Thursday, December 17, 2020

Two New Mega Man Manga and Music Album Announced

To commemorate the classic series' 33rd anniversary, Rockman Unity has announced three projects slated to launch in Spring 2021.

First, we have two brand-new manga. Rockman-chan is a humorous, parody manga starring an innocent Blue Bomber as he carries out the whims of Dr. Light. Dr. Light's missions for our hero, however, are anything but a cake walk. 

The second manga is called Rockman-san. It follows the misadventures of a grown-up Mega Man as he deals with the tumultuous demands of an adult world.

Both manga will launch exclusively in Japan on Young Ace UP this coming Spring. English adaptations have not been announced. So... do look forward to our inevitable fan-translations.

The third announcement is a brand-new Capcom tribute album called Captune ONE. It will feature a new arranged pieces from the Mega Man series, such as Running Through The Cyber World” from Mega Man Battle Network, "Wily Stage 1" from MM2 and “Esperanto” from Mega Man Zero 4.

Source: Rockman Unity


  1. I just realized Roll is taller than Mega Man in that picture. I thought Proto Man was carrying her.

    And also, "tumultuous demands of an adult world"? Like what? More games?

    1. I think It is inaccurate because those are not Capcom's drawing version of Rockman and Roll. They looks different and look at this dog ? That is not robot Rush. Just saying and sorry about my English.

    2. They look different because they're not supposed to be the same as the versions from the games. The synopsis alone should be enough to tell you that they're meant to be different.

  2. No game announcement. I think it's safe to say nothings happening.
    Until Capcom and Capcom alone says otherwise. What a shame.

    1. My bitterness will continue to be validated until we get another earnest game on not-mobile.

  3. « It follows the misadventures of a grown-up Mega Man as he deals with the tumultuous demands of an adult world.»

    Are you kidding me ? What the hell is going on with Rockman since 2 years ? Seriously who is interested in this ? Who's in charge of Rockman product approbation in Japan ?

    Capcom is really trolling us

    1. The best part is there is a 99% chance the manga will NOT be released in English.

    2. Capcom has this odd habit of being... I guess the word would be "unfocused" when it comes to how they handle Megaman.

      Like, we've had multiple million sellers over the past few years. People like the established Megaman franchises. Why are we going off in all these odd directions that could end up being divisive again? So soon at that.

    3. @Anonymous
      Being unfocused is a big reason why I hate that Mega Man has so many canons, and similarly why I despise MMFC. It makes focusing on and course correcting so hard. Because each time Capcom has to have a stupid meeting about which subset of fans they want to sell to that day. They had 10 years to think about this and it looks like a few more to go.

  4. Rockman-san sounds entertaining, I hope we get that overseas in a Romance or Germanic language.

  5. Ooh, these both look like they'll be pretty interesting!

  6. Oh no, gag manga's, the franchise is ruined. You know, completely ignoring the tons of other gag manga's from back in the heydays :V

  7. This does feel disappointing, two years since the last game and all we have is a tiresome mobile game and..a manga? I’m starting to feel they only made Megaman 11 thinking it would shut us up for a while. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait until each decade for what we really want.

    1. There was also a comic nobody wanted and news of a live action movie in development hell.

  8. Well, at least it's better branding than the official Rockman air fresheners from many years ago...

  9. *facepalm* This can't be real...

  10. A little disappointed, but I'm actually pretty interested in how Rockman-san will play out.

  11. It doesn't make any sense, I don't mind comedy or gag mangas but each thing to their respective place, if capcom would like to release gag mangas with Rockman in these ones, at least they have had to do another comedy story based in the rockman world and not these kind of stories that they have chosen. These mangas are not of Rockman world, only have the Rockman name in the manga title.

  12. These people are complaining like if this was the end of the world and as if the franchise was dead.

    1. The franchise has been dead since 8.


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