as EXE's vastly inferior sequel. Until I see gameplay that's actually fun, I don't care if it SAYS EXE in the title. Unless the gameplay backs the title up, it's an RnR game that I'll most likely only get for completion. Personally, IF it's gonna shine as an EXE game, I hope it plays more like EXE2 or 3. Those, in my opinion, were the best of the EXE games. 4 jumped the shark, and the series never really recovered... then RnR took the EXE formula and RUINED it...
ReplyDeleteSo yeah. Until I get some actual content to back up your claim that it's an EXE game... in otherwords, until I get my EXE battle system back instead of this... THING we have with RNR... Then I'm gonna look at it as an RnR game, not an EXE game. After all, it does say SHOOTING STAR in the title. >_>
In the end, the actual gameplay will decide if it's an EXE or an RnR. And I don't trust Capcom enough to give use back EXE.
Wow, talk about your surprises.
ReplyDeleteStarforce supposedly didn't do to hot, and now they're crossing it over with it's more successful big brother.
I hope they can effectively mix elements of both series into a nice package.
Role, I respect your opinion, but frankly I sort of stopped paying attention about the time you said the fact EXE was the main title didn't matter but Shooting Star in the subtitle guaranteed it was an SF game.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't the "mystery game" Or at least not all of it. I speculate that this is only half of it. The clock-themed boss seems like it belongs here. However, remember that Megaman X and Classic were on that first picture? Since these two Megaman paired up, I think it seems very likely that an X/Classic crossover could be very possible.
ReplyDeletecapcom YOU SUCK ASS!!!! this is worst than listening regaeton, you´ve sold your soul as mtv did years ago.
ReplyDeleteok..this fucked up everything for X/Dash/ZX series lovers
ReplyDeleteFor the StarForce/EXE fans... Yay for you. Happy for you.
Honestly, I'm disappointed. It's been 5 YEAARRRSS since X8/CM.. Yes, MHX was greatness in a bottle (and sole purpose of me buying a PSP), but...
Unless Capcom whips out some epic win like Nintendo did, and gets Clover working on an Okami 2 or Team Ninja working a very dark and serious (...pun not intended) X game, this is rather disappointing.
Yes, there may be a Classic/X crossover game too based on that image. It's kinda sad to see everyone fighting- it seems the fanbase is more adept to root for their own series survival rather than the survival of rockman as a whole. Be happy for what you're given, for CAPCOM could always stop things like they did with DASH.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the gameplay is not unveiled, there's still some hope it's not another hobby game (please oh mighty Videogame God, PLEASE T_T).
ReplyDeleteStill, I was right about not having too much hopes :/ (I said sequel...now, this one could be a PREQUEL...get it? XD)
I definetly looking forward to this.As for the bickering- we'd get the same comments if any other series collided like ZX/Zero.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping for ZX3 or an all out crossover with all the Rockmen. It's his 25th in a few years, so there's hope.
ReplyDeleteMeh, fans may love DASH...but at the end, casual gamers tend to do and say what popular pseudo-hardcore gamers think.
I don't know about you, but each time I hear about the DASH series, I just hear the rocks hittin' poor ol' Trigger :(
Dear God no. Capcom; please. The Battle Network horse is quite dead; stop beating it. Granted, if it’s like Scramble Battle, great. If it’s some stupid plot that’s going to completely screw up the Ryuusei and .EXE storylines; drop the frigging project now.
I’m hoping this turns out decent, but I can’t help but anticipate disaster..
Glad to see Capcom announced another Megaman title, but this is not what i was expecting. O well, this is good news for the EXE and StarForce fans out there, for which i have no interest of. I was hoping for an MMX9 or Legends 3, but heck let the StarForce and EXE fans have their shine on for a moment. . .I'm not hating on this series, it's just I'm not that interested. Gotta wait until the end of the year or next year to hear something new, hopefully.
ReplyDeleteSee, now these last comments are nice! People wishing for their series but happy for the EXE fans. ;D
ReplyDeleteThis has gotta be a comment record. I wonder how many unique people have actually commented. I think this is my... third?
