Coming from Lupinko's Twitter...
"Everybody will love the yellow dude's style, but blue boy will cause lots of lols or lots of rage, wait and see! Excelsior!"
Street Fighter X Tekken is no stranger to guest characters, what with Cole (inFamous) Toro and Kuro (Sony cats) fleshing out the roster. Mega Man and Pac-Man, Capcom/Namco's respective mascots, seem like a fitting addition to an already diverse cast.
Compensation for Mega Man's MVC3 no-show? Hopefully. Lupinko has been spot on for the most part, so there's definitely some credence. And don't forget that ending bit from the game's announcement trailer. Suffice to say, that does support the rumor.
Better ready those grains of salt just in case.
Source: @Lupinko (Thanks, Clown Prince of Crime!)
TBH, I'm not really sure if I want to see Mega Man in SFxT, but before anyone points out that MM fans are hypocrites, I will say that I'll at least appreciate his presence. Just not nearly as much as him being in MvC3...because y'know, isn't it supposed to be Street Fighter x Tekken? A few guess stars are okay like Soul Calibur, but this might be a bit much...
ReplyDeletePossibly a system/portable exclusive to not make him tournament-viable? We'll see if this rumor even holds water, it may end up just being a costume or stage...
Well, despite his reputation as a troll, I actually respect Ono more than Niitsuma, whom I consider a real troll. I actually wouldn't be surprised if this ended up being true, and Ono has said before that he's a big fan of the blue bomber.
ReplyDeleteREALLY hope this is true. The first Street Fighter X Tekken commercial ended with a cool sequence of Mega Man and Pac-Man (both of their pixelized sprite forms). Seeing Mega Man and Pac-Man fight would be great!
ReplyDeleteThis would be awesome; the first Street Fighter X Tekken trailer ended with that short but cool sequence of Pac-Man and Mega Man in their sprite forms. Really hoping it's true!
ReplyDeleteStan Lee? O__O
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing a fake leaked screenshot of SFxT that had Megaman & Pac-Man on it. Even though the idea seemed ridiculous to me, I knew that it wasn't too off-base because we already got Cole, Turo, & Kuro. Given Lupinko's flawless record of predicted leaks, this makes for an interesting scenario.
ReplyDeleteOnly thing more interesting than Megaman being in it is Pac-Man. While on the surface he doesn't have many moves, he did have some unique stuff in the 'Pac-Man World' games, so we'll see...
It might specifically be Mega Man Volnutt/Trigger, given that he says "blue boy" (what Teisel often called Mega Man) and "lots of lols or lots of rage", implying the polarizing nature of including a Mega Man Legends character after what happened with Legends 3.
ReplyDeleteI'll just say this. If Mega Man and Pac Man are going to be in this game...well...I just don't know anymore. Let's put Mega Man in a game where he has absolutely no business being in (Pac Man too lol), whereas, there is a perfectly suitable VS game waiting for him. If a Mega Man cant have a moveset in MVC3, how the heck can he be suitable for a more tame Street Fighter game? I'm sure more tools will say "Mega Man fans aren't happy about anything!" Well, damn it, Capcom kinda makes it hard. Their logic is astounding.
ReplyDeleteIt's Lupinko, so I'm willing to hear him out. :D
SFxT? With the whole gem fiasco going on, I'm not holding my breath. But at this point, any Mega Man will do.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Team Mega Man and Heihachi. lololololol
ReplyDeleteBut Street Fighter x Tekken is a fighting game in the style of the normal Street Fighter series. It's not like the Marvel or VS series games, with super jumping and screen-filling supers. And this isn't really the type of game for intricate weapon changing projectile mechanics (most of the Tekken cast doesn't even have projectiles). Unless he's just crazy and can do tons of stuff the other characters can't, MegaMan's likely to appear really toned down and limited in this game. It's the same as when Seth said some Street Fighter characters can't be added to the VS games because they couldn't be made "hyper" enough to fit in very well. MM in this game wouldn't be nearly as appropriate as in a Versus game.
ReplyDeleteI don't know. If it really is him, I can't imagine them implementing him in a very authentic or exciting way right now. Guess this is another 'wait and see'.
Perhaps we'll soon hears rumors about Master Chief also joining the fight alongside Megaman and Pac Man.
ReplyDeleteBlue boy could refer to anything.
ReplyDeleteHell maybe it's Zabel from Darkstalkers.
With something this vague this isn't news and you should feel ashamed for getting peoples hopes up again.
@Anon3: I can't find it at the moment, but there was a post on a forum where Lupinko, in regards to his tweet, added a link to the SFxT trailer that had the pixelated Mega Man and Pac-Man at the end of it. Plus, a later tweet reply with the words "WAKA WAKA WAKA" pretty much confirm that he was talking about Pac-Man, and I honestly don't think any other "blue boy" from Capcom would be as fitting to pair up with Pac-Man as Mega Man would be.
