Friday, April 9, 2021

Relive the Rockman EXE Manga's First Chapter With Voice-Overs!

Fukkan continues to promote the Rockman EXE manga reprint and the upcoming Rockman EXE 20th Anniversary Treasure BOX, this time with something really special for fans...

Find all the details after the break!

Late last year, Fukkan introduced a project called "Voice Comic" where they added voice-overs to some of their most recent manga publications. The project is used to promote their latest reissues, starting with the manga adaptation of Shion Miura's novel "Run with the Wind." Today, it's Rockman EXE's turn!

The above 12 minute video features first chapter of Ryo Takamisaki's manga in its entirety and some highlights from the second, third and fourth volumes of the manga. 

It's worth noting that they are using a completely new set of actors to voice the characters. No actors from the anime are reprising their roles. Nevertheless, it's very well-voiced and they even went as far a as commissioning Gen Nishikawa to write an insert song called "Jibun RIOT" for this occasion.

A real treat for any Rockman EXE fan!


  1. I'm just being honest, I never liked Rockman.EXE's voice, he just sounds like a straight girl. He does not sound like a little boy he sounds like a female straight up (I've worked at an elementary school for years so I know the difference). Even though Megaman.EXE at times sounds way too manly, I prefer that extreme over sounding way too girly. I know it's a different voice from the anime but they both seem like they are going for the same thing, just having a woman speak for Rockman naturally in her very feminine voice.

    Netto sounds fine tho, actually Netto can go up an octave TBH.

  2. I need a full download of this song! It slaps!


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