Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rockman Xover is Coming to an End

After nearly two years of service, social RPG Rockman Xover is shutting down. According to a hidden message posted to the game's servers (uncovered by Nigoli), Xover will officially cease operations on March 31st, 2015. This will seemingly affect both iOS and Android versions.

Prior to termination, Capcom also plans on shutting down the sale of "Crests", the game's form of currency, on December 25th, 2014. Refunds for unused Crest balance will be distributed between April 1st ~ September 30th, 2015.

It remains to be seen when Capcom will officially announce the game's termination, but be aware that it is coming. Right now we don't know why they're pulling the plug; it could be a matter of declining revenue, or things may have run their course. It's all speculation at this point.

We'll update you when we learn more. Thanks, Nigoli!


  1. So long, Xover - thanks for the...the...hmm...the title theme and the swimsuit cards.

    1. Seeing the original cards are one thing. Trying to get them from in any kind of way was the best. They suggest to take screenshots of things in the last part of the post and tell you how based on the platform you're on. I already had most of the cards I wanted snapped to begin with. I feel like the best part of the game was the original cards. I can also say I had a Full Complete Kalinka Collection going. From her two Special cards, to her Swimsuit cards.

      I will always be forever sentimental about the game for my stock of Battle Memories.

    2. If Bandai releases some physical collectible cardass, it would be great. The game was crap, and worst - an addictive kind of crap. It was hard to stop playing it, even when it was awful and boring. I'll really only miss the card collection.

  2. So, it's finally coming to an end, huh? Gee, how tragic. Just watch as I cry myself to sleep.

  3. I can't say I'm sad, so now the only thing left are the GBA games in WiiU and the soundtracks/toys. Is amazing that they keep wasting money on that failure called Gaist Crusher and yet they can bother with Mega Man, not even something small.

  4. Rockman IS over, finally

  5. Yes! This is the best MM news in awhile.

  6. That's fine because this game is horrible however I still collected it anyway, lol.

  7. I kid you not, when I read that headline, a snickered. I'm not really sure why though.

  8. If there's some way to archive the assets of this game for posterity, it should be done. Nevertheless, this game is terrible and I really won't miss it.

  9. I know everyone hated on this game, and certainly, I can understand why. From what I can see, the gameplay leaves a LOT to be desired. But I'm still a little sad we never got to try it out in the West. There are things about it that I actually like. Over-1's design, to me, is pretty awesome, and I also love that Kalinka made a comeback, too. While I don't think everything about this game was well executed, it had some pretty cool ideas, and the concept of a massive crossover is something I had been dreaming of for ages. Xover's existence has always been rather bittersweet to me. There's a lot of lost potential, and while not its only crime, I think the biggest crime is that it wasn't an action platformer for home consoles (or at the very least handhelds), and instead was a social RPG for mobile devices. I know most of the comments section here is likely to be celebrations or something, but for me, I'm just gonna be a bit sad about what Capcom could have done with this concept, and some of the cool ideas and characters that were more or less wasted on something that was doomed to fail due to the poor choices of its execution.

    1. Well, just play some flash games, they've done crossovers better there

    2. Well said Star. Rockman Xover really did have some neat ideas even if the presentation was somewhat flawed.

      *Sigh* This really just makes me miss Rockman Online. That game looked fantastic...

    3. My thinks exactly. They wasted things that could of been epic on something so bare-bone that it's barely be considered a game. I hope that some day they another shot at the XOver concept. If not Capcom, then maybe a fan game.

  10. Perhaps the decision came about after discussing that 2 million sales for a sequel policy. There may have been a slight chance that they finally realized that Xover was hurting the chances of any Megaman title getting a sequel, especially after how well Nintendo and Ono(yes, he's in the credits under Capcom) has been handling Megaman in a crossover.

    1. That only applies to AAA titles. Xover is as far away from Aaa as they come

    2. And? Considering Capcom is either AAA or mobile these days, I would not be surprised if a AAA Megaman game was in the cards at some point.

    3. AAAis typically budgeted at 10 million+. Looking at the results of Mighty No. 9, that much isn't necessary for Mega Man. The franchise will always be low-middle tier budget

    4. I don't know, I always thought there was more to AAA games than the amount of money it takes to make them. I always thought games with enough hype, for a well enough known and utilized current gen console, that at least uses the consoles primary gaming hardware to a reasonable amount (meaning things above digital indie games that charge much less than that console's main games) were considered AAA. Like I don't think it takes 10mill to make the latest handheld main Pokemon game, but it is a fully priced (usually in the 40$ range) current gen game that sales well over 10mill units typically, which by extension naturally makes well over 10mill$ in revenue.

      I also don't think Mega Man is all that set in stone budget wise. I think if Capcom fully invested in a current home console Legends/Dash game, it would probably be considered triple-A and perhaps use the required budget set by the parameters you've given. I also don't think MN.9 can be used as a guideline, as I don't think the (small not yet self-sufficient) developers are aiming to use the capabilities of any of the consoles it will be released on to any considerable amount, and the game itself may be priced moderately/less compared to other main games for that given console. Of course that is left to be seen. Nonetheless and needless to say, I don't think the Mega Man franchise will always be low-middle tier budget or at the very least is predetermined to be stuck there.

    5. Legends doesn't sell, so why would they put a lot of money into it? It has a following of die hard fans, this is true, but it just doesn't get enough money for Capcom to even think of making one an AAA game.