ReplyDeleteHuh. Hold on, wait, Mega Man can't get into the "Marvel vs. Capcom" game, even though he's a part of Capcom, and yet can somehow manage to get into "Street Fighter x Tekken", which is based on two specific series. And, the PlayStation versions still get Sony-exclusive characters, regardless.
ReplyDelete...Okay, Capcom, you win this time. What's the catch?
Very odd if it's true, but I'm not complaining. Definitely would give me a reason to buy the game
ReplyDeleteI just realized, this might be some kind of 8-bit MegaMan character with tiny moves and shooting attacks. If so.. lol and rage indeed.
ReplyDelete-_- Oh boy.If you are downgraded to a joke character in a "serious" fighting game together with other "has been"s you know your franchise is in deep sh.t
ReplyDeletePlease be a joke, please be a joke
@Anon3: Okay, while I can't find that post I was talking about now, I would still like to direct you to this particular tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/lupinko/status/137043699891847170
ReplyDeletePretty sure that video isn't about Zabel/Lord Raptor.
lols? Hope it's not a joke. American box art Megaman?
ReplyDelete...He has yellow too. :o
His supposed leaks for UMvC3 were completely off, and his MvC3 "leaks" were more or less just random nice guesses.
ReplyDeleteSo fuck whatever he says.
As more and more of these kind of story are posted. I progressively feel as if I'm the only person in this collective of fans who's apathetic to whether or not a Mega Man's playable in... not a Mega Man game.
ReplyDeletethe UMVC3 Lupinko was a troll. This is the real deal.
Honestly, I'd rather have him in UMvC3 but this is okay.
ReplyDeleteI guess. :P
ReplyDeleteAny incorrect MVC3 leaks were not made by him. There are a lot of Lupinko posers. Lupinko dropped the bomb on the final 6 character reveals before they happened, including intricate details on how the characters functioned (such as Phoenix's rebirth ability)... and those were hardly guesses. Let's just face it: Mega Man is in SFxT.
I guess I have to start caring about the game now.
ReplyDeleteIf this rumor is true, I think it's a good thing! This would mean that Capcom acknowledges Mega Man as it's mascot and isn't looking to snuff him out anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, hey guys.
ReplyDeleteI've got a rumor.
Megaman's playable in MvC4.
Oh and also Smash Bros 4.
Oh also there will be a new Mario game for the Wii U.
Personally, I prefer the semi-skill-based gameplay style of the Marvel vs. Capcom series than the dubious entertainment value that stems from the button-mashing Tekken style.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, the game will play more like Street Fighter and spare us even more Mega shame.
Chances are that it is Pac-Man and Mega Man. Didn't one of the first official trailers show some sort of Pac-Man and Mega Man teaser at the very end? I think it was Classic too.
ReplyDeleteI lost interest in this game after that 'gem system' was revealed though. :/
sorry for saying it, but if it's volnutt on game, it's proff that capcom is getting even lazier: they'll just copy the Tatsunoko vs capcom character instead of doing a new 3d version of the classic or X version (well, the've made an X model in UMvsC3... such a shame it's only a zero costume).
ReplyDeletestill, it's the only logical conclusion
ReplyDeleteIt won't be a copy/paste of Volnutt from TvC. Why? SFxT uses an entirely different engine. It's something from the ground up.
Hmm... Pac-man, Megaman, Ryu, and Cole all on the same screen at the same time beating the crap out of each other?
ReplyDeleteI keep throwing money at the screen but Cap's not taking it!
@anon that answered me:
ReplyDeleteyes, it'll be: 3d models, attacks, concept, all done
they'll only need to adapt it to the new engine
If you see, for example, rolento, they've needed to make all the models, attacks, voices and animations from scratch. they only have the concept and moveset ideas from the old games
poison is a better example: the needed to do EVERYTHING to add her in the game.
so i STILL say that volnutt is a lazy choice.
They have a megaman.exe in an onimusha fighting game, but it's pretty basic.they could try starting from there.
If you look further back in his tweets, he posts a bunch of youtube videos which are all hints toward characters for the game. One of them is a link to a remix of the Wily Stage 1 theme of MM2. Another is a video of boxer Manny Pacquiao (sometimes called Pacman by combining the first syllables of his names). So you can't really explain it away as just "could be any blue and yellow guys" as I see some people trying to do.
ReplyDeleteOh man, now you have me fearing the worst...Joke characters? Makes sense, but I don't agree with it. MM has no business in SFxT as a playable character.
Swap costumes, color edit: Ono is going all out with this game, it's either going to be a major hit or flop from what I can tell.
Weird. MM != SF. I'll be happy if it's true, though.
Hate to be a potential killjoy, but Megaman in Street Fighter vs Tekken? It seems a bit out of place, to me.
ReplyDeleteEven then, it's just a rumor. Unless it actually does happen, I won't believe it.
