"Robots have expiring dates."
That's a pretty deep concept for a supposed "traditional" plot. Regardless, I expect more 'leaks' to appear soon enough, hopefully some clarification.
On a completely different note: I did some more research about the OFLC, even contacted them for some clarification. Apparently, the OFLC has never in its history listed a "rumored" game, implying that the RM9/MM9 listing is no mistake, it is real.
UPDATE (6/18/08)
Small addition from The Shadow: The practice of "recycling" robots is another major story factor.
More to come. We just started testing the later half of the game, no signs of an X storyline yet. Keep in mind, a lot of what we test lacked some of the ingame text.
ReplyDelete- The Shadow
Does that say September '09? Where do you get such long-lasting milk?? But seriously, did "deepthroat" know anything about scramble battle? Robots have expiring dates... I hope it's not another "megaman dies" hoohaw plot.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, how sure are we that The Shadow is really beta-testing this and not just feeding a starving community a bunch of garbage?
ReplyDeleteExpiring dates??? That's probably got to be one of the most weird things i've ever heard... though its intriguing to say the least.
ReplyDeleteI thought so too, but the fact that he released the RM9 info months before any of the other rumors came out makes him appear to be credible source.
You are like CRAZY with updates on rockman 9.
ReplyDelete11 or so years, that long of a wait can make you crazy :)
Expiration dates, huh? It sounds like we could be seeing a game that's finally bringing the classic series to a conclusion. Mega Man and company expiring, I suppose--meh, it's better than that silly Zero apocalypse theory that's been going around for way too long now.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, part of me is still with hypercoyote--this could all be nothing but a load of bunk. After all, I notice that The Shadow has been awfully liberal with giving out all these clues and previews--even at the risk of his job. The cynical side of me is smelling a rat! =/
Expiring dates, huh? Seems sort of interesting, pretty much would explain what happens to everyone in the classic series quicker.
ReplyDeleteWe already know from Power Fighters that Protoman is dying slowly...
ReplyDeletemaybe that "expiring date" thing has a lot to do with him
...hm. Perhaps it refers more to Blue's power core problem? Or perhaps the GOVERNMENT is thinking about issuing "life spans" to robots ala the ZX series?
ReplyDeleteHuh... hmm...
Doctor Light's new robots are designed for one specific task. Once this is completed they're recycled into a new robot for a new task. Thee expiry date is a fail-safe to make sure they get recycled.
ReplyDeleteProtoman's power-supply is the best storyline Capcom could pick up to give this game some depth, stay within canon, and still be able to make subsequent sequels. If this Shadow guy is lying he's gonna have a whole mob of people after him!
ReplyDeleteAlready testing the later half?? Wow, since when Capcom had this project going on? I'm surprised it leaked till now...
ReplyDeleteto The Shadow... stil side scrolling? 3D? both?
Now that MegaMan 9 is finally going to come out, will it finally mean that MegaMan X /is/ MegaMan 10?
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget that, although RM is a children's series, Capcom has been more than happy to kill off main characters before (y helo thar Zero/Girouette/Aile, etc)... so I agree with some other commenters that the Blues situation makes sense - if Capcom wants to embue the Classic series with a little more depth.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous: it is proboably inching towards ZX s the robots become Reploids and being required to have artificial lifespans so they do not view themselves as superior to humans
ReplyDeleteProtodude, can you see the IP addresses of comments? he said he was in California, didn't he?
ReplyDeleteNope, no IP checks with blogger
Protodude, I have one question.
ReplyDeleteThis guy, The Shadow, does you ever as him questions? I'd like to know why he's sending this stuff to Americans and not the Japanese
@C: I ask him questions on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteThere are two possibilities:
One, RM9 is being developed by Capcom USA, thus it is being tested at Capcom USA as The Shadow has claimed.
Two, it is being developed in Japan, but being released in the US first, thus beta testing is being done here.
I'm am quite intriged with your logic. Ask The Shadow about that.
ReplyDeleteRobots having expiration date... then I suggest that protoman will die in this game.
Well if yopu could ask him ot clairify a bit more that would be great. Well considering what he has said I believe that Blues/Protoman will die in this game.
ReplyDeleteOr it's being developed and released first in Japan, and we're just helping with the testing. Or this a load of Malarkey.
ReplyDeleteThis is the response I got from Capcom USA in San Mateo.
ReplyDelete"We do not have a beta test department in our office. Period."
@Anon: Hate to break it to ya, but Capcom does beta test in San Mateo:
Months ago, they had a secret focus group where they tested SFII Turbo HD Remix.
It's possible they no longer test in San Mateo, dunno for sure.
Also, for those who doubt The Shadow is from the Cali area, he has a ".ca" extension in his email address. However, that could also stand for "canada." Dunno.
.ca = Canada
ReplyDelete.ca.us = California
Yup. That's Canadian. That doesn't disprove anything though. I merely suggested IP addresses because if he wasn't even from california, that could mean something. Email addresses don't really mean anything.
ReplyDeleteHaha, the rockman community is chock full of detectives!
ReplyDeleteThen again after a decade of waiting who wants to risk falling for a lie?
Let's not forget those 2 cruel April Fool's jokes. "A new classic Mega Man game." And those shots looked pretty authentic too. It'd be a shame if that happened again.
ReplyDeleteThe Australian classification board has never, in its history, classified a fake or rumored game. Therefore, Megaman 9 is (without a doubt) coming, but that's pretty much all we know about it.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, I really want to wait for screenshots. Looks like everyone is feeding this "rumor"... and I wonder: WHY Capcon would list TWO games with no name??? It doesn't imply MM9.
ReplyDeleteSo... Megaman 9 is no longer to connect Megaman X series? Oh, man... I want it keep true on MM and MMX timeline... T_T
ReplyDeleteSo... Megaman 9 is no longer to connect Megaman X series? Oh, man... I want it keep true on MM and MMX timeline... T_T
ReplyDeleteSo... Megaman 9 is no longer to connect Megaman X series? Oh, man... I want it keep true on MM and MMX timeline... T_T
ReplyDeleteI've heard some people that were worried that if they connect the games with 9, that it would end the series. But that's not true, you always have side stories and back stories as well, like how X7 & X8 really didn't fit in the story order, but were more like side stories.
ReplyDeleteThis guy's a fake his story is fake see here http://wii.kombo.com/article.php?artid=12136
ReplyDeleteAny info on when it'll be released?