Sunday, August 21, 2011

The New Adventures Of Mega Man: Now In English

Yup, this seriously just happened. Every issue in the absolutely mind-blowing, insane, Brazilian Mega Man comic, The New Adventures Of Mega Man, are now available to read in English. The translation can be found over at the Optical Internet Translation Gang, divided into sixteen parts.

There's very little I can say to add to what hasn't already been chronicled at The Mechanical Maniacs' in-depth look at the series. In short, these comics were released in the late nineties, published by Magnum Press and officially licensed by Capcom. Yes, they're official. Canon? Not even close. Even so, the stories encompass ideas and concepts that you wouldn't find within the games themselves; and that's where the entertainment value lies. You remember that episode of the Ruby-Spears cartoon, Curse of the Lion Men? Yeah, no. The New Adventures are far stranger, covering all kinds of kooky stuff, from nuclear warfare to communism. No stone is left unturned.

As a fair word of warning, things do get a pretty extreme at times. Read at your own discretion. Download the translations here!

Thanks for the tip, Alice!


  1. Hoo boy fair warning to anyone about to read this comic it is seven different kinds of messed up.

    No really this isn't for the faint hearted.

  2. Heh, I like how they used ''Ecks'', nice adaptation :D

  3. It sucks. Every single issue of that blasphemic piece of garbage comic book.

  4. I read it all yesterday. There isn't a MM story with less consistancy that this series. And what is their problem with giving people names?? Seriously!

    Happily it seems my summeries are correct and I don't need to redo them all again.

  5. I sent in the tip but I have yet to read most of this. From what I've seen, it doesn't disappoint. Thankfully enough it has some legitimately funny moments.

  6. Imma gonna read them now xd

  7. I figured it was you, Alice. I wondered how long it'd take word to spread after I updated the Mechanical Maniacs.

    Yeah, the funny parts aren't terrible. It's too bad the writer(s) just couldn't keep a coherent plot going. Most of the final issues are pure filler.

  8. I finished, its worth a read, tough i skimmed most of the fillers and roll's flashbacks.

    But really, how did this get licensed by Capcom itself?

    Thats messed.

  9. I'm Brazilian and I hadn't read this comic until now. It's hilariously bad.

  10. This is just so bad.

    And yet I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

    Those expressions, that pathetic excuse of a plot... it's comedic gold.

  11. On a comic-related note:

    The first TPB of the Archie series seems to be following the original cover (the one on your 1st issue comics; the one that doesn’t look like a poor Photoshop job) as shown on Amazon. Not much of a change, but to me it makes me very satisfied.

  12. I must say, I'm very surprised to see this got translated. It's definitely in the "so horrible, it's awesome" territory, though. Seriously, the Ruby-Spears Mega Man cartoon was "so bad, it's good", but this transcends way beyond that! XD

  13. Ah,Novas Adventuras de Megaman, a comic book SO AWFUL that it desrves to be read by Linkara or any of those comic reviewers...

  14. Looks like the link to the site no longer works, however here are the translators' links to their work (gotten via waybackmachine). Glad their mediafire uploads are still present as the computer I originally had these on crapped out.

    Issues 1-8 -
    Issues 9-16 -

    1. You'll likely never see this, but I'd like to thank you for sharing the download links. Truly a lifesaver!


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