"Did Zero really "kill" the family between the events of the Classic Mega Man and X series? "
KI: "No, Zero did not kill them. According to the way I created him, Zero is not such a person--it is not in his profile."
Music to my ears! He finally came out and deconfirmed the theory, ending years and years of speculation.
In related news, here's the other questions Inafune answered:
2) Any plan to create more games for the Mega Man X series? What about Rockman Dash/Mega Man Legends?
KI: I would love to do more games in the Mega Man Legends and X series, but the business of these games must be considered. Passion and creativity are great, but the reality is that they must be balanced with profitability.
In the case of Mega Man 9, the chance to create it as a downloadable title made this great idea a financial possibility and we did it. We must always search for ways to minimize our risks while also creating great games.
3) What's your favorite hobby when you aren't making games?
KI: I work a lot but in my spare time I enjoy photography, going to the movies, and basically anything unrelated to work. Beyond being enjoyable for their own sake, these hobbies also give me new ideas for games. For instance, the photography mechanic in Dead Rising came from my personal fondness for taking interesting pictures.
4) What was the inspiration for Sigma?
KI: Some people think he might have been inspired by Sagat from Street Fighter because of his look, but that's not actually the case. Sigma and Zero basically represent the idea that nothing is absolute. Sigma was a powerful leader of the Maverick Hunters but after Zero passed the virus to him, his allegiance changed. Circumstances can change anything, and nothing is absolute.
5) Have you ever considered a Rockman fighting game? What about other genres of Mega Man games like shooters or MMOs, or RTS?
KI: I have always considered Mega Man as I conceived it to be basically an action game, so I have not personally thought a lot about other genres of Mega Man games.
6) What happened to Dr. Wily in Rockman X series? Are Dr. Wily and Dr. Weil the same person? Were they ever supposed to be?
KI: A large amount of time has passed between the classic series and Mega Man X. Dr. Wily had died in the interim but was brought back by the virus. Dr. Wily and Weil are not the same person. It is ironic though, because Dr. Wily created Zero, and Dr. Weil used Zero, but ultimately it was a copy of Zero's original body with a different mind that defeated him.
7) Do you think we'll ever see Mega Man in a Smash Brothers game?
KI: That is probably a question better suited for Nintendo than for Capcom. If they were to ask, I see no reason to say no. We'll see what happens.
8) Would you consider making a two-player coop Mega Man game for consoles?
KI: I think this is quite difficult--even close to impossible with the current style of Mega Man. With a different style of game, I think this could be possible.
9) If there are more MM games, is there any chance you will revive the Robot Master community contest where people submit their own Robot Master designs?
KI: If Mega Man 9 becomes a big success and we were to make Mega Man 10, I think our activities with and connectedness to the fans through the internet mean we could certainly bring back this contest.
10) What does your office look like?
KI: Actually it is almost completely decorated by the creations of fans. It is stuffed with drawings, paintings, toys, and every other kind of creation that people have given me over the years.
ReplyDeleteThanks Inafune... man, this... this is just too beatiful!!
"Dr. Wily had died in the interim but was brought back by the virus."
^I find this very interesting. But it still leaves a lot of questions about Sagesse/Isoc/X5 unanswered...
ReplyDelete"9) If there are more MM games, is there any chance you will revive the Robot Master community contest where people submit their own Robot Master designs?
ReplyDeleteKI: If Mega Man 9 becomes a big success and we were to make Mega Man 10, I think our activities with and connectedness to the fans through the internet mean we could certainly bring back this contest."
Hell YES! Im definitely Entering.
"Sigma was a powerful leader of the Maverick Hunters but after Zero passed the virus to him, his allegiance changed."
ReplyDeleteI've always believed that was the case with the virus, but ever since I bought the Mega Man Zero Complete Works and read it, theres a little article about the Sigma Virus and it says that it originated in a circuit Dr. Light installed into X, which threw me for a loop. So which is it? Did Wily create it or is it faulty programming? Sigh.....I should of asked that.
ReplyDelete...crap, my questions weren't answered. But at least we know where Sigma came from and what happened to Wily.
lol I hope everyone STFU about cataclysm now.
ReplyDeleteThere is probably still going to be some fantards that will try to ignore or disprove Keji Inafune's answer and still think that Zero killed Rock and his friends. Even though Inafune is the father of the Mega Man franchise.
