- Noise Kaizou Gear (SF3's equivalent to Wave Command Cards.)
- Rezon cards (Purpose cards)
- Secret Satellite Server (details)
- Meteor Server Levels (details)
Strangely, most of these features can be brought back via hacking, leading some to believe that they weren't removed per se, rather, "locked." If that is the case, then said features might become "unlocked" through downloadable activation keys.
If you happen to notice anything else absent from localized copies, speak up in the comments.
it's a lot more this time...
ReplyDeletethat's unusually unfair.
Well, seems like I won't be getting this now until we've confirmed that it can be used later and become unlocked.
ReplyDeleteWay to screw up big Capcom.
Well now that I look at it, I say good riddance. Those seemed like the features power-greedy players liked to abuse the most. At least WiFi will be a little more leveled now that there won't be idiots with "+1000 HP plus all abilities for free + whatever they want" crap
ReplyDeleteMega Rock, I'd rather have it to be able to enjoy all the features. Removing all this stuff is un-needed, and all I see is you whining about a majority of the players out there who are probably little kids thinking cheating is the best thing ever.
ReplyDeleteWell considering it is a kids game, that is not unexpected. Practically everyone online cheated with those cards.
ReplyDeleteStill lame to take them out, and the others. Hoping it is unlockable.
I doubt Rogue ZZ is removed since on the Bonus area on the Starforce 3 part of the Megaman website it has in big letters "ROGUE ZZ" then below it it says coming soon.
ReplyDeleteSo Rogue ZZ isn't removed..... there is just a different way yo access him I would assume.
I found fun to be missing.
I can live with the following being removed, Secret Satellite Server, Meteor Server, and Rouge ZZ (He sucked anyways.)
ReplyDeleteBut removing the Noise Kaizou Gear, and Rezon cards is a very stupid thing. Thats what made Wifi battles more better since the battles actually are longer than SF2. NKG made certain it possible to last longer in battle. and Rezon cards were like a chance to come back when losing a battle.
The Noise Cards are not cheating...they are legitimately in the game, lets remember that.
ReplyDeleteThey're unlocked over special events by Capcom, it seems.
ReplyDeleteIt's impossible to remove Noise Kaizou Gear completely without breaking something. Ditto with Rezon cards.
SSS and MS can't be removed without breaking gameplay, and Rogue ZZ has never appeared in the games without some sort of event.
They're locked, trust me.
How can we unlock them..?
DeleteLol, I don't know why so many people don't know about this but in the japanese version, you could FILTER NKG users on wifi so you wouldn't run into them when you wanted to do a wave battle while searching for an opponent. COA could of done exactly the same thing with the NA version but they decided to mess with so many things. And why remove the SSS from the game? That was one of the most interesting things built into the game, made it very fun actually. Nevertheless, AR codes have been created to let you activate NKG that still works.
ReplyDeleteDang, that sucks. I've never played the Japanese version so these removed contents aren't an issue for me.
ReplyDeleteThough the Star Force 3 page in Gamestop says something about downloadable content, so something tells me these will be unlocked via DLC.
You know what i was just thinking this is kinda like bn3 do you guy's remember how to get further in the game after you got the first five stars you had to enter button code how much you wanna bet its going to be like this where you have to enter button codes or something like that.
ReplyDeleteThat's why Capcom of USA sucks! Japan of Capcom rocks. I am sick and tired of Capcom of USA remove something from JAPAN version. Capcom of USA, please shut down and let Japan of Capcom take it over for USA! Then they will not be remove anymore. It will be awesome!
ReplyDeletePlease keep it to yourself and let us speak our opinion, alright ? Jeez!
Chances are, Rogue ZZ isn't removed because all you need is a brother in your team.
ReplyDeletehow strange i got a friend on youtube who i saw using the secret satellite server
ReplyDeleteSee, the problem with complaining about "balance" in games like this is that balance is infinitely more important in Player vs. Player scenarios. Some of us just want to play through the story mode and pwn face in the most broken way possible.
ReplyDeleteBesides, I can't imagine that they're going to completely block all access to those features forever; didn't the official website have a couple of cards you could download for the touch screen feature?
Anyone else feel like punching Capcom in the face when a new Mega Man comes out? They always pull this crap on us. "Hey let's remove this stuff! It's so unneccessary, and we're to lazy to fully translate and complete all the content in the game! Lulz!" I hate you Capcom, so very much. >_> Sorry if I appear like I'm whining guys.
ReplyDeleteWe all know the unneccessary stuff they took out in Battle Network 6, Star Force 1 (can't remember if they did anything with Star Force 2), Mega Man ZX, and other games that aren't coming to mind right now. However, removing the "wave cards" doesn't bother me much. I didn't use them that much anyway, except when I couldn't beat a boss in Star Force 2. But removing an extra hard boss DOES annoy me... -_-
Still,it's ridiculous what they did. Did CoA never cannot just translate the game but always must remove something from it? TBH, we have one great lesson from CoA: We should learn Japanese, play orginal games and stop buying CoA's shit.
ReplyDeleteSo protodue, can you please post the codes to restore all these features? Or is it speculation/secret?
ReplyDeleteRemoval of the NKG is just too much... Now I'm not so sure I want to get it. I don't know why or how they would make that download-able or something. Normally I don't care about content removal, but this is just... too much.
ReplyDeleteAHHHHhhhHhhH! The "Megaman, transcode" voice acting is so awful! >_< I'd rather not have it at all!
ReplyDeleteAnd the reintroduction to everything is so cheesy and forced... bleh.
Wasn't one of the complaints about SF2 was the fact online battles where simply who was using the better wave command cards?Through it would have been better if they simply had them disabled online.
ReplyDeleteSorry for asking and some might think i'm dumb but i can't get the White cards from the official MMSF3 site working.I printed em out but i dunno the input order!!How can i get it?Or idduno what's the problem
ReplyDeleteUm...the Meteor Server is the Server you can use when you use the Finalized Noises, correct? If it is...then it IS still in the game.
ReplyDeletehey there
ReplyDeleteI think it will be DLC to download from nintedo wi-fi system
check this page
• Downloadable content extends the game available after launch
^ see ..
ReplyDeleteI do not have the codes, they'll most likely pop up on GameFaqs.
Look at this link :
There is a Rogue ZZ. The site mentions the Rogue ZZ Crush Star.
And I think I read something about Rezon cards on the site, too.
Look here we might get an answer later but it answers some questions.
Um, why the hell is everyone I fight on wi-fi ready to finalize as soon as the battle start? Is this a joke, cuz if it is, it's not funny!