This seems like it COULD have potential, but all in all it seems like another ploy to continue milking the cash-cow which is now the Battle Network/Star Force series. Damn shame, that. First off, it makes little sense to combine the worlds. They are two different series with similar overtones and concepts. It truly seems that Capcom just churned this idea out there. Not that it may be bad, I am just saying it seems like it will be awkward, redundant, and not well conceived. We shall see in due time what the meaning of this all is. Though I said this before and I'll say it again; Capcom should focus on the Mega Man series' that pretty much put them on the map. Classic, X, and I have to include Legends as well. Especially Legends. So many Legends inclusions in other games, but no true third installment. Instead we get MegaMan: Star Network Battle Force (Lan & Geo versions lol).
ReplyDeleteI haven't given up hope. If the original producer is behind it and they capture EXE's quality, it should be good. I'd rather have two separate sequels, but this is better than nothing!
ReplyDeleteI just hope they don't utterly botch it. I have faith in them!
We'd better get this in the US or I'll be mad.
Oh, found my DS!
ReplyDelete*Eats it*
"milking the cash cow"...
ReplyDelete6 years of Capcom in a nutshell, unfortunately XD
Whoa, 122+ comments!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's really been 5 years since an X game Aubrey? Wow, times fly.
Let's just hope they don't butcher it up, although I'm not really much of a fan of EXE or RnR (for the record EXE <<<< RnR)
Bring Legends the fuck back.
ReplyDelete"Yes, there may be a Classic/X crossover game too based on that image."
ReplyDeleteThat would be super sweet.
I mean, unless they screw it up.
Wow is this ever amazing. Exe brought me back to mega man. I think people need to realize that if this sells its going to make more crossover games possible.
ReplyDeletealso i find it really funny that the fans of the old school are so irate over not getting X9 when classic 9 was released a little while ago.
@Alilatias, Carda
ReplyDeleteYeah, they are not real Megaman games. No robots, no robot masters, no 2D side scrolling, no culling weapons from bosses, no anything that has ever made a Megaman a megaman game. They don't even have a storyline connection like Legends does. The only thing that makes the EXE and SSR games 'Megaman' is that Capcom slapped the name on the box and colored the protagonist blue. I'm not saying they aren't worthwhile games but they are not real megaman games.
And as for 'making you sick' by 'speaking for the whole fanbase', how do you figure I did that? I said that some people like this EXE/SSR, some people like both, and that everyone else is disappointed by this news. Is there some type of fan I missed? I'm pretty sure that covers all the point of views.
Wrong. So wrong in every way. They are true MegaMan games. you're just fools to not realize it like most of us do.
ReplyDeleteThese comments kinda remind me of the Mai- franchise from Sunrise. Sunrise keep making Mai-Otome stuffs while fans were moaning for more Mai-HiME stuffs, Both Mai-HiME and Mai-Otome are different anime/manga, and alternate world. You can say Mai-HiME = Classic/X/Legends/Zero/ZX, while for Mai-Otome = EXE/SF.
ReplyDeleteFrankly I'm just glad Mega Man Gets a new game I like almost any Mega man games, Still not used to Star force's battle system but at least the Mega Man series is still alive for now.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is (still) a Battle Network game. Just look at the logo, Mega's Navi Symbol.
ReplyDelete@C: Garbage.
ReplyDeleteFor my thoughts, I've never really been into the whole BN or SF games. As much as I would've preferred a classic or X title announcement, still I'm happy for those who are BN/SF fans and hope they enjoy this one.
ReplyDeleteBut what I'm not going to do, is just because I'm not a fan of those type games, I'm not going to lament what a terrible decision this is or how awful a game it's going to be. Just because it doesn't interest me doesn't mean it'll be a bad game on its own merits.
And for those of you wondering why they didn't announce a new classic, X, Legends, or ZX title instead, it's because those don't really sell in Japan. BN/SF does, so that's what they're sticking with. I don't much like it either, but that's the way it is now.
Hopefully, we'll get new Mega Man side-scrollers on WiiWare or something soon, though.
Chuck Noriss approves. I really didn't excpect this. >_> A crossover? Capcom is tryin' to make the EXE fans happy.
