Friday, January 29, 2021

Rockman X DiVE Helps Drive Capcom Mobile Sales Up 80.7%

Although Rockman X DiVE remains unavailable in several regions (you can still download and play the English version here, though), the title has proven to be a formidable success for Capcom's five-year-old mobile division.

In their latest financial report for the quarter ending December 31st 2020, Capcom notes that mobile content sales were up 80.7% year-over-year. The boost is owed in large part to Rockman X DiVE, which recently launched in Japan in October 2020 (seven months after its debut in South Korea). The mainland China release of Street Fighter Duel also contributed to record profitability. Together, both titles drove mobile revenue up 4.7 billion yen. That's roughly $45 million.

All in all, Rockman X DiVE's profitability bodes well for the game's longevity. The title will no doubt play a large role in Capcom's on-going mobile strategy... just as long as it remains profitable. Let's not beat around the bush, folks; when (not if) the well dries up, Rockman X DiVE will meet a fate all too familiar to mobile games

For now, though, enjoy it while it lasts. It could be a while!

Source: Capcom Investor Relations | GameBiz


  1. That's really nice to hear! So let's enjoy it to the maximum while it's alive and getting lost of updates.

  2. Seeing that X Dive is so popular, it could be a way to promote the Battle Network, Star Force, and Legends legacy collections, especially this year is Battle Network's 20th anniversary and Star Force's 15th anniversary.. Capcom may as well develop more Mega Man games. As someone who have a BBA in Marketing and currently doing an MA in Asian studies, the ledgers looks promising despite COVID. Games are seen as a social retreat.

    Some artist or artists may as well narrate rokyoku and/or write enka about the franchise. The network timeline can either create a spinoff of Battle Network with Lan/Megaman as a supporting character or a successor to Star Force.

    I find that whenever Lan hears his father sing enka, he will find it annoying and old-fashioned. Lan will eventually appreciate it as he grows out of rock and pop music.

    If you are using a Mac, you would need to use Bluestacks to emulate Android.

  3. Welcome to the future of gaming. Enjoy it.

  4. I think I will stick with Steam and other PC games and source ports, and even emulators. Too many cheap ass mobile games these days. It is lazy and limited. A full blown console or PC game is best vs going low budget and tiny screen. Considering how small the screens are on phones, it is a wonder why it even has high resolution, that makes more sense on a screen that is 20+ inches. I won't buy any mobile game. I have higher standards. I also prefer a gamepad, but can use some keys on the keyboard combined if I cannot map all the desired keys to the limited number of buttons on the gamepad.

    1. And that, my fellow fans, is the perfect answer to why the Super GameBoy was invented almost twenty years ago and who it was created for.

    2. And I owned the Super Game Boy. It was between 30 and 25 years ago actually and I used it to play Metroid 2: Return of Samus. Just as I owned the Gameboy Player for the Gamecube to play Megaman Zero 1-4 (I did have a Gameboy and Gameboy Advance back in the day though initially, but would never go back after playing on the big screen those games. Big screen Better quality + better for one's eyes, though resolution is not good if you blow the image up too much, so use borders. Been there, done that a long time ago. Even had a PSP, or sometimes played my sister's DS when I bought ZX and ZXA for it and Contra 4. With emulators and custom controllers to my PC, no need for that now. But I did buy the Classic, X, and MM Zero ZX collections last year. I even played Metroid Prime 3 with a PS2 Gamepad and mapped the Wii controls to it years ago, such as the twist motion on a Wii controller to an analog stick (I did not care for Wii, though my sister owned it). Gamepad is best for me.

      I was responding to Shrap here (I should have posted below him maybe):

      "Welcome to the future of gaming. Enjoy it."

      If that happened. I would not be happy. At least do multiplatform to increase sales + make everyone happy. what MM11 did and the collections did was the smart method. Multiplatform vs being cheap. Also notice that mobile games seem to lack good explosion effects. Even the SNES explosions and debris looks far better than Dive's when I looked at a video on it. It looks out of place for a game that has better graphics. In 2021, I expect better and more quality. This isn't the days of the NES where cheap effects is all that could have been done. MM 11 had pretty good effects, just as all the MMX games did with explosions and debris. X7 had decent explosions too. But for some reason, Dive does not in 2021. It looks decent and has good remixes, but it seems to be recycled stuff from previous games for the most part + an arena setup.

