Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Jada Toys Mega Man Wave 3 Figures Revealed

Jada Toys has delivered on their promise and revealed the complete Wave 3 lineup for their brand-new Mega Man collection at the San Diego Comic-Con (booth #3477). 

This wave introduces two more Robot Masters, Wood Man and Bubble Man, along with a helmetless variant of Mega Man. A single Met was showcased as well, and it's expected to come as an accessory with at least one of these fellas. 

We'll have more details on Wave 3 soon. In the meantime, pre-orders are live for Wave 1! Grab those from Big Bad Toystore and Entertainment Earth if you haven't already.

Source: MCUcollector24


  1. I recall Jada mentioning that some characters in both the SF2 and Mega Man lines would be "deluxe figures" sold separately due to their size, so it looks like Guts Man and Bomb Man got set aside for now.

    Never hurts to have more Robot Masters that rarely get any merchandise, however. Pretty hyped for these guys!

    1. Guts Man yes, but Bomb Man should be as big as Wood Man.

    2. Indeed. If anything, X and/or a Roll+Dr. Light 2-pack would be a good accompaniment to Guts Man as Deluxe figures.

    3. Imagine the Wily stage boss bots!!!!

  2. Huh... didnt see that coming.

    1. Oh, the Met is adjustable. That's cool.
      I'll buy these. I hope the Leaf Shield is included. And I hope they get past the need to include Mega Man with every wave... I don't need 40 of them... And I don't need every single weapon re-skin either. Stuff like that is better for convention exclusives, vendor exclusives and crowdfunding. Or 2 packs.

    2. I don't always agree with everything you say but I'm 100% with you on this! Would rather get more robot masters or characters like Roll and Bass than a dozen Mega Men with slightly differing colors.

    3. it depends if they're doing 4 robot masters from each game or not. there are many forms of mega man to do. we got red varient with rush, rush jet and power adapters, super adapter, quint, normal rock, and mega man 11 versions. maybe a battle damaged varient, bad box art varient?

      I hope we don't just get a bunch of weapon varients.

    4. AnonymousJuly 21, 2023 at 9:54 AM
      Don't care.

    5. shrapJuly 21, 2023 at 5:19 PM
      Oh you~

  3. looks like 4 robot masters per series? I wonder how they'll handle other characters like protoman, bass and roll.

    I'm hoping wave 4 has heat and air. we'll probably get metal blade mega man.

    1. It's 2 Robot Masters per wave (each wave is 3 figures, and it appears one slot will always be a Mega Man variant), that's assuming every wave will have Robot Masters, I assume a wave will eventually have Dr. Wily, Dr. Light, Auto, Roll, Bass, Protoman, etc.


  5. That's unexpected, I kind of hoped they would have finished the first games characters before moving on but still excited to see the two get merch. As well as having mega man from the title screen in two is pretty sick

    1. I'm glad they're not necessarily making them in order, personally. This means chances to get characters aside from the first 6.

  6. These are so awesome!

  7. Getting Wood Man and Bubble Man is real cool, but I’m most excited about the Met of all things. This introduces the prospect of getting some enemies in the mix. Imagine some Joes or a Big Eye in the mix. Honestly I’d like these Mega Man alt costumes a lot more if they all come with a small enemy. Maybe like a Blader or a Batonton.

    Also to those worried about Guts Man and Bomb Man, Jada said before that their not going to go in typical game order. They’ll get there, hopefully, just not now.

    1. Sniper Joe is 90% Protoman, so I hope we get one and include another small enemy or two.

  8. They looks weird!

  9. No Bombman and Gutsman? But I hope they finish the 2rd game robot masters.
    I am really hating megaman constantly stealing the 3rd slot for waves 2 and 3. What a waste.

  10. Really glad they're moving on to robot masters past the first game. Probably gonna grab these, they look pretty good

  11. They look good, and I won't turn down MM2 figures. But I would prefer they do Gutsman and Bombman to polish off the first wave of robot masters. Jada has been doing some good work so far. Their first two Street Fighter figures are great and they did the impossible by finally announcing a Dee Jay figure (suck on that, Sota!). With so many Mega Man figure lines out there, completion is the one element that would make this line stand above the rest.

  12. I was going to complain about Bubble Man’s eyelids being a weird color, but I looked at the art again and it’s accurate. Also it’s my boy Bubble Man, instant buy

  13. They look great, I’ll definitely be trying to get some of these. My only complaint is that do we really need a different Mega Man in every wave? Also why not complete the first set of robot masters before moving onto the next game? Hopefully we actually get the full set of robot masters eventually for at least a few of the games.

    1. Here's hoping the line is successful enough to not require a Mega Man in every wave. However, if they feel they need an anchor, totally okay with using a "main" character in every wave (Protoman, Bass, Wily, Dr. Light, Roll, Auto, etc). Plus we can get multiple versions of Roll based on her various appearances. I suppose we could also get variants of Protoman and Bass based on their weapon colours from MM9/10/MM&B if need be down the line.