ReplyDeleteOh, for God's sake... Why the people made so many stupid and irrelevant questions!? >_>
ReplyDeleteThat pix is made of epic win, and so is the interview.
ReplyDeleteTobes> Read again; they label that section as a sort of "what if" of ideas they were considering when writing the Mega Man Zero games. It doesn't necessarily discount them as impossible, but they aren't confirmed, either.
ReplyDelete--LBD "Nytetrayn"
Ah, yeah, I just re-read the section and it does say that the information might not be canonical in brackets.
ReplyDeleteThanks for informing me about that.
I wish someone would have asked if the MM classic series and X series are directly connected. So far nothing has been presented to make me thing that the two are part of the same story-line.
ReplyDeleteWell, guys, if we want a Mega Man 10, we gotta convince everyone to download Mega Man 9 once its out.
ReplyDeleteThere were only 2 or 3 good questions in there. Who decided which ones were the best? >.< Was it me, or did it focus on X a bunch?
ReplyDeleteSo in other words our chances of getting an X game are pretty slim. Not as hopelessly slim as our chances of getting another ZX game are (see: not a fricking chance), but still pretty slim.
ReplyDeleteThe X series doesn't have the same nostalgia power as the classic series, so they can't pull the same thing with it and make a cheap game.
That's a pity. It really, really is.
Thanks for gimping the MMX Collection for us, Inafune.
"A large amount of time has passed between the classic series and Mega Man X".
ReplyDeleteCome on, the classic MM occurs at 200X and MMX at 21XX. It's been ~100 years. Yaya, it's "a large amount of time", but kind useless answer. It's the same of saying "a large amount of time has passed between the dinosaurs and the human race" trying to explain the big reptiles' death. Got it?
FINALLY!!!!! Hopefully this means no more Cataclysm Theory after seeing this.
ReplyDelete"Did Zero really "kill" the family between the events of the Classic Mega Man and X series? "
ReplyDeleteKI: "No, Zero did not kill them. According to the way I created him, Zero is not such a person--it is not in his profile."
Ah! You are teasing us! You say that Zero didn't kill Mega Man in the classic series, but that doesn't mean that Zero didn't have anything to do with his downfall! If you have played Mega Man X4, you would remember that Dr. Wily did create Zero, and he is the original carrier of the Maverick Virus.
I believe that in the events of Mega Man's final adventure, Dr. Wily must have created 8 new robot masters, and MM kills them all. MM goes to the entrance of Wily's fortress, and finds a distressed Wily being held by the neck by a maverick Zero. Dr. Wily explains that he activated Zero as a final resort, and that Zero has turned against him. He begs for Mega Man's help, but Zero kills him. Knowing that Zero is still hostile, Mega Man fires a fully charged Mega Buster shot at Zero, but Zero brushes it away like it was a fly. Zero rules out Mega Man as threat, and retreats to the final room of the fortress, thinking that all the enemies and traps inside would be enough to kill Mega Man. Mega Man ventures on ward, and just before he faces Zero again, he encounters Bass. Bass is determined to destroy Mega Man before Zero does. Mega Man pleads Bass to work with him, but Bass refuses and the two fight. Mega Man manages to kill Bass, says goodbye, and copies his weapon. I know what your thinking. "But Bass and Mega Man both have blasters as their weapons. How is copying Bass's weapon going to help Mega Man?" By copying Bass's weapon, he magnifies the power of his own weapon by ten fold, just enough power to actually damage Zero.
Mega Man reaches Zero, and the two engage in battle. With his new found power, Mega Man barley manages to win. However, the Maverick Virus is passed on to Mega Man, and as a result he turns...Maverick. He goes on a destructive rampage, killing Dr. Light, Auto, Roll, all of Dr. Light's robots and hundreds of thousands of people in the process. All hope seems lost, until Proto Man decides to step in. Knowing that there is no way that Mega Man could be cured of the virus, Proto Man engages him in battle. Proto Man wins, and leaves Mega Man's body in the very rubble that he created. Just as Proto Man leaves however, Mega Man's body is taken by...Dr.Wily. I know, Zero killed him, but the Dr. Wily that takes MM's body is actually from the past, who came to the present time through his "Time Skimmer." He takes MM's body back to the past, modifies it, and from there, Mega Man becomes the villain known as Quint. And we all know what happens to Quint.
"No, Zero did not kill them. According to the way I created him, Zero is not such a person--it is not in his profile."
ReplyDeleteGood. All the less reason for there to be a bridge gap to end the Classic series.