The film is currently in post production stages where more changes and additions are being made. Once things have settled down, Mr. Lebron has hopes of putting together a special edition cut of the film, containing removed scenes and original edits.
Finally, the director plans to release a brand new thirty second trailer in July.
If you've got questions about the film, Mr. Lebron is willing to answer inquiries here.
I wonder if one of the additional scenes is of the entire cast hanging themselves? I would watch that.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, the first comment's from a hater.
ReplyDeleteIf it means higher quality, then I don't mind.
Not interesting.
ReplyDeleteugh...I cannot see why fans would want this movie.
ReplyDelete@Anon3: Why wouldn't we? It is very impressive, and I bet it is better than anything that Capcom of America could ever produce.
ReplyDeleteThis movie is not so bad looking, please, haters, elaborate on why you don't like the movie. It is not like you're having it shoved down your throat or like it is an abomination like the Dragon Ball movie. This is fan-made so it is not to be taken as offical in any way, but Dragon Ball Evolution is an offical adaptation of Dragon Balls so it is a part of that universe now, even if it is not canon to the plot.
"This movie is not so bad looking, please, haters, elaborate on why you don't like the movie.'
ReplyDeleteHas been done many times, apparently you aren't listening and you don't have eyes.. It IS bad looking. It's a fan film so by definition (barring a very small amount of exceptions) it will be bad. That screenshot just LOOKS bad.
Here comes the spew of crap. What, maybe 87 argument posts this time? I'll be taking a break from comment reading for a bit!
I get a laugh out of all the Anons posting here. If you're going to slam something, man up and have the balls to do it in instead of hiding behind that dirty little mask of yours.
ReplyDeleteIt's more of an independent film. And most of us know that independent films have a VERY LOW BUDGETS. And i must admit that this guy is very impressive of what he's doing. Hey it's no blockbuster and yea it looks kinda cheesy, but you gotta admire the guy's dedication for it. Fans, haters, gamers and non-gamers don't know what they really want. If it's not IN THEIR POINT OF VIEW, they call it crap. . . .it's sad to see such closed-minded people here. O well, for this independent film this doesn't look half bad, I'll watch it.
ReplyDeleteThe film is better than any of the haters could come up with. I'd say confidantly that none of them have produced a movie before, much less a Megaman movie.
ReplyDeleteThose anons aren't real Megaman/Rockman fans. I don't see why they even bother posting any comments. Fan made movies IMHO have always captured the true potential of what can be made compared to some shit hollywood can make. Hell, anyone ever looked at that zelda fan made video that was released like 2 years ago for april fools? I honestly thought that was pretty damn cool. It sticked to the game and wasn't some made up shit, something hollywood would totally crap on. Enough with the hate, it's time to support our Blue Bomber, not crap all over it. I don't care how hard core megaman/rockman gamer you are, or how old school you are, have some damn respect for those who are devoted to show such art and appreciation to true potential.
ReplyDelete"I'd say confidantly that none of them have produced a movie before, much less a Megaman movie."
ReplyDeleteHey, neither did Eddie Lebron. he just made a giant pile of shit.
This is the bottom line: some people want to see the movie, and some don't. If you think it looks bad, don't watch it—no one's going to duct tape you to a chair. If you think it looks interesting, go ahead and see it—you might like it.
ReplyDeleteThe movie itself is not good or bad. It just depends on your opinion, and since everyone has a different one, it's better to agree to disagree and move on. It's not life-changing, after all. The Earth will still turn tomorrow whether someone makes another fan movie or not.
I doubt this will prevent any future arguments, though. In fact, I bet there will be one over what I just said. People just love arguing.
Anon number 4#
ReplyDeleteMost of the people who say something is bad because it is fan are usually just pissed/jealous they couldn't do something like that themselves.
"Most of the people who say something is bad because it is fan are usually just pissed/jealous they couldn't do something like that themselves."
ReplyDeleteYou pull some statistics out of your ass? Most fan projects are shit. That includes movies too. This movie looks terrible.
I also don't see how not making a Mega Man movie means I cannot hate this. If anything not making one should be a bonus. Mega Man should not be in live action.
Ugh... that Megaman: Live Action I am definitely not in interest. Bah. Soon or later, it will be become the first joke in the movie history. Just like Street Fighters and Dragonball: Evolution.
ReplyDeleteI agreed with @Anon3.
ReplyDeleteThey need to give it up. It's lame, really!
ReplyDeleteI laugh at you.
I'm laughing. Honestly, this is so stupid I can do nothing but laugh. "oohhh they aren't megaman fans" "ohh you little wimps hiding behind masks." "You can't do better."
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you have to do better than something to be able to dislike it? You have to like this cheesefest to be a Rockman fan? Gimme a break.
I think the non-haters are the bigger trolls here.
(I'm incidentally interested in it, if that means anything.)
"You can't hate something that's free" thats my moto.
ReplyDeleteThose Anon need to learn how to apreciate life.
These guys are making an awesome fan-movie.
What you expected making an millionare movie only thinking about just one rabid fan view of point?
To all the anons who posted only to vaguely slam the movie on the pretense that it won't be exactly like the games and/or you think it looks like crap:
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like it, don't say anything. You'll make the rest of us happier and not look like assholes.
Frankly, I find your dismissal of Mr. LeBron's and his team's efforts on the basis of a few photos insulting.
Like I said,most people who's bashing it are probably only pissed/jealous they probably are not going to do something like this in their entire life. They're only going to bash even more if it turns out to be good.And if one of you say something like "You pull some statistics out of your ass?" You are probably only butthurt some called them out.And you really think I care what you think? I doubt Eddie Lebron ether.
ReplyDeleteNever noticed the same person posting a bunch of hate messages. Grow up dude, This is a Megaman blog. There are Megaman fans reading this page, all looking for a glimmer of hope. We've been disappointed enough to care less if it has a minimum wage budget or has a screwed up storyline ect. Conversation Closed.
ReplyDeleteThere is definitely someone other than me posting messages about not liking the movie. It's not just one.
ReplyDelete@Radix: I find you calling me/us assholes for having a different opinion insulting.
Conversation Closed? No, no, you take it back. Megaman movie is a disgrace to us all.
ReplyDeleteI think I said this last time we discussed this fan film, but part of the problem Lebron and the folks that made the Dragon Ball Z movie faced was turning a fictional, animated universe into something live-action. This requires finding actors to portray these larger-than-life roles, and no matter who you get to portray these individuals, someone is always going to say "that's not how I imagined that Dr. Light/Roll/Rock/Wily looked/sounded like!" No matter how high quality you could have gotten the voice-acting to be in a game like Rockman 8, you would have faced the same difficulty there with voice actors ("that's not how Rock's voice should sound!") - I'm sure you remember that in that game Dr. Light sounds like Elmer Fudd for some stupid reason? So, whether you watch this movie or not is your choice, but it seems pointless to flood Protodude's blog with negativity or praise, either way.