Rockman EXE Vs. Operate Shooting Star, depicts a heated battle between Rockman.EXE and Shooting Star Rockman. RockEXE's operator, Raito Amino, is determined to become a strong Net Battler after having lost a battle with his friend.
On his quest to become stronger, Raito comes across an elder Net Battler who criticizes Raito's fighting style, noting his lack of strategy as his one true weakness. Challenging him to a duel, Raito finds himself pitted against Shooting Star Rockman. The bout comes to an end when SSR is defeated. The end.
It's a simple story, one that may or may not continue in the following issue due to it being touted as a "one-shot." Still, there's definitely room for more stories.
A few more scans of the issue available at Tarbosan's blog.
Ok, weird. An alternate timeline? A hint at a new game? Useless drivel that the artist took a lot of liberty with? I don't know what to take out of this.
ReplyDeleteCall me jaded, but I hope it stays a one-shot. This looks like the same old genre story, art and all, that's been done to death already.
ReplyDeleteIf it were actually about Netto's son, that would have been so much more interesting... oh well.
Rockman VS should be the name of whatever that Scramble Battle idea was for the Wii.
ReplyDeleteRaito doesn't want to people to judge him by his father's standards and chooses a different family name so they can judge him by his standards??? It's possible.
ReplyDeleteWhat worries me is how it doesn't sound like a real "overcoming yourself" story.
ReplyDeleteFrom an unread perspective, it merely sounds like S.S.Rockman is weaker than .EXE, who is weaker than the Random Friend's Navi.
Wheee~ common sense~
Whoa, hold up. A net battler who uses SS Rockman? How bizarre can this get?
ReplyDeleteI should be able to pick it up when I get MegaMix this weekend.
ReplyDeleteI bet Geo would love to spend the rest of his life as a navi. Yeah. Okay.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, glad for new stuff as always, but I wish it'd been about Lan's son at least. Hopefully it doesn't go too far, we take our crappy port and ridiculous one-shot comic, enjoy what we can, and maybe they'll get it right next round.
ookay this was actually....pretty disappointing. well I hope I could still get the chance to read it somehow
ReplyDeleteWell I haven't played OSS as of yet being limited to English. Was Copyman.EXE involved?
ReplyDelete1) Why the hell is Subaru a NetNavi now?
ReplyDelete2) You're telling me he honestly lost to an inferior "program"? They really need better scripts.
Poor EXE. How many more milkings are they trying to get from this cow?
ReplyDeleteSorry for being late.....but this is a stupid manga
ReplyDeleteDid you read it? No? Shut up.