"For the moment, no plans for a Western release."
And just like that, an English release of OSS is swiftly denied. While it's by no means a dead end (plans do change here and there), it's still unfortunate.
What can you do about this? Well, there's always Capcom's new suggestion box, wherein you could kindly request OSS to be released and translated outside of Japan, or you could wait patiently for an inevitable fan-translation patch to surface, which I'm sure isn't too far off...
Many thanks to Jimb0 for the heads up!
ReplyDeleteWho cares. No one wants a shitty port that CoJ falsely advertised as something different.
ReplyDelete"For the moment"..... i wonder if that is there nice way of saying "maybe some day" or "no way"?
ReplyDeleteOh well, can't say I'm sad over it, it was after all just a simple rerelease with a few poor extras.
ReplyDeleteGreat... I missed out on BN5DS and its so rare now that I can't even find it and now this news of OSS not making an english release.
ReplyDeleteI guess I won't be getting my DS Battle Network fix that I have been craving for so long...
Doesn't bother me one bit. I don't exactly care for a port of a game that never interested me in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThat's a shame. I wish they would the first one was the one i've never played in the series.
ReplyDeleteGee what a disappointment. We won't get a port of MegaMan Battle Network 1 on the DS with next to no new features. What a loss. There's a reason Capcom hasn't bothered with plans bringing it stateside. It wouldn't sell.
ReplyDeleteIt's a "port with extras" which is what they called it. The only people who thought it was going to be a remake are the idiots that make up 90% of the Megaman Fanbase.
Hmmm, nah. Not really interested. Let me know when Capcom makes a REAL EXE/SSR crossover.
ReplyDeleteThat's genuinely surprising. I hate to say I'm a little disappointed, since it really was a sad excuse for a remake, but it would have been nice to play EXE1 with a (hopefully) new localization. Oh well... I can't say I blame them... =/
ReplyDeleteThey should've just made a ''collection'' for DS. Just like they're doing with Zero now. I'm sure everyone'd be a lot more positive about it then. Now it's kinda too late, I mean, they'd either have to take EXEOSS out of production and add it onto the card with the collection, or they have to exclude exe1 from the collection and cut the price on exeoss (which I think already happened). But then you'd still have 2 DS cards, so.. Meh. They kinda messed it up for themselves.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'll have to agree with anon#2. The whole game is an overhyped re-release.
ReplyDeleteYeah guys lets try and get a game that was already released here back on shelves!
ReplyDeleteReally their is no difference between the original and the "port" except for the systems they are on, one chapter difference, and mini game thing.
I'm with Anon #2, the game isn't THAT great and I don't really think they should've bothered with it.
ReplyDeleteCapcom US isn't going to bother with it too knowing that if it flopped in Japan where this series is most popular chances are it'll do the same (or worse) in NA, they see people seem to be more interested in the platforming MegaMan again, most likely why they're asking about the MMZ Collection over at their blog/forums
Dunno why this was so hyped. This is only good for those who don't had MMBN1, as GBA games work in the DS and there wasn't much new stuff. BN1 isn't the best of the series anyway, as later games improved a lot of things, like map designs (BN1 is a maze), more chips and PAs, and new features (Style Change, Soul Unison, ...).
ReplyDeleteCapcom should release a MegaMan Battle Network Collection for DS and the 3 consoles. The consoles with BN1-6 and spin-offs, and the DS version can fit the first 3 games (all with OSS extras like maps, and other extras would also be good, like a virus database, chips exclusive to one game can be used in other by trading between them (MagicMan in BN3, AirMan in BN1, ...), and if BN2 or 3 are started after completing their previous game, the player can choose to start the game will all chips from the previous version and skip the tutorial).
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking the swift trip this game took to the Japanese bargain bins has something to do with this (wise) decision.
ReplyDeleteNo more crap over here!!
Thw lost content in the games.... The cansulation of legends and zx... The japaniese exclusive games like 5 island adventure... NOW THIS!? WHY CAPCOM!?
ReplyDelete"For the moment" means the same thing here that it did for Tatsunoko VS. Capcom. Unfortunately, I do not see there being any kind of fan demand for OSS like the kind that resulted in TvC being localized.
ReplyDeletewow great news !
ReplyDeleteI still believe it'll come over here. Hell, DSiWare anyone?
ReplyDeleteHmm... not surprising...
