The CD is due out June 10th.
In related Zero Collection news, the June issue of Nintendo Power is featuring a two-page preview for the game which details the addition of mod cards and the new easy mode scenario. According to the article, the mod cards are indeed the Japan-only Zero 3 e-Reader modification cards, which alter Zero's abilities and various graphics such as the appearance of the Resistance Base. It's unknown at this time if the game will include the Battle Network 4 link-up features and the various mini-games.
Exclusive to Zero Collection is a new easy mode. Here, the player is given more health, four Sub-Tanks and instant access to every Cyber Elf. Apparently, as a trade off for the easier difficulty, you're forced to play the games in order -- hence the much hyped "play the games in chronological order" feature. Of course, when playing in other difficulties, you're free to choose to play whichever game you want when you want.
Credit: The Mega Man Network
that's Awesome cover, I would like to buy the Soundtrack
ReplyDeletethat's Awesome cover, I really want buy this SoundTrack
ReplyDeletethat's Awesome cover, I really want buy this SoundTrack
ReplyDeleteBest of IntiCreates' work?
ReplyDeleteThat's not saying much. :/
Something is wrong with that cover art; maybe that sword? or his hair color? or his "pimp my armor" design?
ReplyDeleteNow the new feature of being forced to play the games in order:
ReplyDeleteThat's uh... kinda stupid. The only Zero game that was 100% good was Zero 3, and we gotta plow through Zero 1 and 2, again, for the X-th amount of time (Cause I know that many have replayed the SHIT out of the games), just to play the third or forth?
As if I needed more reasons to dislike this collection's existence... -_-
I guess my question is....
ReplyDeleteWhere can i get a copy?
Always wanted the soundtrack CD's separately now I can get em as one box-set!
Plus, the artwork, oh, the artwork...
I wish that there was a transformation like the one on the cover art. It would be so cool!
ReplyDeleteCould this be either a MZ5, a new MZ series (remember Megeaman Univers), or an unlockable option in the new MZ Collection. Of course it could be nothing.
ReplyDeleteCover art is NICE.
ReplyDeleteHowever...what happened to Zero's hair?! Where's the blonde-ness of it? XD
Uh, did you not read the article? This is just a soundtrack.
ReplyDeleteThat cover art is badass, holy crap!
ReplyDeleteSaito, if you don't want to play the games in order, then don't play Easy Mode. From reading this, it's my understanding that you're being forced to play the games in order if you decide to play in Easy Mode. The way things were worded leads me to believe that you can play the games in any order you want if you DON'T play on Easy Mode. Unless if you're just looking for any excuse to hate on this collection?
ReplyDeleteBeautiful artwork on the soundtrack cover. Don't suppose we could get a nice big picture of it, huh?
ReplyDeleteSo...I have to beat Zero 1 and 2 to get to the other games? That could be...problematic. Zero 3 was the only Zero game I finished from begining to end.
Oh, well. I'll still get it anyway. C:
hey guys I don't want to speculate or something like that... but I believe Zero Collection is hiding a very special feature from us...
ReplyDeleteI was just wandering at Inti's site, you can see at the right their albums, when I clicked at mythos album, the page is broken but... something catch my attention... at the URL you can see...
look at "/zero5/" it's like suggesting that mythos could be the album of Rockman Zero 5
some people could say that "five" is for their fifth album...
well... is Mythos the Rockman Zero Collection soundtrack or is soundtrack of a special feature of the collection??
ok people is just a crazy idea I had x)
Saito. Shut the fuck up already. No one gives a shit about you're pointless complaining. It's annoying.
ReplyDeleteAs for the coverart...: Bad. to the. Ass.
Latest rendition of Zero differs a LOT.
ReplyDeleteit looks like the cyber-elf form of zero.. a powerful proof that zero died u.u
ReplyDeleteI'm all for giving games easy modes to allow greater accessibility, but I can't help but wonder if this is just TOO easy....
ReplyDeleteAh, so that's what it means by Easy Scenario Mode.
ReplyDeleteA reason for the choice of artwork is possibly because of one of the original designs for Zero in the Zero series. If you look at Zero's profile in the "Rockman Zero Complete Works" artbook, you can see a design of Zero that resembles the one on the soundtrack.