"With this club, we'll be able to play through a Capcom game together via game assignments and discussions in the forums. We'll focus on discussing the game's design, story, art, and anything else that results from the conversation between us (the community team) and you folks (Unity members). Think of it as a type of book club. The Capcom games can be new or classic." --jgonzo
The Unity team is leaving it up to the fans to decide which game they'd like to play first via vote. The choices: Okami, Strider, Captain Commando, Legendary Wings, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Resident Evil 1, and current poll leader Mega Man 1.
If you'd like to play the original Mega Man alongside the Unity crew and fellow fans, then head on over to the link provided and add your vote to the tally. The winner will be announced this Friday.
Full Capcom Unity Video Game Club details here
The picture is horrible lol
ReplyDeleteThat's a pretty cool idea, I think that sounds fun! Assuming there aren't spoilers for people who haven't completed the game yet...