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely gonna be interesting. I need this game.
Fans are such stupid things.
ReplyDeleteThey don't fully appreciate what they get; they bitch and moan about the slightest stupid change. Either accept the fact that they want to try something new, or play something else. Incidentally, you should all go buy a Zero Punctuation tee shirt.
Wow rockman's fans really are split. Be grateful you still have rockman, capcom could always pull the plug all together.
ReplyDeletethis is going to be awesome
ReplyDeleteAlthough I personally never got into the EXE and SF series, I'm glad that Capcom is willing to make some sort of serious crossover game here - this gives some hope that there might be future crossovers in other series beyond indirect references (a la the ZX games referencing events in the Legends series).
ReplyDeleteOn that note, I'm interested to know what sort of Rockman projects they are cooking up in regards to Rock's 25th Anniversary...Of course, that's not until 2012-13, but maybe we'll finally get some of the projects we really want to see by then (though I'm hoping the games I'd want to see won't be that far off in the future, and a couple of them I suspect won't be).
lawl, people who don't like all Mega Man series are hilarious.
ReplyDeleteWHY does almost everyone seem so dead-set against this game? Gee, I would have thought something like this would make both the .EXE and RNR fans happy, but I guess those who like .EXE and hate RNR hate it simply for the fact it has Shooting Star in the title. And the people who hate the newer series in general... I'm not even gonna try to reason with them. Not that I don't love the older series, I really like ZX, Zero, Legends and Classic, and X is tolerable (sorry, that's just my least favorite of the Mega Man series... don't kill me!) but I like the newer games just as much. It seems weird to me why people hate them so much...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I think this game looks great! (I'm really hoping to see SubaruXLuna fluff to squee over, and the return of Tsukasa on RNR's side, and as far as .EXE goes, I'm looking forward to whatever they'd do with that... hopefully bring in some of my favorite minor characters, like Tora or Mick.) One of the great things about not anticipated anything in particular is that it's hard to be let down. I'm super happy about this, but I'd also be just as happy to get a ZX3 (and almost as happy to get a Legends 3 or something like Scramble Battle.)
Just a few comments, I heard both about wishing for a Classic/X crossover, and one comment about the possibility of this messing up the .EXE and RNR timelines. But, unless I'm mistaken, in the Classic and X games there have been no prior crossovers, while with .EXE and RNR there have been. So not only would this make more sense then a Classic/X crossover, wouldn't it also mess up the timeline less, as there have been precedences for this in that universe? I'm probably not explaining myself very well, but I hope you're able to understand what I'm getting at.
Also, I think that since they released MM9 so recently, if they were going to release something with those two games soon it'd be more likely to be X9 then some type of crossover. But I could be mistaken.
@loverlylight, THANK YOU, you are my friend, also thanks to the last 10 comments aswell, why dont you people who dont like this game just ignore the news and dont comment, you guys have no patience, your time will come for your series games.
ReplyDeletei hope they battle like in the old battle network and bring back the styles and souls and the net
ReplyDeleteSorry. SxL is fail. SxM is win.
ReplyDeleteOh god, please, no shipping wars in the comments.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Mark McAllister! And BassDS, here is probably not the best place to discuss this, but I'd love to debate SXL vs SXM with you sometime.
ReplyDeletenow why would you love that? Odd thing to say.
ReplyDeleteYes the EXE series isn't dead. I'm a bigger fan of EXE instead of Shooting Star. Oh well lets see how this turns out. When I see a tralier I'll know if I should get it or not
ReplyDeleteA few things this must have to win my support:
ReplyDelete- A Forte vs Burai fight in an anime cutscene. This would be the greatest fight ever fought. Stand aside, Cloud and Sephiroth. Bigger, better villains and Anti-Heroes are coming through.
- At least add the friggin' Ryuusei to the logo. If it's a crossover game, Capcom should acknowledge that BOTH series are equally as important.
- Some kind of acknowledgement that the FM/AM-ians have heard of Duo. I mean, really. He's some energy-based space god; I doubt it's possible he could be traveling the cosmos and neither AM nor FM have even /heard/ of him. I had a theory that he eventually became Andromeda, but some of the stuff revealed at the end of SF1 kind of put that to rest.
