Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Archie Comics Announces Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Unite

Archie Comics' Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog lines are crossing over again. The company announced "Worlds Unite", a sequel to 2013-2014's "Worlds Collide" crossover story arc. Plot details are reserved until this week's New York Comic Con, but in the meantime, here's what writers Ian Flynn with Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante had to say:

"When the worlds of Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man collided in the pages of Archie Action comics, readers, fans and retailers made it the biggest crossover event in Archie Action history,” he said in a prepared statement. “That historic crossover storyline changed the comic book worlds of Sega and Capcom’s iconic video game characters forever, but now an even bigger event is on the horizon. You saw what happened when worlds collided, now see what happens when Words Unite! And this time, no universe will be safe…”

"No universe will be safe" makes me think more than one Mega Man series will be represented! Mega Man X, anyone? In any case, we'll have more news on Thursday, October 9th. The Archie Action Hour: Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man panel will be held at 1PM.

Source: TSS


  1. Very cool, at least, megaman is not dead for some people like the ones of archie comics, nice!
    Yeah, since tokyo game show 2014, i start to be really pessimistic....

  2. All this is telling me is that the Mega Man comic is on the bubble again. That doesn't make me very happy.

  3. From the description, it sounds like there might be more than one Megaman universe/timeline involved.

  4. This needs to be made into a game Sega And Capcom make it happen

  5. A second Mega Man/Sonic Comic! I really liked it and its good they're doing it again!
    I hope this event's epilogue doesn't lead to bring Sonic's world back into the old version (Mecha Sally etc.) again, I like the new world since I see no good reasons for the old world to return.
    I really don't know if Eggman and Wily's gonna team up again since the last time, but maybe this will be the first time the insane Xander makes his moves since he mentioned Sonic, Bass, and X in his drawings.

    1. That would be impossible. Sonic's world was changed because of legal matters with one of the former writers. In a nutshell, the nutcase (Ken Pender) tried to sue for ownership of characters and story concepts that became major pillars of the comic series. Crossover or not, a reboot was going to happen so they could, unfortunately, dump everything he make.


    I knew Archie had no integrity, but this is just pathetic. Another cheap stunt to boost sales. The SAME stunt in fact.

    Why don't they just merge the two books and save the cost of publication? It's Archie, they're cheap enough to do it.

    It would certainly make Flynn's job a lot easier. And you can tell how much he absolutely hates writing scripts that don't involve blue hedgehogs.

    1. Either deal with it or get out. No one is forcing you to read Flynn's masterpieces.

    2. >Prof. Megaman

      >Dissing Ian and making unfounded accusations before we know any details.

      Hiya, Prof!

      Man, it's been a while since you've been bold enough to post under your real name.

      The last crossover was amazing, and we're looking forward to a new one. Deal with it. Nobody wants to hear you rant about your Flynn-envy.

    3. @Cyberguy64: Yeah you can see the hypocrisy in you calling out someone based on unfounded accusations while in the mean time labeling anybody that has anything bad to say about the comic as Prof. Megaman right?

      I don't even hate the comic, but I remember I had a negative remark about some covers backed with legitimate reasons, and you popped out of nowhere harassing not my opinion but myself and giving me labels and crap. I don't know about Prof much, but that seems like much more trollish behavior than anything that Prof. has ever done.

    4. @Cyberguy64: I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that you can't handle opposing opinions to the point where you think everyone who bad-mouths what you like is one person masquerading as several people. Or that you think anyone who criticizes someone you like can only be jealous of them.

      @Musashi the Master: I'll take option three. Continue my futile ranting if only to irritate hot-tempered people like you.

    5. I might buy your BS if you weren't going out of your way to be antagonistic.

    6. Even though I enjoyed the Sonic/Mega Man crossover myself, I'm going to have to stick up for Prof. Megaman, here. All he did was express his opinion. Sure, it was a negative one, but still an opinion nonetheless. He should have just as much of a right to to say that he dislikes the Archie Comics as much as everyone else has the right to praise them.

    7. @Axem White: Please see what the anon directly above you said. There's expressing an opinion, and then there's being a complete jerkhole about it.

  7. ""No universe will be safe" makes me think more than one Mega Man series will be represented! Mega Man X, anyone?"

    At first, I was thinking "Wow, isn't this a bit too soon?" but then you said that, which makes a lot of sense, and that makes me happy. I hope Archie makes that happen. :D

  8. While I Hope it means X's world will get into this event, I forsee the universes meaning the 3 different ones for Sonic. Who knows though? The last crossover was pretty fun and its been quite awhile sense, much more than Mavel or DC would have waited for another crossover. I have open arms for this.


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