Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mega Man 2017 Animated Series - First Image, Details (Updated)

Here's your new Mega Man, aka "Aki Light."

Deadline reports: "Aimed at kids 6 to 9, as well as parents who grew up playing the video games, the series will follow Mega Man’s newly-introduced alter-ego, Aki Light, a normal, upbeat, schoolboy robot who, when activated, re-forms into a suit of impenetrable armor. Other characters from the games and new characters, including Mega Mini, will also be featured."

So there you have it: Mega Man's going to school under an alter ego. Looks like those early notes stuck!

UPDATE: Capcom Unity offers even more plot details:

The new animated Mega Man series will follow Aki Light – a normal, upbeat, and above all optimistic young school-aged robot living in Silicon City. He soon learns that deep within his programming are secret protocols that allow him to transform – giving him nanocore armor, a Mega Buster, and the iconic helmet to turn him into a superhero – Mega Man!

Promising exciting new technologies and new robots, the series will follow the adventures and trials of Aki Light – a.k.a. Mega Man – as he faces off against threats to Silicon City, while trying to keep his superhero identity a secret and maintain a normal robot schoolkid life.

UPDATE: IGN has revealed "Mega Mini" - a small companion who emerges from Mega Man's helmet.

The new animated series is currently slated to air sometime in 2017 to coincide with the franchise's 30th anniversary. More details as it comes!

Source: Deadline


  1. I don't want to be negative, but I give more things to say.....
    Mighty 9 and now, that.... poor megaman and megaman x...

    1. Might No.9 is not Mega Man. It was made by Inafune, who created Mega Man. Inafune does not work for Capcom anymore, and hasn't for some time. The game play of Mighty Number 9 is much different from Mega Man as well.

    2. Inafune did not create megaman why are people still saying that? He had very little to do with the early MM games he was just an artist. He created Zero.

    3. It would still be correct to at least call Inafune co-creator, though. Kitamura made a sprite, then Inafune fleshed out Mega Man's design from that sprite. Had Inafune not been involved, Mega Man as we know him might look very different today. I know a lot of people like to overstate Inafune's involvement with Mega Man's creation, but let's not go to the opposite extreme and understate it.

      As for this cartoon Mega Man, I don't see what the big deal is. Just think of it as a new version, like Battle Network or Legends. Whatever.

    4. Very little, he damn near was responsible for them, he literally planned, designed and written plots, characters, graphic assets, game mechanics... His sketch book of designs and concepts are literally archived in official works for goodness sake, not to mention his written concepts for the games. All this can be applied to Mega Man 1-2-3.

      Also a misconception that needs correcting is he did not *fully* create Mega Man but he finalized the design. In other words Akira had a rough idea what the concept of Mega Man would be (a boy robot basically) but Keiji fully designed the character around that ruff draft from the crest on his head to the color of his eyes. The game was so rough on concept they didn't even add color to it yet.

      He created so much more than Zero, Zero was just the only protagonist that Keiji created totally on his own, but he was entirely responsible for say Elec Man for example.

    5. Inafune has made a lot of mistakes recently with the Mighty no. 9 and all that, but it's a shame that people have gone to such extremes to deny him the credit he deserves for the time he spent at Capcom.

      Though I understand people making the claim that Inafune himself wasn't technically the "father of Mega Man" as some people think.

    6. even if Inafune was not the one to come up with everything, and did not "invent" megaman, he is still a major figure on it, and contributed largely to Megaman being what it is. That's not because he did a very disapointing game recently that we have to denied the good things he did in the past.
      That said, let's not go in creator worship either. That's not because he have done good things in the past that we have to go as if all the blame go to Capcom and the fall of Megaman is just due to is absence.

  2. Trying hard to re-kill the franchise.


  4. How is Aki a better name than Rock? I don't get it, but whatever. The character design I'm fine with. The art style though? Ehhh.

    I'm a little worried about the game that would come out of this though. A school setting is not a very good setting for a video game, even the MMBN/MMSF games where the protagonist goes to school tried to avoid it most of the times.

  5. I give up. That's it. R.I.P Mega Man, it's been a good ride.

  6. I'm concerned as to how a show aimed at children ages six to nine will appeal to adults. The art of this character design is off-putting and the premise is very derivative. When fans say "We want Mega Man", we're not saying "Reintroduce Mega Man in a hip, stylish, new way!".

    We're saying "We want Mega Man."

    1. Couldn't get much clearer than that, huh? I have trouble understanding the compilation of it all, myself. We want Megaman. Or X. Or ZX. Any of them will do for me! But it seems it's all ignored. That the ones capable of making it happen are stuffing their fingers in their ears. It's a bit (ok a lot) disappointing, but maybe. Maybe someday there'll be Light (real Light) at the end of this tunnel.

    2. A lot of animation is geared towards the 6-11 demographic, but can appeal to adults. I think a more fair way to put it is that a lot of shows need to be appropriate for 6-11 year olds, but that still leaves plenty of room for Adventure Time, Avatar the Last Airbender, etc.

      That said, I do question how THIS one will appeal... We should wait until there's at least a trailer before condemning it, but geez, this is not an inspiring first impression...

    3. Do you think that it isn't MEANT to appeal to you, or even old fans? Like, I fully understanding not liking what we have so far, but far too many are disliking it based on "this is not what WE want" when it's not made for us. It's made for small children to introduce them to the brand, not for long-time fans. Which you know, I totally understanding wanting something like that, but complaining something ISN'T that is silly.