      So I hope sharp is wrong that this is not the (majority of) future of gaming. Give me Doom eternal and games like that instead, or MM 11, or updated Freespace 2 SCP, Brutal Doom mods, etc.

      I don't play Switch, but that makes being forced to play a game on purely a handheld obsolete as it gives people the freedom to switch between handheld and TV. That should be good competition for a mobile game that forces people to play it in one way, which is anti-freedom. More options an customization is better (One reason I prefer PC these days and all the mods you can download vs WYSIWIG). Give the player real freedom vs the company choosing for you or forcing you to do it a certain way.

    3. Gaming will go where the money is. And the market is trending this way, has been for a long time.
      I doubt it will be a mobile exclusive thing, but this trend and pricing model will go cross platform. I.e., the live services most games are becoming.
      It only gets worse. That is what I have learned in my time on this dirt ball. It always just gets worse.

    4. Whoops, I forgot to call myself Gary Daniel in the post above. I'm the same person as Unknown above.

    5. VR seems to be the future ultimately. BTW, if they push their luck, it won't keep selling. It can only get so bad before they lose sales. I'm sure Steam or something like it will also stick around. Better prices usually too + modding ability. The following is a 1999 game that has been heavily updated with the source code released in 2002 that makes it look more up to date and also has countless fan made campaigns and graphical enhancements and features (fans update the models too + make fan made ones). I play it still because of that:

  5. Any possible chance this game still comes to the US? Slowly losing hope

    1. If you are using a Mac, you can download Bluestacks and click on the APK when clicking on the X Dive link above. I think that PC can access APK on itself or use a zip extractor.

  6. This is actually bad news for me.

  7. Good to hear that. I really enjoyed the game alot on Mobile but I dont really liked the mobile playing the games very much. The touchscreen is very annoying! Why can't they just release it on consoles ? And why are many app games like this are absolutely free ? Because they make a profits easily if we downloads alots of free app games ? Something's not right. I dont understand.

    1. The games are free because a small portion of the players with obsessive personalities will shell out hundreds if not thousands of dollars to buy additional medals so they can unlock every single character at launch. And buy every 30 dollar skin. All the free players take advantage of those few "folks" for lake of better words.
      When your Gacha rate is less than 1%, and the price of medals is so high, do the math. It's a filthy practice, but entirely legal.
      I would argue it's a complete waste of money because at the end of the day you have nothing TANGIBLE to trade and ultimately temporary content. But whatever.

      IF they put this game on consoles, and IF it were a paid game with unlimited play with no stamina limits, and IFFFFF the additional characters were a REASONABLY PRICED CASH SALE I would play it. But not this.

  8. I was kinda wondering how well it was doing. I had no doubt about the Japanese version, but there seems to be more and more players quitting from the Asian version.
    Then again we only knows how much their mobile sales improved in general, in the absence of more detailed stats, i can't tell if it made this profit mostly on the JP version. Or wether the 1st version is becoming more or less profitable over time.

  9. Some would complain that the whole franchise is RUINED FOREVER by the existence of a mobile game, but really if we think about it, if a Mega Man product makes a big profit, that just makes it easier for Tsuchiya to convince the higher-ups at Capcom to let them make more Mega Man games. A successful mobile game can also get more people interested in the serie, and help promote a new entrie when they makes one.
    I'm still thinking there are many questionable choices that needs to be rethought regarding Xdive, and i have no interest returning to it myself as it is not my thing, but if it doing well, tant mieux.

    1. Yeah. Mega Man deserve the success.

    2. As if successful Mega Man games in the past stopped Capcom from almost leaving the franchise behind for good.

  10. Call me when we get another game on console and/or PC (a good one, of course).

  11. While I would normally be excited about Mega Man getting this type of attention, my concern is that this will encourage Capcom to just churn out more mobile Mega Man titles instead of working on real Mega Man games.

  12. Still think this is the best way to troll the fan base (who mainly plays on console).

    1. They've been trolling the fanbase for quite a while. It's nothing new.

  13. I hope DiVE lasts a long time. The new art and character models are really a treat. The more we get, the better.

  14. phone games make me sick to my stomach

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