Additionally, if you participated in any one of the four Mega Man Zero fan-art contests, you can get the shirt for free! Same goes for those of who attended the Mega Man community event last month. To secure your free tee, simply send jgonzo a private message with your size preference, mailing address and the subject MMZC SHIRT.
Thanks, Thomas.
Um...Does he really have no eyes? Looks very good, otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI wish the shirt was silver with MM Zero in Rise Form with the Recoil Rod or Z Saber. Just an idea. Who else likes it?
ReplyDeleteThis will probably come across as mean, but in all seriousness, I really don't know how that shirt won the contest. Less may be more in some cases, but I am not feeling the dumbed-down coloring of the Zero artwork. Not to mention the overused "What am I fighting for?" gag with a simple change. I think it works better for MMX9.com anyway as seen here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v176/MegaMac/ZeroBanner2.png. Might be where he got the idea, lol. If I'd known the competition in the contest I might have given it a shot. Cause if that simple design won, I can only imagine the others (then again, they're probably really good!). All in all, it's very mediocre and it probably won't sell too well in my opinion but heck, you just never know. :P
ReplyDeleteI think it looks pretty good.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think it won because it WAS simple and not too tacky for a videogame t-shirt.
!!! Eeee!! *sends in PM*
ReplyDeleteThat just makes me really happy! XD Even though I didn't win at all, it's nice to get this just for trying!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean. Congrats to the winner but now I wish I would have tryed. There could have been a better graphic design all in the background and Zero could have been in a fighting pose and not just a normal stance. I personally would like the shirt more of there was just a couple words in a slanted font and not a sentence in a normal font. Maybe something like Resurrected Edge or a name from the results screen when you score really well.
It's an excellent design. The other ones were either just copy-and-paste official art or big detailed cluttery pictures. This one is simple and clean. It works well for a t-shirt, and I am personally very amused by the quote.
ReplyDeleteBUT MAN. Now I really wish I'd entered the contest one week! Such a cool prize, it stinks I have to buy one...
That's.. the winning shirt? Seriously? A re-trace of official art? Kudos to them, but what were the other entries, stick figures? :\
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, the X4 gag is cute, but ... mweh. I don't think that's worth $20..
Whoever won this, does not deserve it for basically tracing over art. Many artists actually did their best ya know Capcom? This may be a genius idea, but in no way should it be considered art.
ReplyDeleteWell not to be mean either but I don't know if this is a rip off or a really good find for a gaming t-shirt of zero...
ReplyDeleteOh wow it's fugly. Not only it would be kind of ashaming to wear megaman stuff in public (its cosidered a kiddy game) , but the t shirt is just..really ugl.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention unimaginative as it is only a retrace of the official art with no face on Zero and matte colors. Come on people. Who the fuck was judging?
Seriously, who'd pay 20 bucks for that ?
@several anonymous: The producer of MMMZ in Japan and several Capcom Unity team members were the judges. By far this design was ranked the highest by all.
ReplyDeleteI was on the Capcom Store checking out the sale and I thought the t-shirt was a joke item.
ReplyDeleteNow that I see it's a "design" "contest" "winner" I feel really uncomfortable and embarassed to be a fan no matter how much I'm enjoying the collection.
Holy loly the idea had merit, it's funny, but traced colour-blocks? The unadorned font you'd find on a Cafepress shirt? It looks bad.
This isn't t-shirt design. There's no design involved in re-using art and slapping on a gimmick.
@jgonzo: Yeah, well their stqtus doesn4t justify their judging, and other entries should have been really horrible if this one was the best.
ReplyDeleteNo matter, it's still pretty hard to believe. Why dont you publically post the other entries so the rest of us may see for ourselves what could have been? The winner looks like some silly cash-in you might find at Wal-Mart. As far as I hear, the shirt has sold very well so far. More power to them, I guess, lol. It's not an entirely bad design, but defitely not a champion.
@MegaMac: He did. Back on May 20th:
Granted yes, I felt a few others like any of TextureMe's, Eduardo's, or Espionage's were more creative, visually moving and appealing to actually wear. But still, the amount of complaining is kinda sad. What gaming shirt that you find at Target, Hot Topic, eBay, or other online stores hasn't used game sprites, official art, or something similar and come across as kinda tacky? Great ones are unfortunately few and far between. It's simple, but it's not that bad.
Just let the guy who won it and those who want it enjoy their shirt, and move on. Complaining about it isn't going to make Capcom print different ones or anything.
Oh maaaan.. I would have bought three of any of the honourable mentioned shirts @_@ Especially the first two.
ReplyDeleteIt's a T-shirt with Zero on it. That's all I need to know. I already pre-ordered it, and I will wear it proudly at school and in public.
ReplyDeleteWow, it looks like this shirt is love it or hate it. Though, judging by the comments here, it's leaning more toward the "hate it" part. Oh well. :\