    4. @geta: Batman the Brave and The Bold was meant for kids but it was written in such a way, along with more niche DC character appearances, that older audiences could enjoy it as well. That's how you know a show is well written. A well designed and written show can appeal to both sides at the same time.

    5. @geta, my problem, as oposed to the opinion of some others comenters, is that i find it wrong actually because it is aimed at children to intoduce them to the franchise. because, hey, if we where to watch this, we will watch this while KNOWING that this is different from the "real" megaman. Now take the case of a child, he don't know about megaman, and watch the show, he will automatically assume that Megaman is like this. I just remember all theses guys who where firmly convinced (to the point to arguing with game fans )that megaman was a cyborg with a adolescent appearance instead of a kid like robot, that protoman was a vilain and other stuff like this. why? Because they had been introduced to the franchise trough that Ruby Spear Cartoon.

  7. This is rather discouraging. A rather unappealing look with a gaudy ugly style. My greatest worry is not that the design is American, but that it coincides and matches with the reboot of Megaman that Capcom has promised to come next year. Or well at least stated to be making a new hand held game... I mean seriously, I thought X-Over looked unappealing, but this... Less Robot more Tron Suit from you know... Disney's Tron. I honestly pray this is an April Fool's joke that is horribly out of season. Because have they seriously run this design past a test audience first? You'd think it would have been shot down in concept. ...wait... does this mean to that the Archie comics were canceled so that they can reboot with this design!? Say it ain't so Capcom, say it ain't so...

    1. The Mega Man Archie comics weren't that cool anyway. And it was only there just to have Ian Flynn retcon the Sonic Comic continuity when things weren't going HIS WAY!

    2. @Robbie Walker
      Clearly someone who has no idea what he's saying.

  8. I have... such a horrible look on my face right now. You cannot even imagine.

    This legitimately looks like someone tried to mash up all the different "Megamen" together into one horrible amalgamate that somehow looks like a dollar-store bootleg.

    Listen. I'm not against a brand new series... or a brand new spin on things. Sonic Boom was okay. But then again, if this is supposed to be based on "classic" Mega Man, they could've tried a little harder to... I dunno... make him look closer to the source material instead of this Code LYOKO wannabe.
    (I liked Code LYOKO, by the way. I'm just saying it looks kinda similar...)

    1. And... hold the phone. "Ages 6-9"? Does that mean the writing is going to be inexcusable and riddled with "what the hell just happened" and "that's not how that works" moments? Or is it going to be half-way decent like... well, again I cite Sonic Boom.

      Also want to mention the name pun is somehow even worse than what Capcom came up with.
      "Aki Light". "Aki" means "bright; shining; brilliant" in Japanese. So... his name is literally "Bright Light".
      I just have to wonder... is his alias' first name Japanese for the sake of being "cool"? If so, why not "Luminoso" or "Cerah"? Or maybe "Jasný"? How about "Lumen"? "Lumen Light" sounds like a fun name. Wait, wait, I've got it. How about... oh, I dunno... "Rock"? Like literally every other version of the character in existence?? Or Is there some sort of deep, hidden meaning behind him taking/being given the "first name" of "Aki" instead...? The world may never know...

      If it wasn't obvious by now, I think this pretty much says it clear-as-day. Mega Man... the one we know and love... Mega Man "as we know it"... is dead and gone.

    2. The schoolkid concept also worked for the environment BN and SF were set up in, and they weren't stressed either, sure Geo wanted to keep his identity a secret, but there wasn't a big focus on people looking into who or what he was, and he wasn't a robot trying to live a humans life, I dunno it just wasn't weird and worked for what it was.

      This is different, I'm getting straight up Dreamwave vibes from this, and while it wasn't awful, Dreamwave definitely wasn't the greatest, like that comic this setup sounds like it's there to provide angst and drama, just to provide angst and drama, of course I haven't seen the show yet so I'll stay open minded.

    3. Joseph Collins - I mentioned this in another comment, but I think a more accurate way to think about "ages 6-9" is that it needs to be APPROPRIATE for ages 6-9. So it might not get as intense as like, Legend of Korra, but that doesn't mean it can't have engaging writing.

      That said, I'm not a huge Man of Action fan, so I have huge doubts about how much appeal it will actually have for adults. This is the studio that gave us "Ultimate Spider-Man," after all.


    1. Wasn't the last time Capcom asked for heavy fan involvement the project was cancelled for not enough fan involvement?

    2. You mean it was canceled because Capcom CLAIMED there wasn't enough fan involvement, after EXPLICITLY stating that it was OK to watch from the sidelines. Basically, we didn't make their game for them enough, so they bailed.

  10. I had no expectations to begin with, and I'm still disappointed.

  11. you can be sure that the next game we'll get will be this, sonic boom style! BRLBRLRBRRBLR will return once again!

  12. Why would you change his name from Rock to Aki?? How does that even make sense? It doesn't even mean anything does it? This is a horrible idea and everybody should be ashamed of themselves. Capcom you suck.

    1. Aki means bright, so Bright Light. =P

  13. Well... crap. Whoever came up with this concept, they are clearly out of touch with the fans and the history of the series. This looks atrocious. Poor Mega Man... what have they done to you?

  14. The Smash team gives us a great modernization of the Classic Mega Man.

    Capcom gives us this.

    Let the franchise go Capcom. You don't know how to manage it properly and you never did.