Aniticipation! I have so many things to say about it, but I'll just wait and see what happens. It doesn't even seem real. O_O
ReplyDelete@Hiroki: It may be an EXE game with Ryusei added rather than an equally inclusive title. That would be hard to pull off and confusing.
Because I like trying to convince people I'm right. (Kidding, kidding. But seriously, I like debating about pairings, as long as it doesn't degenerate into a personal attack on the other person/character.)
ReplyDeleteI love every RnR fan that presents his or her opinion of the God-ness of RnR as fact, while verbally destroying anyone who disagrees with them or presents their own opinion of the crap-ness of RnR.
ReplyDeleteGrow up. Differing opinions happen. Name-calling and finger-pointing just makes you look foolish. You're embarrassing the rest of us.
That having been said, I'm certainly intrigued by this announcement. I won't touch RnR with a pole of any length, but I was a giant fan of EXE back in the day. I'm interested to see how this fleshes out. I'll wait to see more of a finished product before I pass judgement.
@Hiroki GENIUS. Great stuff, i was also thinking about how they could implement Duo into this aswell, my hunch is that he will be a boss (hopefully :) )
ReplyDeleteThink it's time the stardroids from MMV (GB) made an appearance as bosses or something in this new game. Would definately be nice if it were so.
ReplyDeleteIf they're doing some sort of storyline connection between BN and SF with this new entry, then can we get some hopes up for a similar treatment on the classic storyline? Some Classic to X, or X to Zero?
ReplyDeleteThis looks promising in itself...
You guys are idiots to think this game is gonna suck. First of all i think this is the smartest thing Capcom/Rockman Production Team has ever thought about.Secondly, bringing back what we love most and introducing it to the 3d Ds world of Ryusei No ROckman is a big suprise not only that it gives people a chance to see how would Rockman EXE aka Hub would look e3d and to contribute to the Ryusei No Rockman fan nation aswell as Exe Battle NetWork nation aswell. we all missed Battle Network give it a chance to make another come back and enjoy it!!!
ReplyDeleteA far better game to revive would be the Zero series, or Breath of Fire, Strider, Okami, etc. There was much speculation on the Capcom forum,even.
Also, the X series is dead. Keiji Inafune left it a long time ago -- back in X5, though he was forced to make X6. I'd rather have myself more ZX, Legends, Zero, or something completely different.
ReplyDeleteEXE1-3 had superior plot to 4-6. In return, 4-6 had FAR better systems. SSR ruined it by turning the majority of those systems to waste and then calling it a new system when it was obviously a quick rehash of EXE's systems(even the textures of 3D EXE seems to imply this). SSR2 fixed the systems up a bit, but had less balance than EXE2-4(which is pretty damn hard to do). SSR3 went and more or less returned it to EXE6 rules, just with SSR movement. Hopefully, EXE Operate SS is like SSR3 and EXE1-3 with plot depth, and like EXE4-6 and SSR3 with system functionality. If not, we can always brew up a ****storm like a good portion of EXE fans when SSR was first released.
ReplyDeleteSuprised I haven't commented on this...
ReplyDeleteWell, this proves one thing and one thing only: There are NO dead Rockman series, if they can fish this out of it's end.
With this being said: *sits and waits for Zero 5*
Im JacTrust from youtube.
just wish they made a
MMBN 6 Double Beast DS......
Definately is going to be interesting though I didn't think that they could actually be linked. however in Megaman Starforce 1 you can get the BN blaster weapong and in it you see megaman.exe in the wave world.
ReplyDeletePlease let there be a boktai crossover...
ReplyDeletePlease, please, please, PLEASE!!!
Rockman.exe is back Capcom this is the best thing you did since MBN 6
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for this game I was losing hope for his return isn't he look cool in the annoucement
Yomegairu Rockman!!
I personally couldn't be more psyched. The original EXE was my favorite game series ever, not so much the plot, but the characters and plot combination with the setting just stole my heart, simply put. I know that may seem gay, but screw anyone who doesn't understand my views. LONG LIVE EXE!!!
