Friday, July 28, 2023

Threezero MDLX Rockman Revealed (UPDATE)

A brand-new classic series Rockman figure made an appearance at Threezero's Animation Comic Game Hong Kong booth. 

Currently, specific details are limited, but the upcoming figure belongs to the MDLX line—a series known for being "highly articulated, poseable, and offered at an affordable price." Curiously, Rockman here doesn't appear to have very many joints,if at all. It's possible this is an early prototype. UPDATE: Threezero indicated that the joints have not been implemented for this particular unit. The final product will have articulation after all.

For a glimpse of what's in store, you can refer to Threezero's impressive range of previously released Transformers figures here

More updates on this front as it comes! 

Source: ToysWalker


  1. A lot of 1/6 and 1/12 scale figures nowadays use a soft material molded on a rigid skeleton, with the only visible joints being feet, wrists and neck. That might be what they are going for.

    1. So it's probably soft PVC, then?

    2. I don't know what kind of plastic those kind of figures are made of except it is flexible on top of a stainless steel ball joint skeleton. Which means they are gonna be pricey if that's what they are doing... Which if it is, that would actually be the most realistic Rockman figure on the market ever.
      But that's pure speculation.

    3. I sort of hope they aren't doing the silicone rubber body over a metal armature, and that this is just a pre-articulated prototype sculpt. TB League has been making "seamless articulated bodies" for years, and they're literal dust magnets that become sticky. Mezco has also released a few figures like this -- '89 Batman, and their recent Alien Xenomorph figures -- and the rubber can dry out, crack, and tear. Some people also have QC problems with the armature inside -- bad joints, loose bolts, corrosion, etc. -- and there's absolutely no way to fix those issues because they're literally sealed in rubber. I don't think anyone has perfected an articulated soft plastic toy; most either become like a sticky hand toy from a vending machine, or they dry out and become brittle. ThreeZero does have some articulated rubber figures though, so maybe that is what we're getting here. Even silicone spatulas wear out and tear after a few years of use, and those aren't articulated.

  2. This is honestly adorable! If I could get one, it's going next to the Mega Man figurine I currently have!


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