    1. Capcom should just sell the Mega Man IP to Nintendo... At least they know how to honor the blue bomber.

    2. Nintendo's track record on how they treat their franchises isn't much better than Capcom's. Looking at you F-Zero and Metroid.

    3. Capcom gives us a great modernization of the Classic Mega Man for Smash.* (cause a Capcom designer designed him.)

      Man of Action gives us this.*

      I fixed that for you since you are full of it, and trying to BS.

    4. There's a big difference between one piece of concept art, and designing a character. Capcom may have provided that initial piece of art, but the Smash team put the character in the game and did all that work to make his animations work like they did. In case you haven't been paying attention with Mighty No. 9, there's a big difference between a piece of concept or design art and a finished product.

      From what we've heard, it sounds like Capcom was much more directly involved with this cartoon than they were the process of Smash, but sure. Give them all the credit they don't deserve while denying it to the Smash team.

    5. The irony man the irony, you are literally comparing two designs one of which is based on a single piece of art, then give all the burden of s*** of that one piece of art to a company that you have no idea the context of its participation for that design directly, and you're giving me grief for not considering Sora, Bandai Namco, and Nintendo as having a role in basically making their game and having the design not just be a picture that players can look at....

      Just admit you hate Capcom and want to spread that hate and be done with it.

    6. Regardless of who designed him into Smash, they diiiiiid give the approval for his use, didn't they? They coulda said "Nah. We only want Ryu in that game!" Let's give the devils SOME due.

    7. @Chat Oh don't get me wrong, I definitely appreciate Capcom letting the Smash team use the character, just as I appreciate the art done by Mr. Higurashi. I'm just looking at the perspective of the input.

      @AnonymousMay 26, 2016 at 3:53 PM
      Reading what you said is tough, so I'll do my best to interpret. I don't mean to shift all attention off of Man of Action, and it's fair to say I may have come across as overly reductive in my first post. But again, we have heard much more about how Capcom is involved with this project than they were with Smash, beyond the approval process.

      I'm not just comparing designs when voicing my disappointment with this. I'm also looking at the description of the cartoon they presented as well as Smash as a whole. Before I can give a complete criticism of the cartoon we will obviously have to wait for the show to actually air, but suffice to say the design and description are not leaving me optimistic.

      I'm not just trying to "spread hate," and I don't appreciate the accusation, but I've been consistently disappointed in the way Capcom has managed this franchise (overall) for the greater part of the past half decade. I'll go into the cartoon with what I would describe as cautious pessimism, but I'm not expecting much.

    8. You're all over the place I am not talking about your opinions. It's very simple to understand...

      You essentially blame the "Smash team" for providing a version of Mega Man.

      Then blame Capcom for providing another version of Mega Man.

      This implies Capcom had a hand in providing Mega Man in only one of those cases.

      I then flat out tell you Capcom had a direct hand in not only providing but creating the design for the Mega Man you gave complete credit to the "Smash team" for creating.

      You then in essence say I give no credit to one side and all to the other (which is what I pretty much did, to prove a point).

      You do not see the hypocrisy? The Irony?

      You are criticizing me for BSing with how I credit publishers/developers, when the entire point of my comment was to illustrate that you were doing that (by pretty much using your own words). It's simple.

    9. @AnonymousMay 26, 2016 at 9:06 PM

      Thank you for clarifying. Again, as I said, I was too reductive in my initial post. But I still hold the Smash team largely responsible for the rendition of Mega Man in that game. They are the ones who made it work after all. I would also like to see the citation for Capcom "creating" the design for Mega Man in Smash. I've searched around, but so far all I can find is the articles stating how open they were to approving what was being done.

      And again, I don't intend to shift all focus off of Man of Action, but from what we have heard it sounds like Capcom was more directly involved in this project, so I hold them more accountable for this than I do for Smash. At least for now. I'm looking for more information on the development process right now.

      For future reference, responding with hypocrisy is probably not a good way to start with someone. You should have just said that you felt I was being needlessly reductive from the start. Which again, is fair and my fault as my first response was made while I was being too reactionary.

  15. What they FUCK were they thinking? Oh my god...

  16. Whoever designed this is REALLY out of touch with the franchise.

  17. As long as Capcom doesn't completely toss aside classic Mega Man and the series' other incarnations, I'm fine with the premise.

    I just hope this isn't the final art style they're going with.

  18. This art is so repugnant! From this one image alone I can guess it's going to be animated like crap and be that junk robotic moving flash animation. Maybe that's the point, he's a robot so make the animation move all teletoon robotic like.

  19. Could they not at least have the fans vote via polls for the more 'cherished' design? I'm sure this isn't the only look they came up with for their animated television series, but why in the blue bombing heck would they come out with? It reminds me of those figures you buy at the Dollarama store or whatever the equivalent of of a dollar store is in your country. It looks like a knock off instead of something official, it looks like fan art... this is very upsetting.

  20. Please allow me to express my feelings via Mr. Jon Jafari.

    1. Very appropriate. Still laughing. I love Mr. Jafari.

  21. I don't know about this outrage.

    We could accept Lan Hikari, we largely accepted a MegaMan actually named Hub, from way back when. That was a big departure from everything we ever knew, and that went over well! (It was also targeted to younger children in Japan to begin with, too.)

    I'm well out of the target age range, but I'm not going to recoil in horror. I'm OK with there being a whole new generation of Mega Man fans, to a new face and premise. Things change, time goes on.

    That said, I'm not sure the show will actually appeal to me, but it doesn't need to. I hope it proves good fun for its intended audience!