@Dr. Jerk
ReplyDeleteIf you think Mega Man is out of place, what makes Toro and Kuro? They're chibi cats, after all.
I doubt this is true or anything. You can never trust anything Crapcom says. All they make is the stupid fighting games and I bet almost everyone are getting tired of Crapcom's fighting games.
ReplyDeleteSo I'm sticking to good games like Mario, Smash Bros, Pokemon, Final Fantasy and other good franchises.
Still, anyone psyched for Kingdom Hearts 3D coming out next year soon?
@Dr. Jerk: And Mega Man.EXE and Zero fit riiiight in in Onimusha Blade Warriors...
ReplyDelete@ProfessorMegaMan: The game plays like Street Fighter IV. Namco is developing their own title called "Namco X Street Fighter" that will play like Tekken.
Also, to everyone saying it, is impossible for them to "copy/paste" a Mega Man iteration from a previous cross-over fighting game. These are completely different engines, both in gameplay and graphics. If Mega Man is in this game, he's made from the ground up. He will have unique moves and play differently than he ever has in any cross-over fighting game.
Musashi the Master: Capcom didn't say anything. This is a leak from a source outside of Capcom. Maybe you should stick to Nintendo-based blogs.
ReplyDeleteIt's ignorant for people to believe they could just "copy/paste" 3D models between completely different game engines, running on completely different hardware. How could Volnutt even work like he did in TvC when SFxT doesn't have stuff like air combos or hyper jumping? His projectiles from TvC would completely keep the rest of the characters from approaching him.
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me: if MegaMan is in this game, it's going to be an 8-bit "joke" style character. So is Pac-Man.
42 comments so far (at the time of writing this) and i'm surprised that not a one of you has even MENTIONED the idea of protoman being an alternate costume for mega man. after all, why not? look at how they worked X into UMVC3.
ReplyDeletebut if they include an X alt either with or instead of the protoman costume, i think it would do little more than divide the fan base straight down the middle:
fan 1: oh yez! cappy has MM as X! this is a kewl linkage between them!
fan 2: are u kding? this iz blasfemy towards X!!1
fan 1: ST*U and GT*O, MM rulz over X any day.
onlookers: boy the MM fans are crazy.
and as such, the MM fanbase would be looked upon even more poorly. a protoman costume i could see, but for the sake of sanity for MM fans altogether, i hope they don't include an X alt for MM. sure, people would still gripe, but there'd be a lot less of them.
Calling it now: it's going to be "Bad Box Art" Mega Man, and he's going to be implemented pretty much as a joke character. And the fans' rage will be stoked anew.
ReplyDeleteThat's what Lupinko's hints point toward in my opinion, anyway. Either way, I'm dreading the hell out of this forthcoming reveal. There's no way it can be good, or even neutral at this point.
Kinda hoping it's not true. I'm not to keen on spending money on a fighting game consisting mostly of characters I've never heard of just so I can play as MegaMan.
ReplyDeleteIf it does turn out to be true, then that's REALLY sad. They can't stick him in a game specifically for Capcom icons, but they'll throw him in a Street Fighter game for the lulz?
Reminds me of "Ryu playable in Mega Man Universe".
ReplyDeletePac-Man? As a fighter? I don't think anyone at all would have ever guessed that to happen. XD I really wanna see this!
ReplyDeleteThis is turning less into SFxT and more into Super Smash Bros.. xD
ReplyDelete2nd to last Anon wrote: "42 comments so far (at the time of writing this) and i'm surprised that not a one of you has even MENTIONED the idea of protoman being an alternate costume for mega man."
ReplyDeleteMaybe because the entire basis of this discussion is:
A.) not UMVC3
B.) a single tweet with the words "blue boy."
Personally, I don't want this. Before you go "MM fans are impossible to please", keep in mind we want a game, not some stupid cameo in an unrelated game. That just kinda screams "Here, a megaman appearance, now stop hating us". It's almost insulting to me that the most he's getting is cameos now.
ReplyDelete@ UD.
ReplyDeletei wasn't talking about marble vs crapcom. i was talking about SFxT. you know alternate costumes will come out for this. you could probably bet on that.
also, blue boy, yes, but that hasn't stopped people from sudgesting things before. topics about mega man have lead to protoman, and even zero being mentioned. heck, somehow, even DBZ got involved in one comment string on this site itself.
Well, there were TOO much fraud and betrayal rumors about Megaman now these days and this whole entire year, so all we have is mistrust. Whether to believe or suspect it is all up to you, but better ready for something til the result. They say grains of salt, but I'm bringing dynamites and grenades.
ReplyDeleteWell, I did hear that Mega Man and Pac-Man would be chasing each other a bit in the game. Though if MM ends up as a character, I think they could do the same for Pac-man.
ReplyDeleteOno has proven himself a decent chap, despite his trollings. I'd trust him to do something a little bit more respectable than Niitsuma and most of the higher ups at CoJ.