ReplyDeleteI'm actually a little happy about this news. Being a bit of a collector, I feel obligated to buy whatever comes out here. The Star Force series really annoyed me for just that reason, and I chose only to buy Dragon for the first installment (I got both versions 2 and 3 since I have a brother willing to play the other).
ReplyDeleteIf anything, maybe the mini game will come out on DSiWare. I still haven't spent those free 1000 pts...
How about instead, we use the suggestion box to demand a GOOD new EXE game. And of course MML3 while we're at it.
ReplyDeleteEven if I don't care much, I'm sick of companies not releasing things outside of Japan, so this disappoints me.
ReplyDeleteNo. I'd rather have OSS.
I really don't care, to be perfectly honest. I'm not going through the first Battle Network all over gain just for one small chapter for Star Force. If they ported it, they would most likely lose more money than they'd gain.
ReplyDeleteOh man..I was really looking forward to that game. Oh well, maybe we'll get the game SOMEDAY or maybe an old exe game with ds feature...battle network 6 anyone?
ReplyDeleteUm... the link to the Capcom suggestion box doesn't work.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know of the working link to the suggestion box?
Fixed. The link should work now.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, thank you Protodude for fixing the link. ^^
ReplyDeleteSecond, I made a suggestion for the suggestion box... "Release Rockman OSS in English... But Make it Worth It!", under the username of Tachi.
Since... let's face it, more or less 80% of us aren't even interested in buying OSS unless it's actually going to be different from the original Battle Network. (More sidequests, maybe more extras, etc.)
So, yeah, for those of you who actually want to see OSS out in English, feel free to vote on my suggestion... since even I would like to see extras in the OSS English release. ^_^
I expected this after the game's reception in Japan. I can't say I'm too disappointed. Capcom denied us a true remake, after all. I've already played BN1; I'm not dying to play on a different console. All I hope is this doesn't mean they'll give up on un-cancelling Battle Network, since that's mostly like what they're trying to do.
ReplyDeleteIt would be a great feature if OSS had bonuses for EXE games in the GBA slot. For instance, if you have BN1 in the GBA port, all Chips you current have will be available in OSS, with BN2 you max HP increase by 500 (only works once to avoid overpower), BN3 gives more power to the buster, and so on...
ReplyDeleteI hate that for all the Battle Network fans. I don't personally like the games but that doesn't mean others shouldn't get it that want it. I'm surprised really, it's such a cheap investment, almost no developement cost. That's just kind of lazy really. I hope this example of games do bad in Japan = no western release doesn't continue.
ReplyDeleteIt's cool, I already have Battle Network. As for Star Star Maggermans, I already played Starforce 1, & I'm good on that.
ReplyDeleteNO WAY!! WE WANT OPERATE SHOOTING STAR!! Watch video in youtube about it. It was very interesting to watch. Looks like I need create new site for OSS, just like X9.
ReplyDeleteNot long time ago I spotted an OSS box in a game kiosk in a supermarket in Malaysia. I don't know though if they actually sell the game.
ReplyDeleteI wish OSS will going sell in world!!
ReplyDeletejapenese are greedy people first megamn 4.5 then jump ultimate stars
ReplyDeleteNo. No. NO NO NO NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
I MUST know what happens!! It's too cool to ignore!!!
SON of A ***** *** ****** ***** ** **** **** **** *** mother** *** ****....: (
CAPCOM, RELEASE IN AMERICA, If you do, I BUY it, I'll Buy Twelve!
Well- I'm glad to see I'm not the only one upset about this. Even though many don't care for the remake or its little part with MMSF in it- Still- It was a really cool game I was waiting for back in August 2009- knowing back then it would come out in summer time... Now after hearing, seeing, been to many sites trying to find a release date-- Capcom played a really nasty joke on all of us... (The worst part now are all the trailers that the game left behind)
ReplyDeleteWhat a J o k e...
Thx for letting me comment on PRC...
If capcom isn't gonna release it in the US/EUR then I'd very much like to see a translation of it. Better than nothing. I thought StarFarce was bull. EXE ftw
ReplyDeletehow do you know ? ......
ReplyDeleteRead the post. Capcom's VP of strategic planning said there are no plans to bring OSS stateside.
ReplyDeleteWell actually... If we study Japanese, we would know how to entertain Japanese language game interesting. As for me, I would like to play Japanese game, but not "English version of Japanese Game".
ReplyDeleteif you played BN 1 before, that means if you buy OSS (if it was released in the US) its like your buying the same game again