    1. Lan/Netto was not the "Megaman" of his series. MegaMan/Rockman.EXE was the Megaman of that one.
      Same goes with Geo/Subaru, to an extent. He fused with Omega-Xis to form Star Force Mega Man/Shooting Star Rockman.

      In every other series, the "Megaman" was indeed called "Rock" in some form, be it classic Rock, Rockman X, or Rock "MegaMan" Volnutt. Even in the Dreamwave comic, he was still called "Rocky". It's just tradition. Not saying that traditions have to be upheld... but doing things like this is basically like saying, "The old generation is dead. Here's the new generation."

    2. Honestly, I feel nothing. No surprise, no anger. The series has been dead for quite awhile now, and the abrupt ending of the rather nice comics made that clear. This makes it clear those comics aren't coming back, either. So, seeing that Capcom has done this makes me feel nothing. I still have my classic games, and the brilliant modern classics of 9 and 10. This attempt at rebooting, too, shall pass...

    3. No man don't be using Rockman.EXE as a scapegoat. That was a clearly separate series, minding its on business not encroaching on any other series running at the time (outside of maybe its popularity which it has no control over) like a proper spinoff.

      This on the other hand is a reboot, a got dang REBOOT!

  22. After all the shit and cancer we Mega Man fans went through, this is what we get? I'm left speechless.

  23. Kill.It.With.Fire.

    1. Won't work! But spiked floors on the other hand.....

  24. I like it.

    No seriously, I do. I get why people are upset, but it's Mega Man, it's new, it's different yet the same just like Battle Network was back then.

    So why the hate?

    1. People were putting a lot of stock in hopes that his would bring the series back.

      Looking at this doesn't inspire confidence.

    2. I get it. Yeah this could be seen as just another rendition like battle network, but I feel like they led us to believe and got our hopes up for something truer to thr original games. So this is very dissapointing.
      Not to mention the design is very ugly looking to be honest. I'm not trying to be mean, but it just looks oddly proportioned and sloppy.
      I can't say if the show will be any good or not (who knows it might be amazing) but this art style is definitely not appealing. (At least not to me)

    3. Short answer: It's not "our" Megaman. It's "someone else's" Megaman.

    4. Exactly. And I believe that this is one of the reasons fans will feel alianated if the new wave of upcoming Mega Man products follow the animation route.

    5. I really like that answer. "Someone else's Megaman." That....Sums it up perfectly for me. Well said, good sir!

    6. I certainly hope they DON'T alienate old fans with this new series. It's going to make it all that much more difficult to grow audience and build it into something more significant. Which is an issue I've always had with the way Capcom manages this series.

  25. What happened to his fingers? Are they broken? =(

  26. No. Just no. No no no no no no no no no no no no. No.



    Why? I mean....why? I thought they said they got it. I thought they understood.

    U don't need to upgrade what's already good people.

    I am so bummed. Just continue the Archie Comics please.

  27. I... I could almost hear the sound of my heart sinking.
    I'll still try to give it a fair chance, but... yeah.

  28. That's it guys, party's over. RIP Mega Man

  29. That's the "Mega Man hand" they just angled it awkwardly with the picture.

  30. Looks like some "super-cool" original superhero show from Kids WB.

    I don't want to be overly negative, but the fact they're striving so hard to distance themselves from any Megaman continuity raises so many red flags for me.

  31. That means that those mobile games that were hinted at us earlier will be free-to-play cash in for kids using this design as the new face and -pukes-

    I can't even finish my conclusion about this shit.

  32. Save your judgment for when the show actually comes out, people. Sheesh, you sound like a bunch of spoiled children.

    1. To be fair, when it was announced there would be a new Mega Man cartoon, most everyone assumed it would be... ya know... "the" Megaman. Not a new Megaman. Could it be good? Possibly. But it's very clear it will only tentatively be connected to the previous Mega Man franchises. And that's very disappointing for us long-time fans.

    2. The school premise is something I would expect that humanity would do in introducing the world's first AI, in order to have the full human experience of learning both in the classroom and out. So that part I don't mind.

      But this design is awful, and what's with the secret protocols? The whole approach to this is just rank.

    3. Why? We have the premise, the character design... artstyle, what more do we need to pass judgment?

      Wait till it airs with its cheesy self then complain?

  33. Wow this looks horrible indeed.
    I am 30 a year old fan who loves the classic and X series since childhood. Still play them. Obviously the people in charge of this never played them and apparently never talked to real fans.
    Wont see this "Spaceball 2 in search of more money" Megaman cartoon (well i would really see that spaceball movie xD, but you know what i mean with the name, all about the money)
    Hopefully some day there will be a japanese made anime who is truly loyal to the series, classic and X.

  34. Maybe someone told them to adpat the comics to keep fans happy, and they thought they were talking about the Dreamwave crap insted of the Archie ones.

  35. Ruhe in Frieden, Mega Man

  36. That isn't Mega Man.... Nothing like him at all... The design is so UGLY! The name change makes no sense. His name should of been Rock Light. What a way to really screw things up big time.

  37. Mega Man is the new Sonic...

  38. I don't care for this at all.
    People who have been around since the beginning are not kids any more. We don't mind games that go "pew pew" but this is just too campy for our licking in most cases.

  39. The "design" isn't too bad. The story and the art style is what is really bad.
    But the tron-like design would be better suited in a more traditional form factor.