    2. I hope the line is successful as well, I can agree with including a main character in each wave but I’m just hoping it’s not going to be a bunch of different Mega Man variants. These figures look high quality and just like the original artwork so that’s why I’m hoping we get a few complete sets of robot masters. There haven’t been any complete sets since the 90s when Bandai had the 2-3 inch figures in Japan.

  14. I rather enjoy the third slot being taken by different Mega Man versions as long as they start packing them with little army builder enemies. Lots of different skins needed for my Mega Man shelf

    1. I remember during the Bandai Mega Armor Series model kit days I tried to get all the X varients.

  15. I am not a classic fan tbh but I am still excited by these figures... I Hope they will do figures for the Mega Man X and (my personal favorite series) the Mega Man Zero series.

    1. Mega Man Zero is where toy lines go to die

    2. Yeah, it’s happened many times so far. Please no Zero series. Original and X seem to sell the best when it comes to figures.

    3. I want you to actually support you bold claim and list every line that was allegedly killed by the Zero series.

      I'll wait...

    4. Killed S.H. Figuarts.
      Killed Kotobukiya for years. Note they haven't tried again...
      Killed the god awful Jazwares line. And rightfully so.

      Name one line where it worked?
      I'll wait.
      The BEST you can say is a Chinese model set of a grand total of two models, horribly re-designed at that.

    5. 1. While Mega Man Zero was the first and last Mega Man figure in the S.H. Figuarts line, Tamashii Nations and Bandai have still used the Mega Man license in other lines afterwards (Ex. Nxedge had X and Zero in the line, Chogokin had Giga Armor X etc) which means that Bandai/Tamashii Nations still saw potential in the Mega Man license (proof . Zero was the only S.H. Figuarts Mega man Figure in the line, the other figures were from D-Arts which was a similar line but only for video game characters. Also I have seen MANY negative reviews of that figure (and I agree with them it looks bad for Figuarts standards) which means people bought less of MMZ Zero but only because his figure was awful. Also with Tamashii Nations they tend to do only a select (and few) number of characters for licences that they don't have a big hand in ( That's why Gundam, Godzilla, and Dragon Ball get so much stuff from them) so they probably thought that they were done with Mega Man figures in the D-arts and Figuarts lines because they made the most popular characters.

      2. I wouldn't say it was killed but it was just taking a break (some model kit lines do that sometimes). Also I've read that Zero and the other kits by Kotobukiya at the time had some qc issues that could cause the models to break which would cause less sales. Also they rereleased Zero for the 30th anniversary of Mega Man (Proof: ) and they still show him in promo images (Proof: he is on the 2nd to last image btw)

      3. Ah, yes the ONE RETAIL FIGURE OF ZERO KILLED THE LINE. Yeah, no we can both agree that line was trash and it died because of every release in that line being trash. Also Jazwares gives up licenses all the time that's why they gave up the IMMENSLY POPULAR Sonic line and now have a Fortnite line.

      All I'm trying to say is that Zero series figs could sell if they were made properly and weren't garbage. Every single figure from MMZ has some issue that ruins the figure, like Figuarts giraffe neck and horribe hair, Kotobukiya's qc and bad color separation, Jazwares everything, or the Eastern Model kits having bad faces (but those sold well so I guess some people just didn't care). The Zero series would sell fine if the company making them actually makes some good figures, and I think Jada Toys could do it.

    6. 1.) Your splitting hairs about S.H. Figuarts vs D-Arts. I assumed you were smart enough to know it's all the same difference at the end of the day. So Zero, in reality, killed TWO lines there.
      I actually like the Zero figure. The only beef I have is the hair.

      2.) It took a break for several years. Note the part where it was discontinued in 2013? A re-issue in an anniversary ain't that surprising. Promo images don't mean anything, and is also a huge issue I have with Kotobukiya. While their kits are nice in a lot of ways, they SUCK at scaling. Really REALLY suck.

      3.) Yea

      The Zero series collection sold the least of the bunch, thus far. Zero is not as popular as one assumes. It could work. If done right. It's that last part that I have Zero faith in. (pun intended)

    7. There's also the X-toy gigantic figure line, that ended with the zero series.

      There's also the “Super Model Spirit” Rockman Trading Figures that included zero. not really fair since those trading figures rarely have more than one set, but it did have him and also didn't continue.

    8. For Shrap:

      1. Yeah I only now just realized how dumb that was, they really were the same line essentially... But the main point was trying to say that Tamashii Nations and Bandai still saw potential in Mega Man figures even after the Zero figure was released which means it couldn't have been a complete failure. (I still think it's mid because of his weird proportions and awful hair). Also I want to once again say that higher end action figure lines like Figuarts usually only release a select number of characters, another example of this would be Sentinel's Mega Man line which also ended with only a few figures in that line (Zero wasn't even included, not even his X series design).

      2. Yeah stuff that is no longer in production get discontinued, nothing is produced forever. Also a reissue is pretty significant because that means that they thought Zero was successful enough to be rereleased. Promo images are significant because that also means that Zero sold well enough to still be in marketing, which means that it was not a failure. Also I agree the scaling is off, I also don't like the yelling face on Zero (look real goofy if you have it at the wrong angle), or his massive head.

