The classification is noteworthy in that the game will soon be headed to the North American eShop, perhaps within a matter of weeks. We've no indication how much the game will retail for on our side of the pond, but Game Boy classics run from anywhere between $2.99 and $3.99. Not too shabby; couldn't hurt to set some of that aside.
Hopefully, Dr. Wily's Revenge's eShop debut means the entirety of the Game Boy series will hit the service. It's not necessarily compensation for the lack of Mega Man Mania, but it'll hold you over.
Credit: GoNintendo
Oof! Finally, SOMETHING MegaMan! Although I wish they'd hurry up with the MegaMan 2 3D classic :( I really want that..
ReplyDeleteGOOD NEWS?
...oh wait, I've already played this. like 5 times.
Ah well, good for those who haven't yet; it's epic.
The worst part?
ReplyDeleteThey're porting a remake. Out of all the things they could'va done, just a remake.
Feels bad man.
Wasn't this known a week ago? Capcom announced it was coming.
ReplyDeleteLost in the flurry of Legends 3's murder, I'm afraid.
Yea, I would definitely download this from the eShop on Day 1 of it's release. :)
ReplyDelete@ Roy Lagendijk
How do we even know that's still in development? For all I (or we) know, that was a sample picture used for the tech demo during the 3DS development. What/where says that it is actually being developed as a 3D classics game?
Ponydude is in Wacky Delly
ReplyDeleteI bought Wily's Revenge like ten years with five bucks and it came with a sweet Game Boy case I still use for my DS.
ReplyDeleteEven though it was my first Mega Man game and it's nostalgic for me, I'll have to pass on this. Now do Mega Man IV or V and we can talk...
The only thing here is, I don't know if I should if it comes out, say, this week.
ReplyDeleteQuite honestly, I'm very serious about the boycott. At the same time, to purchase THIS and ignore everything else, that seems like voting for Mega Man. It's a bit difficult to figure this out. I suppose we'll see if there is still reason for a boycott when this is released, if at all. I seem to recall plenty of other games being rated for Wii VC that were simply never seen on the service.
I never though I'll say this, but THANK YOU CAPCOM. :3
ReplyDeleteIf you don't buy Mega Man products, Capcom will see the franchise as unprofitable and therefore kill it off entirely.
Boycott Capcom products that aren't Mega Man.
Meh. Nothing really new, just another port. The next "new" Mega Man games this year will likely be MMX2, MM6 and RockBoard for WiiWare and other GB games for 3DS. And that's all. (assuming Rockman Online will be released next year, if it's not cancelled like Makaimura Online in 2004)
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see Capcom has found it in their heart to make money off a game they already made.
ReplyDeleteNow, if only I had a 3DS, I'd download this in a heartbeat. Same with the other four in the Game Boy Mega Man series.
ReplyDeleteOkay, valid point. I will definitely buy this when it's on 3DS eShop.
Capcom may be making money on a game they already made here, but let's face it... this game hasn't seen the light of day in almost 20 years. I think it's perfectly reasonable to have a $3-$6 rerelease of this as a download at this point in time. I'd say the worst offender in the Virtual Console on 3DS would probably be Link's Awakening. That's sold a literal ton of copies. (But I'm guilty for buying the original on GB, the DX version on GBC, and the VC version, so... yeah, I'm a contributor to the problem. :P)
@iliekmudkips: It's not really a remake. I've never thought of any of the Game Boy games as remakes, honestly. They may share robot masters that have already appeared previously, but outside of that, and a few familiar tunes, they're entirely different games from the NES, SNES, and PSX ones.
ReplyDelete@VixyNyan: Even so, it's still good to hear that this hasn't been canceled, too.
@Takara_Kitsune: Dude, if you're serious about boycotting Capcom, that's all fine and dandy. But don't boycott Mega Man. All that's gonna do is show Capcom that Mega Man isn't a profitable franchise, and it's just shooting ourselves in the foot with a Mega Buster. If anything, we need to support anything and everything Mega Man to the fullest to show Capcom that there IS still an audience for Mega Man. We have to convince them that Mega Man is worth taking a risk on. If we start boycotting Mega Man related things, we're just pouring more dirt on top of Mega Man's grave.