  40. Man, wtf...


  41. I'm fine with this. No really. The premise is interesting and the artstyle is okay.

    This is the reboot that I was hoping the series would get, something new and fresh. I mean, let's face it guys, the Inafune-era of Megaman is done, with all the cancellations and controversies that have surrounded this series for the past few years, I don't blame Capcom for going in this direction. Essentially wiping the slate clean and starting over.

    My only fear at the moment is the quality of the writing. I'm hoping it's not too juvenile for my liking.

  42. Hmm Rock & Roll or Aki & Roll?
    Which one sounds solid & which one sounds retarded?

    1. Well obviously, it's not going to be "Roll" but instead "Satomi Light". Which also would make "Bright Light", but also "Bright Beautiful Light". Because girl. ã‚·

    2. Nah, Roll's name is obviously going to be Habara Light.


    3. @Anonymous (May 26, 2016 at 6:57 PM)
      Oh god! That's an even worse pun than mine!

  43. Honestly speaking, the only thing that I don't like is the angle, the face, and the helmet. Maybe give him a bit more arm-bulk and chest-bulk too but that's it.

    Just try and imagine him standing in a standard straight-up stance and I really don't think he'd look bad at all. Kinda like the girl X from the 20XX game. Not bad at all.

    The chosen angle was terrible tho

  44. Not what I was expecting at all... I can't say that it's terrible. I can't say I particularly like it.
    Hopefully my son (will be 5 next year) will enjoy it.
    I will probably purchase two of each action figure associated with this though. Maybe one for me and one for my son... Gotta start saving up!

    -Logan O

    1. If I have a son then I will not buy a figure associated with this for him at all. They are doing it out of our money in our pocket. I am wise and not stupid. No thanks. This cartoon is a fail!

    2. Look, if the man's son likes the cartoon, and he wants to buy him a toy, that doesn't make him stupid, or unwise, that makes him a loving dad. I understand the disapproval of the show. I get it, I do. But some of this crap is absolutely unnecessary. If somebody likes the new style, power to em. I don't. But that's my own opinion, and it doesn't make me think any less of someone that does like it.

      And what business isn't doing it for money?

  45. I had low expectations and I am still disappointed.

  46. Isn't this just the second Astroboy series with Mega man instead?

    1. Mega Man draws inspiration primarily from two sources: Astro Boy (which supplied the boy-robot-hero) and Casshan (which supplied the robot-fights-against-other-world-dominating-robots, plus the robot dog). Man of Action clearly wants to remove some Casshan from the equation to make room for more Astro Boy. Terrible, terrible choice, especially given that the Dreamwave comics already tried that and failed miserably.

  47. I dunno what the show will be like but the design is very dissapointing :(
    Even the design of this fan animation is better
    And that makes me think...what will protoman look like?

  48. Well... I think they are using Mega Man as the title (like Mega Man ZX), not as the character name (like MM, MMX, MM.EXE, MM Volnutt and SFMM). It's not THE/A Mega Man we know, but a new one with a silly name that changes into Mega Man. I wonder if there will be others... "Mega Mini"? I think there will.

    The design isn't bad, but it's not good either. I think the main issue is color balance (too much dark blue and many lights) and too much neon (MANY LIGHTS). MegaMan.EXE uses more dark blue than others, but his design has a good color balance.
    And the name. (Rock'n Roll, Geo! Drop the Bass, Enker! Rush up the Beat, Dr. Hikari! Turn off those goddamm neon lights, Aki Light! Call Beck!)

    Good robot (and robotic) designs to use as example for a new Mega Man: Astroboy, Robotboy, Robocop, Cyborg (Teen Titans), Iron Man (90%+ of his armors), My Life as a Teenage Robot, Beck (Mighty No.9), Baymax (O. Big Hero), Eon's servants (Ben 10), ... And of course most Mega Mans, such as the ones in S.Smash Bros., Mega Man Megamix, and the Ruby-Spears cartoon.

    Bad examples: Bad Box Art MM, Captain N's Mega-Mega Man, Aki Light.

    1. Also of note is that this is only a concept. The final may be better. (I hope)

      Fan improvements:
      Mega Man Universe's Mega Man with normal eyes

      Looking the design in black and white in one of those images, it isn't bad, but those colors...

      Even the original Mega Man isn't all blue, he had some red and yellow in his buster, ears, and under his feet. At the very least give him green eyes (excluding a few sources, all but the original were green) so something besides the skin in his face isn't blue.
      And shutdown half of the LEDs to save energy! XP Hopefully it's not constant, only when he is fully charged for a charge shot or something.

  49. My initial reaction is cringe, but I'll give it a chance to change my mind.

  50. I honestly prefer that odd looking Tron styled like MegaMan from MegaMan Universe

  51. I don't feel like venting... So I'll just say this...

    I don't mind a redesign. That's fine. It's the colors that bother me. They don't scream Mega Man at all. Hell, even Geo Stelar as Mega Man had the colors that said "I'm Mega Man". Just pure dark blue all over is just... Too different.

  52. God, why? And I was hoping the new cartoon would be good. There's so much wrong with literally everything that's been revealed so far.

  53. Cmon what happened to the original Mega Man,because the picture I'm seeing right now is NOT MEGAMAN it's someone else.
    Even I didn't grow up in the year of Megaman for the NES I just know that the picture isn't Megaman it's really someone else.
    *Flame Hyena*

  54. Ugh, that design is horrible. It's like Tron meets that weird Tron-like Megaman design from Megaman Universe. They should have stuck with the original designs or even the redesign from Smash Bros.