      3. I'm glad we could agree on this. Also isn't it sad how the only official Omega figure was a repaint of Jazwares' Zero?

      For Erik the Red:

      I was only talking about action figures, not statues but I've noticed that statue lines only choose select characters and X Plus did the same by only making statues of main and (more importantly) recognizable characters: X, Zero, MMZ Zero, Rock, and Roll.

      I feel like that's similar to Jazwares in that he was only one figure out of many others, so I don't think that counts.

      To whoever cares:

      I think a full on Zero Series Line wouldn't work (or maybe it could IDK I'm not a business man) but if a company made a line that encompassed all the series and made actually good figures I could see them selling well in that series and they could pull what Jada is doing here and have other figures to make back any profit that the less popular series might not bring in. Also I know the Zero series is not as popular as X or Classic but that doesn't mean that it can't get figures in a toyline.

      I still have hope that we can at least get a new Zero (all his figures are expensive on the aftermarket) Ciel, the Guardians, Craft and other important characters from my favorite series, and I feel like we will one day but it will take some time (I mean we finally got our first Copy X not too long ago).

    9. I mean, it kills toy lines. the gigantic figures are figures. "action" figure really is splitting hairs, they're just giant, and not statues. they even have swappable heads.

      and looking at ebay, where normal zero goes for like $1000, and other figures go for like $400 min, and MMZ goes for $300, it's definitely the least desirable figure. there are also a ton of him for sale, like 1 or 2 normal Zeros, and like 5 of any other figure if you're lucky.

      I think ONLY a full on zero line would work. I think the issue is that zero figures entering a line, they try to cut costs by reusing designs of the previous figures. MMZ really doesn't work like that, so it'd have to be it's own line, with maybe Zero and the four guardians, and maybe ZX with prometheus and pandora. leviathan and pandora would sell pretty well me thinks.

    10. I still don't think it necessarily "kills toylines" but whatever. Also I always call Non articulated figures statues (cause that's what they are) also I've seen companies sell statues (that they themselves call statues) with swappable parts, but who cares.

      Yeah, X series Zero is going to sell more than Zero series Zero because he is the more iconic design, just like how G1 or Movie Optimus Prime are going to sell better than Armada Optimus Prime or like how red and blue Spider-Man is going to sell better than Spider-Man in the bulletproof suit. Also in my experience Ebay prices are pretty odd.

      Like I said I'm not a business man so I don't know, I just thought the MMZ/ZX part of the series could sell better as part of an all encompassing Mega Man line. But maybe a full on Zero/ZX line could work, I think Zero, Ciel, Copy X, and the Four Guardians could sell well, maybe a Kraft too because he just looks cool (idk about Weil, Elpizo, or Omega tho). For ZX I bet most of the protags and Prometheus and Pandora could sell well. They could also do something similar to the current Jada line and release the different colored forms that Zero (and other characters) had in the games, they could also release generic Pantheons, Resistance Soldiers, etc. for army building.

      I hope that happens... but for now it's just a dream.

    11. omega would definitely sell well. I don't think the four guardians would sell particularly well as a whole. I can see harpuia and especially leviathan selling well. phantom and fefnir probably wouldn't be very popular, with fefnir being the least popular character I think. I don't think kraft would sell well at all. he was in one game, that most people didn't like. Omega would sell well for just looking cool.

      for zx, I think top sellers would be ash, and pandora. prometheus might sell okay relatively, but I don't think anyone else would sell particularly well. ZX is probably the least popular of the 2D games series. it has 2 games that can be seen as a downgrade from Z3, with terrible maps and isn't really connected to the prior games like classic through Zero are. story wise, it's just a far removed plot with little connection to any prior games besides using MMZ skins for new characters and using names from classic.

      X was about light and wily's creations after the classic series, with the doctors' affecting the world directly somehow. MMZ featured the main characters from MMX after they finallly defeat sigma.

      ZX just has armors that look like prior characters, and alouette/prarie, with the events of prior games having no real bearing. biometals are just random things created to be somewhat like the heroes they're based on? there's just so little reason for fans to be invested in that world.

    12. I've seen a good amount of fans that like Phantom and Fefnir (though admittedly in my personal ranking from worst to best it goes Fefnir, Leviathan, Phantom and then Harpuia but I still like all of the guardians) plus it wouldn't feel right to have 2 of the FOUR Guardians. I personally think Kraft would sell well enough because of coolness factor (he's a big robot soldier guy with a giant bazooka with a knife attached to it, he also has bombs).

      I think Vent and Aile from Advent could do well enough, I feel like Grey is more popular than Ashe but that could just be my personal bias (I prefer the Aile to Grey storyline personally). Prometheus and Pandora are the best characters in ZX so I bet both of them would sell well. I don't think ZX stuff is going to sell as well as Zero stuff either cause like why have Aeolus if I have Harpuia is just a better character in general.

      I mean Legends and Battle Network have less connections to the main timeline but look how popular they are.

  16. Bubble Man is sooo cuuuute! I wanna grab him and take pictures of him surrounded by bubblez! :3


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