@N-Mario: We don't know, let alone for sure, but there's been 2 3D classic releases so far, and Nintendo seems to be making them themselves, so I think there's still hope. Although they did say making them gives them more trouble than they anticipated. They'll at least not just make 1st party games, as Xevious (which was released recently) was made by Namco Bandai originally. So it's wait and see time. I'll be very disappointed if MegaMan 2 gets cancelled though.. It's Capcom's chance, along with this game, to prove MM is still important (if at least somewhat since they're not making new games) to them.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, as much as MM2 is over appreciated, I am looking forward to that 3D layered remake.
ReplyDeleteEh, better than nothing.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but I won't just buy Mega Man because . . .
ReplyDeleteIf they want my support, they'll need to make what I want to buy. Do I want to buy Dr. Wily's Revenge?
Why? I own it. For the Gameboy. I intend to pick up the Player's Choice version and that'll be it for me.
Digital copies are okay, but the prices are a bit high for my taste when I own the original and have several old school Gameboys that can play it.
Call me old fashioned. :P
It has to be said that a 3D Mega Man 2 remake has never ever been officially announced. Yes, there was a mock-up screenshot on a 3DS demo back in E3 2010, but that was hardly a confirmation of an actual remake being in development.
ReplyDeleteReggie himself confirmed it.
I wonder if the 3D classics are limited to console games. I could use some 3D gameboy game remasters.
ReplyDeleteIf a 3D Classics MegaMan 2 ever does get made, I'd buy it on day 1. But in all seriousness, seeing how Nintendo already has lots of trouble with these, and has cancelled some titles already due to development issues, I have a feeling that 3D MM2 won't ever see the light of day. Even if Reggie did confirm it, that was still back then, wasn't it? Or was there somewhere that he confirmed it more than one time?
ReplyDeletei never played this one but id rather it be in color instead of black and white. also im sick of mm2 id rather have a brand new game instead of that one
ReplyDelete@N-Mario: They said they had trouble with making Xevious 3D, but I don't think it's the general process that's so difficult. If you look at Xevious, it's pretty obvious why they would have trouble. You have to have things way up in the air and down on the ground, figure out where the bullets should go, and balance the big difference in visual distance so people don't get seasick from playing.
ReplyDeleteI'd imagine a 3D Megaman 2 would be easier. All you'd really have to do is make the background recede and maybe make the tiles and enemies pop out a little.
Enker! Woo!
ReplyDeleteThis was my only handheld Megaman game growing up. I stunk at it, but it left an impression on me.
Well quite honestly, I would want to see MM1 done in 3D Classics first before they do a MM2 in 3D.
ReplyDeleteI totally understand that MM2 was the better game, and ppl remember that one better than MM1. But it just doesn't make sense to do a MM2 at the start where there is a MM1. Ya know? Not that I liked MM1 better, I really liked MM2 too. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it would be like Nintendo doing a Super Mario 2 first, before Super Mario 1.
Just my general sense, that's all. But if MM2 eventually does come to the 3D classics, I'd download it. ;)
I'm confused. Didn't we know MegaMan I had been rated by the ESRB a really long time ago? Like, last month?
ReplyDeleteAt least they're throwing us a bone here. I think this is a good opportunity to show Capcom that people want Megaman. Not Resident Evil spinoffs, not the umpteenth revision of Street Fighter, not emoified DMC. MEGAMAN.
ReplyDeleteI rather enjoyed Wily's Revenge, so I'll be downloading this little gem when it's available.
Mega Man Universe was the true Mega Man 2 in 3D.
ReplyDeleteWait, wasn't Dr. Wily's Revenge already rated by the ESRB?
ReplyDeletebut they really expect the fans to buy this after that strike on the back they gave us???
ReplyDeletemany people already have this game for the original GB...
its even worse... i believe that capcom is thinking like this: "ha! we won't give them MML3, instead lets just give them an emulated version of an old GB game and make profit from it... if it doesn't sell well, lets just delete everything we have about MML3 on our Hardrives...."