  55. who ever liked Marvel's Avenger's Assemble and Ultimate Spider-Man might have high hopes because this is the same company. if you didn't like Marvel's Avenger's Assemble or Ultimate Spider-Man, then I'm sorry.

    1. See I liked Avenger's Assemble and Ultimate Spiderman. Why? Because the characters looked the way they should. Mega Man? Looking at the image, he doesn't look like Mega Man at all. Totally different. And it really gets me mad because I liked the other shows, yet this looks different.

  56. I don't mind the design, it could potentially look good. I'd certainly take brighter colors for sure, but...
    That art style. What IS that? If the show looks like that, we will be in for a nightmare-ish ride...

  57. It's the first time I want something related to Megaman to be cancelled...

  58. bad cartoon art Megaman?

  59. Wow, overwhelmingly negative reaction here. I don't really care for the design and the premise is pretty bare-bones... but that's all we've seen. A whopping 5% of what this series will actually be. So I'll wait and see.

  60. Super Fighting Reject......MEGATARD!

  61. Oh... my... goodness... that... is... not... Megaman... and
    a boy turns into a super robot fighter like Megaman XZ Advent? No... not... not this way! I'm...

    I'm... I'm sorry. This new Megaman cartoon and a whole of it are dead to me... even my part of being Megaman finally has died.

    RIP Megaman franchise. Good bye... and good riddance.

  62. Yeah, I'm not exactly liking the new design. It looks like some really bad fanart that a 13 year old posted on his DeviantArt account. Capcom should have learned from Sega's Sonic Boom fiasco and not allowed Mega Man to be redesigned in such a drastic manner. If they really, really wanted to do a redesign, they should have called the show "Mega Man Tron" or something so the art style would viewed as a characteristic of a new spinoff series. At any rate, I just hope that this art style doesn't make its way into the next Mega Man game. (Lulz, like anyone thinks there's going to be a new game anytime soon.) Seriously, I think that Capcom should sell off the Mega Man IP to someone who cares and focus more on their eSports ventures like Street Fighter V and Umbrella Corps.

  63. I honest to god want to see how some of you defend this. This is an honest abomination, the 90's cartoon was more accurate than this, and it had god damn lion people.

    1. For me, it's not so much defense as it is I want to see what they've got. When I was a kid, I actually loved the cartoon as ashamed as I am to say it now, but hey! I was a 90s kid! Power Rangers, Batman, Spider-Man, Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter were all comics/games with 90s toons! Some were fantastic and others........Well they had some hiccups. (Lol) With this, I certainly am suffering some culture shock with this change, BUT! There just might be some charm to it all. It may just become something for kids of this day and age.

      And who knows? Maybe they'll play to the nostalgia fans too down the line! Like crossover this strange Tron fella with our old favorites! Mega X did something of the sort, and while I know it wasn't our favorite rendition of the hunter we all love, it was a fun episode in its own right. Hopefully, though, Man of Action will see and acknowledge the yearning for days of long ago (Voltron Peter Cullen voice) and give the old schoolers a bit more of a nod. Never know!

    2. I was just thinking the same thing that the 90's show looks better then this crap.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. This is the tallest pile of excrement I've ever seen in my life.
    This is stratified layers of crap on top of crap on top of more crap.
    This is like Zack Snyder's Megaman, a veritable middle finger to anyone who gives half a lick about the franchise.

    I didn't expect great animation. Heck! These days I don't expect ANY animation in ANY cartoon. But this design ranks up with the worst pictures of Megaman you've ever seen in a GamePro Magazine, in a "How To Win At Video Games" book, in any bad box art, on any DeviantArt page... It's nightmarishly offensive.

    And, of course, he goes to school. Siphon the fun out of the concept of a robot superhero by making him go to study hall and the junior prom.

    I hate to say it, but this makes Sonic Boom look good. That's right, Sonic the Hedgehog, in the year 2016, has something over Megaman. And that's why this franchise should just die indefinitely before even more harm is done.

    1. The Sonic Boom TV show actually IS good though. One of the best kids shows on television right now.

    2. Not a huge fan, but he's right. It's a genuinely funny show.

  65. So, I typed out some feeling earlier on the infamous Capcom Unity post, but
    when I clicked to see new posts before I posted my own, the entirety of it was erased. What a great commenting system.In any case, I couldn't rewrite my feelings because work was beckoning. Now that I've had today's Mega Man news weigh in the back of my mind for 9+ hours, I feel I can better collect my words.

    To begin, when I first laid eyes on the art for Mega Man and read the story synoposis, I physically felt my mind being blown. I began to feel dizzy and a bit nauseated. It was that jarring. It begs the question: Who thought that any of it would be...good? Much less greenlit for production.

    I can say for certain that what we see here does NOT fall in line with the hopes Joe Kelly's recent Twitter posts lead me to have. "I can say that MOA looked at 30 years of source material in developing the series with our partners. We focused on the games and lore..." - It doesn't look or sound that way, whatsoever. He went on to say that "It's new" but come on, why deviate so far from the source material? What's so hard to stay true to what Mega Man is and was? And what's with this Mega-Mini nonsense coming out of his helmet? Asinine. Stupid.