ReplyDeletewell i like the 9x9 panals hope they bring that back.
ReplyDeleteThis is like....my dream coming true.....AN EXE 7!!!!!(screw RnR)
ReplyDeleteJust realized something...
ReplyDeleteIn the last .EXE, didn't it say that they made "Colonel," a program that destroys/deletes virii on the net?
And "Iris", a program that fixes and upgrades it?
I sense a major plothole. I mean, how can they keep the virii if Colonel destroys/deletes them?
How can Megaman .EXE and Geo (megaman forme) be in the same world? Lan would be dead by the time Geo would be able to see him...Come to think of it, EVERY .EXE character would be dead...The Navi's wouldn't though. Maybe it has something to do with Lan's son, Patch?
Well, after reading bout all the comments, i think its really funny how everyones arguing, complaining, defending, and blah over not getting this or that game coming out. Just giving my thoughts and opinions. I think capcom is focusing mostly on starforce/ryuusei these couple years trying to bring up exe like they are now, but i think after that they'll start releasing others like legends, X, etc. Im just happy new megaman games are still coming, they're fun XD. And you can insult me anyway you want :D i just dont care.
ReplyDeleteThe US version might be called Megaman Battle Network: Operation StarForce, right?
ReplyDeleteall i know is that it better come out in america or i will go postal but i love the idea i never liked the classic megaman
ReplyDeleteOkay. This actually looks very interesting and I can't wait until it comes out. Seriously thinking about going into programming right now, if only to try and make some kind of AI for all of you guys out there who want Net Navis'. Might take a few years though
ReplyDeleteplz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz capcom make this game in english or at least someone make a youtube vid with english subtitles pop up during the vid im a huge megaman fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell.... its 2010 now and im late finding out about this blog. Excuse me for being late EXE FANS!!!!! Ive read almost all of the comments here and LAUGHED MY ASS OFF!!!!! I LOVE EXE.. EXE IS WHY I LOVE CAPCOM NOW(AND OF COURSE STREET FIGHTER)........... C: FUCK YOU!!!!!!! dont hate on EXE CAUSE U STILL PISS IN THE BED AT NIGHT!!!! Megaman 8 is why i love the classic series. X was very diffucult for me but i still enjoyed it. Zero SHOVED HIS SABER UP MY ASS AND SAID "i wont let you win this game!" EXE STOLE MY HEART!!!! didnt play zx yet but i will. i beat SF and will beat all the SFs CAPCOM THROWS IN MY FACE! BRING BACK EXE's BATTLE SYSTEM!!!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!! Im about to get ghetto for a minute excuse me. *AHEM* WTF THE FUCK CAPCOM!!! STOP FUCKING UP MEGAMAN WITH YOUR "TRY SOMETHING NEW BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!" LEAVE MEGAMAN AS IT IS!!!! FUCK A CROSSOVER, I NEEEEEEEDDDDDD A 4-player MEGAMAN.EXE OR X OR ZERO OR CLASSIC OR DASH GAME NOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!! FUCK YOU WAITING ON!!!!!!!! I ALSO WANT DASH 3!!!!!! DONT QUIT THE DASH SERIES!!!!! EVERYBODY LOVED DASH!!!! IT KEPT MY HEART JUMPING!!!! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT WILL JUMP AT YOU UNDERGROUND!!!!! AND WHY THE FUCK IS THIS CROSSOVER IN MMBN1 SPRITES!! U SHOULD HAVE PUT GEO IN MMBN 6 OR WHEN LAN IS GROWNNN!!!! AND HAD A SON NAMED PATCH.. LAN FUCKED MAYL......... AWESOME!!!!!! this game.... i will get it cause Megaman EXE is in it. DONT FUCK UP WORSE THAN YOU DID ALREADY CAPCOM!!!!! *sigh* ok im done. thank you 4 putting up this blog.. I needed the laughter and opinions. LONG LIVE EXE!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSome people are such douchebags....I however cannot wait for this. Megaman.EXE is not dead!! We just warming up.