      There's a reason they milked X and Battle Network longer when they should have ended at X5 and BN6 respectively.

      The only other option would be an AAA Classic game, but that series is kind of stuck in the past right now, and Capcom knows no one minds the 8-bits they throw out for that series, so they won't really have to try.

      You could make another series to deal with this problem, but I think that will lead to this series being even more unfocused then it already is.

    6. It's a Catch-22 all around. Megaman games don't sell that much because Capcom is too scared, greedy and/or unstable to put any real money into a Megaman game. They need to remember that there is a middle ground between a bank-buster budget and pocket change budget.

    7. @11:17 AM: MMBN did end at 6. I don't know what you mean, by that example in general.

    8. I typed BN6 by accident, my bad, I mean BN3. It's pretty clear that BN3 was going to be the original final game, from the way the story handles itself, to how the sprites look, to the fact BN4 is to many is the worst game in that series.

  11. ...And nothing of value was lost.

  12. It's about time they've decided to pull the plug on this piece of crap. Good riddance.

  13. Just a reminder, Xover will die with never having done a Legends themed world.

    Something to think about.

  14. Nobody's making the obvious pun? Guess I won't either.

    Glad I won't have to read any more news about it.

  15. Will not miss it, but I'm disappointed that a crossover will not get a Rockman DASH world before ending. *sigh*

  16. Normally I would be glad. Xover was nothing special and only deteriorated the series more. But this is so sudden and unexplained, that I'm a little surprised actually.

    But then again, seeing as this is Capcom who cancelled about four other games, I guess I shouldn't even be surprised in the slightest. At least Capcom had the courtesy of letting this thing actually be released and run for two years before canning it.
    -Dr. Jerk.

  17. As the title says, it's really over. :/

  18. Finally... I am so happy that Rockman Xover is coming to an end! No more Rockman Xover! Thank you, Capcom.

    ...Now bring Megaman Legends 3! More Mega man games on consoles!!!! NOW! :D

    1. If you think that's going to happen, then you must be quite naive, no offense. Capcom barely has any money left and are pretty convinced that MM is just a niche franchise. While no reason was given for Xover's canning, I would imagine it would have to do with it not doing as well as they had expected.

      They're not going to be making AAA games or Legends 3 just because Xover is over. In fact, it's more likely we won't be seeing anything MM other than merchandise for a long, long time. Or maybe even never again. MM is officially dead.

  19. And so it ends. I hate (extremely hate,infact) Over-1/XOver as a Rockman,but the game had some decent ideas Ideas like Using Armor based on other Mega Men (and to a minor extent their friends). And Unlike ZX,the armor you get isn't limited to just the Zero Series Characters. Seeing Kalinka again was cool too..

    This game would've done way better if A: It was NOT a Japanese Social RPG. B: Was NOT a Mobile Game (it'd be best on the 3DS). And C: If It had a Different Name. Ya gotta admit "Rockman XOver" is a somewhat deceiving name,considering that it had little to do with the other Mega Men (besides the armors,that is).

    The Games Story didn't help much either. But then again,this is Capcom Japan we're talking about and when it comes to Mega Man (and street fighter to an extent) they kinda suck at storytelling (inconsistencies.reign supreme). So a bad story,I guess,is to be expected.

    Bottom line, XOver had some decent Ideas, but they were wasted on the game itself. A Strait-Up 3DS Action game should've been chosen over a Mobile Japanese RPG.

    So Thanks for wasting what could've been a decent game,Crapcom Japan. I wish you all bad luck for screwing the Mega Man fans constantly.

    I personally take great pride in being a Mega Man fan. I'm A Rocktaku (rockman + otaku) or may be it's Megataku (megaman + otaku).

  20. I'm kind of bummed then. As anyone should be. Even just watching from the sidelines, at least something was going on. An end is a new beginning, right? Hopefully not the beginning of another drought.

  21. Are you guys happy? Do you guys feel satisfied and accomplished? Are you throwing a party about a game 99% of you haters didn't even freaking play ? Do you feel like accomplished individuals now that a game that was for freaking mobile devices and never affected your lives in any way, shape or form dies?

    The game brought awesome character designs and fan services to the table. It wasn't a 'greatest game ever' deal, but it's not because it's a mainstream and 'cool' thing to be part of the Rockman XOver band wagon that you gotta act the way you do.

    The game is done, happy ? Maybe someday people will look back at the few decent features like the Art and Music that the game had.


    An Anon who is freaking sick and tired of the retardness of the Mega Man community.

    ''Hating on an MOBILE game ! I'm such a cool and hardcore fan ! ''

    1. I don't know who you're talking about, but I didn't care for the game because of the awful gameplay first and foremost.

      Guess that's weird.

    2. Relax.

      In all likelihood, Capcom probably didn't hear or listened to the criticism and ended it for other reasons. The game wasn't released overseas, so obviously our opinions on it are null. Also even though it was a mobile phone game, it still doesn't excuse the poor quality and direction they went with it. Certainly Xover looked to be good, but unfortunately its quality was subpar at best, and an obvious means of being a cash grab.

      People have reasons to dislike it. If you liked it, then cool. But don't hate on other people just because they don't share their opinion.

  22. So this is the end of Megaman/Rockman. After 27 years of old fashioned side scrolling, platforming action, it is officially over. Or is it?

  23. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    Im glad it's xover.


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