    Considering the companies and personnel behind this production, I expected much more. In terms of storytelling AND visual quality. If the news wasn't initially posted on Capcom Unity, I would have assumed the art was some lacklustre DeviantArt upload. It looks like it could be some sort of Chinese knock-off toy or some Mega Man rip-off Flash game. At best some weird Tron cartoon. What a colossal disappointment. What's more is that Capcom will no doubt move forward with this and, god forbid, make this the IP's rebranding and disregard anything from its past. It's the easiest route to take, after all. We will surely get a hastily made video game that vaguely feels like a Mega Man title. Realistically though, we'll probably end up with a cash-in mobile game that will soon be forgotten. I can't wait.

    I just...can't fathom how this is what Mega Man has become now. How hard is it, truthfully, to make a quality show that's retains and strengthens the integrity of the source material? Take liberties, sure, but don't destroy the feel of the franchise. They say this will be a show for children and their parents. Obviously they don't know their fanbase as many parents/fans will probably lurch at the sight of this. If ANY new show of a classic property has made the right plays, it's the new TMNT series. Mega Man, however, doesn't seem like they had any lifelong fans in mind at all. As one of said fans witnessing the course of the property's life, the ups and all the downs, seeing this is more than a little depressing.

    To wrap this venting up, as if it ultimately matters, I for one have pretty much abandoned 95% of hope for this show and the series. I was genuinely excited to give this series a go. Sincerely eager to see a new age of children experience what many of us grew up with. This isn't it. I will bang my gavel after the Comicpalooza panel, but I think it's just going to pour salt in this fresh, deep wound. This is not Mega Man. This is a downright shame.

  66. "Yo Aki Light he was just 13, when-" Oh wait thats Danny Phantom, which is the vibe I'm getting from this, Danny Phantom meets Teenage Robot using the art style seen in Disney Channel's Preschooler shows. How is Wily going to be incorporated? How are the other characters going to be? In before Wily alter ego of Bass is a hoodie wearing mysterious new student to his class later into season 1 and his awesome older brother who is really Proto Man saves him and helps him learn about his powers A-la Tuxedo Mask style.

    1. I'm calling it now:
      -Wily will be Aki's teacher or school director and he doesn't know he is Mega Man. Aki later learns Wily is the leader of a criminal organization and uses a battle armor he calls "The Fortissimo Bass".
      -Proto Man is also in Wily's organization ("The Nebular Wide World of Wily"?), but is a double agent and helps Aki a la Racer X.
      -Roll and Kalinka are Aki's classmates and love interests (love triangle).
      -His battle rivals are Zero X (later becomes ally), Colonel (just following orders), and Sigma (at first a soldier, later goes rouge).
      -His love rivals are Juno Dark (a robot who also has Mega Man powers), and Geo Boltnut (a human).
      -Rush is a cyborg dog that can talk. Aki rescued him from one of Wily's labs.
      -Beat and Eddie are one single character, a flying camera box.
      -Light and Auto are a single character, being a happazard doctor resembling the abridged Barrell Caskett.

    2. I actually want 90%of this as a thing.

  67. Monsuno..... Need I say more?

  68. this the new monster of Ben10?

  69. Everything about this is horrible, no suprise there.
    If they just made it like those archie comics with the story element of rock goign to school that would have been great and the same artstyle. No one wo gets paid seems to know anything of what fans really want with megaman.

  70. This looks like utter trash ill say that now. This isnt the megaman/rockman i grew up with this is some other thing that doesnt deserve the name megaman.

    I really hope this fails as the franchise doesnt need its name sullied with this terrible attempt at getting an audience.
    Im not sure what they thought while they made this but surely they have never touched a megaman nor have they ever talked to fans of the series.

    Supposedly will bring in long time fans but this isnt what we want, we want something that is megaman and not named AKI or some crap like that.

    This IS NOT megaman

  71. It's an American adaptation of a Japanese IP of course it's going to suck. Why are people surprised?
    And to the creators of this abomination to quote Taylor(POTA): "You bloody bastards!" -presses button that activates The Alpha Omega Bomb causing the Earth to blow up-.

  72. If only I had the money to buy the rights to Mega Man.THEN he would get the love he deserves...

  73. The fact that people actually get paid to churn out work this bad makes me cry.

  74. His design is not really bad, the problem is just the artsyle.
    Still, some people are really overreacting far too much with this.
    It is just ONE picture and a short summary that doesn't reveal much, hardly enough to pass a good judgement on the new show. I'll wait and see if it is good. Man of Action did make some good shows, so there is that.

    Also, people need to understand this show is mostly targeting really young kids, not adults nor teenagers. The school setting isn't something new to the franchise and it was already said to be the angle they were going for. Speaking of which, people should chill out already about this. At this point I'm honestly more tired about people angryness with Megaman than Capcom's mismanagement of it. If you don't like what you're seeing in this show then just don't watch the show when it comes out, no one is forcing you to watch it. If the show ends up being bad then there is no big loss because this show will be just a small thing in the bigger picture of the gigantic Megaman franchise, but let us give this new attempt on bringing Megaman back a chance at showing some positive result, at least. There is a lot to win and little to lose. Megaman needs any new young fans it can get.

    1. I don't give a damn about this pathetic attempt at a show made for a "new generation".

      What I care about are two things, one is the fact that this might replace the Mega man I like because that is the atmosphere surrounding it, and the idea behind it. Two is the fact that its devs act like it is honoring establishments of the series.

      Why is Mega Mini not a mechanical insect or something to go along with the theme of Mega Man being helped by assist robot animals? Because they don't know the theme or don't care to play off that theme that's why. The show just uses generic kids cartoon tropes based on the ruff idea of a robot boy and parts Mega Man's basic character design (luckily).

      What will it take for people to say No dammit NO! If they wanted to make something completely different than Mega Man outside of the bare minimum of a few concepts, than why not call it Mega Man Neo the "awesome" hip Mega Man spinoff or something like that, or better yet a completely original series. Anything else is just a cash grab and muddying the name of a perfectly well established and beloved series.

  75. A robot that has to go to school. Right. Not like he can be programmed or just download new information. This is like that episode of the Ruby Spears cartoon Campus Commandos, the series. Not even aired and there's already a plot hole.

    On a positive note, the design isn't too bad imo.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I don't have a good feeling about this...

  79. I take it that parents who grew up with the games are not going to let their kids watch it because it wasn't what they grew up with. Bet the kids will love it. It's being made with them mostly in mind.

    1. Kids who don't know any better will no doubt eat up the sh!t sandwich. However with all the recent merch, and Smash Bros, and Legacy Collection, chances are a great deal of them will go, "Wait...that isn't Mega Man? Why does he look so weird? etc etc"

      It just amazes me so vastly how MoA can think this is okay. A suitable successor to the Mega Man name. Much less Capcom and Dentsu Entertainment approving of it.

    2. The problem here is that people here don't understand that this was being made MoA. The guys behind very child-oriented show Ben 10 and Ultimate Spider-man. What the heck did you thought is was going to be like?

      In the end, this is going to be no different than with Battle Network, a lot of people losing their shit about the departure from the classic series, but (if proving to be good) the younger crowd would like it and grow interested in the other Megaman titles.

      One piece of concept art is not a good way to judge a 25 episode show.

  80. I like the new mega buster, but I'm not a fan of the armor. It would probably look better in a different style, as it looks very similar to that one Megaman X figure that released a bit ago. One thing I would love to see is characters like Bass or Duo appearing, as they haven't had any chance in the limelight for a good decade or so.

  81. discount max steel

    1. Max Steel's reboot looks MUCH better than this. lol Very discounted.

      Max's shares the same voice actor for MegaMan.EXE in NT Warrior, fun fact.

  82. Man this proves those guys have no freaking clue and did not do any research on the Megaman franchise, Man someone please post a link of the creators website, this atrocity needs to be stopped, lets make our voice heard!!!

  83. Welp, I expected Ben 10. That's exactly what it looks like.

    1. At least one person here has some common sense.


  85. I was cautiously optimistic with the original announcement...but this just comes off as trying way too hard to be hip and contemporary. The worst part is, if it does poorly, it'll just be another reason that Capcom will use to not invest in the Megaman franchise.

  86. Frankly I'm excited at seeing that we're getting a Mega Man cartoon next year. I work full-time and have to worry about car payments, so I miss the days when I used to just get up early every Saturday morning to watch some fun action cartoons. As much as people love to shit on the Ruby Spears cartoon, it was still exciting to watch as a kid, and that's what I want: excitement.

    I couldn't give two shits about Man of Action or the other cartoons they've made. Big shit. I never watched Ben 10, so that's ancient history for me.

  87. Man, I really don't know about this. I mean at the risk of sounding like the people that trashed the EXE series back when that was a new thing, I still must admit... I don't understand this.

    What's the underlying new meaningful theme that this potential new series could have? The Classic timeline went into how robotics could change the world. The Battle Network timeline focused on the risks of an evolving internet.

    But this is basically looking like something Classic already did, but just with a new coat of paint (that is stylized in a way that is almost insulting to the intelligence of today's youth). If it's really just something new for the sake of being new, I don't see this taking off.

  88. i'm going to say something surprising but...i'm not as pesimistic as everyone else here.
    Sure i was, like everyone else, i was like "why the heck you did'nt continue MMZX?!" and all. But the i step back, tried to know the why and what, thinked trough. A few years ago, Capcom was in troublesome financial situation. they where like 15 millions left before bankrupt (you'll think that's a lot, but that's very low for a big name video game company). So doing more megaman games was'nt a priority and they focused on more mainstream game like street fighter, because sure, megaman is emblematic, but i'll not call it mainstream either, ask your neighbor about Mega he'll probably say "he is a video game character, right?" without knowing more, that's not like mario or pokemon. So i was saying, capcom focused on more best-selling games, and crossovers games like project X Zone and all the capcom vs[insert whatever here].
    Now notice that they managed to put a megaman character in all theses crossover games (most often X), they even had megaman be in nintendo Smash Bross, which as for today is the most mainstream game to have starred a megaman character. And they vetoed a megaman cartoon, this one.
    Sure, one the perspective of already megaman fans like us, the cartoon is going to suck, but what's important is that all the kid watching a tv show by Man of action (quite famous for being creators of ben10), probably aired in cartoon network or a other big channel, will know about the existence of Megaman! Just ask a kid now if he know who is megaman, a random average kid, not you little brother who knowe verything about megaman because you had him play all the game, he will at best say "that's a video game character, right? or "that's a character from Smash bross!" and at worst "i have no idea what it is". Now, with that show the name megaman is going to again sound familliar to everyone. Sure they will have a wrong idea of it because the cartoon in itself not the best thing that happened to megaman, but that's a other story, and at least they will be able to say "yes, megaman is the blue kid robot with a buster on is arm and a helmet he was created by dr light", all you'll have to do is to correct them when they'll say that is name is Aki.
    And, maybe, maybe one day, when the name will be know enough to ensure good sales, a new game will come out. for now, they're just working on giving the name some exposure.


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