"4:45-5:45 Capcom 2010 and Beyond!— See the latest trailers and get the inside scoop on all of Capcom’s most highly anticipated games for 2010 and beyond: Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Sengoku Basara, Okamiden, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, Ghost Trick, Dead Rising 2, and more. On top of all that, hear details on an exciting new game announcement by Capcom legend Keiji Inafune, the father of Mega Man! Room 6BCF "
No word if it's Mega Man-related or not, but it couldn't hurt to be a little hopeful. Naturally, there's all sorts of speculation as to what it could be, but I'm willing to bet that this is the event where Mega Man Universe will make its debut. Regardless, I'll be keeping you posted!
Credit: GoNintendo
can't wait. I hope this new game will be as good as the battle network series and the starforce series.
ReplyDeleteIt's gotta be, since all of the other possibilities are already being shown minus Lost Planet (another of which it's too early for). XD
ReplyDeleteMeh, I'm more hoping for a new Onimusha or something like that, than a new Megaman game.
ReplyDeleteCause if we get a new Megaman game, certain fanboys are going to bitch about it, simply because it's not 2d or 8bit. -_-
My body is ready.
Yes! I'll be going to Comic Con so I can see (if he's around when I'm there, that is).
ReplyDeleteYes! I'll be going to Comic Con.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Saito. Onimusha is a series that needs to be brought back before any more Mega Man
ReplyDeleteCain and Sigma X Board: That's Sanctuary.
ReplyDeleteI'll be laughing at all of you when I'm proven right.
ReplyDelete*Shakes head*
Didn't you played Onimusha 3? That was t he last in the triology. I doubt Capcom's making another one.
And here you are, causing a scene again with your negative attitude...
@ The third Anon
ReplyDeleteAre you sure your body is ready? Because I'm not sure it is.
@ Saito Heh. Looks whose talking. So far I heard you make a fuss about it.
ReplyDeleteBut meh Marvel vs Capcom 3 all they are going to do is use the original Megaman and Roll. Which I won't mind going against Wolverine again with Megaman.
I really don't think they would put much emphasis on the 'Creator of Mega Man' part if it wasn't a Mega Man game in the first place.
ReplyDeleteHeh, too bad I can't attend Comic-Con this year.
English college courses taken during the Summer semester will take a lot out of you...
I'm in agreement with Jimb0. If any Mega Man game is to be announced at this event, then it's found to be one of those.
ReplyDeleteAre you one of those people who discounts games you don't like? Because there was another Onimusha after 3, you know.
Um, I don't know if you knew, but Capcom Europe's twitter noted two days ago about a big announcement today. They said "The adventure begins".
ReplyDeleteKeiji Inafune, are you sure? Hmm... Okay, I'll hold on that one. (I'm keeping faith in you.)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am hoping that Megaman X will be in MvsC3. Maybe could it be Megaman Legend 3 or another new game that is not Megaman game? I pray it will be not disappoint us. But if not, then......... I'll leave an imagination with sadness to Keiji Inafune.
ReplyDeleteThe countdown ended today; nothing more than a few Dead Rising related announcements.
...Whoops, I meant to say "bound" in my earlier comment, rather than "found". My mistake.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there's one other thing. If any of the games that Jimb0 listed are going to be shown, then I highly doubt that it's going to be Mega Man 11. Considering the fact that Mega Man 10 came out only four months ago, I'd say that it's a little too soon for an eleventh, wouldn't you agree?
Much too soon for MM11.
ReplyDeleteCan't be X9 b/c Inafune said the next X won't be X9 (perhaps he was referring to MMO?). Maybe MHX and MMPU2, more likely MMPU2 (he expressed an interest in doing a sequel).
I wouldn't hope for BN7 or SSR4 (those type of games are announced in Coro Coro)
and if it were MML3, I'm sure Capcom would be making a big deal about it like a pre-show countdown.
I hope it's some thing about the BN or SF series. Maybe they'll be on the 3DS.
ReplyDeleteKeiji works on a lot video game series so its a really high chance its not a Mega Man game and a really low chance its a new Mega Man series(cause stuff like that is usually announced beforehand).
ReplyDeleteWe'll just have to wait and see.
It's probably not going to be a Mega Man title, but I'll be looking forward to his announcement regardless.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that I'm not going to SD Comic Con this year? OH yeah, I stupidly forgot to register for it when registration opened. Here's hoping for something Rockman related coughDASH3cough
ReplyDeleteCrossing fingers for Legends 3.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be amazing it MegaMan Universe was announced and it was a game with Zero and Shooting Star MegaMan!!!!
ReplyDeleteZ X 3
ReplyDeleteThere was a fourth Onimusha game.
Shin Onimusha/Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams, on PS2. It's main character was featured in Tatsunoko VS Capcom (Kaijin no Souki), and it spawned two major manga titles. One of them was translated here by UDON.
For someone who's trying to act like you're proving me wrong or some shit, you don't know anything at all. :3
Or like Anon said, you discount games just because you don't like them. XDDD
I may dislike Megaman 10 and Zero Collection because they were wastes of time and obvious lazy efforts. But I don't disregard their very existence.
You think I'm "egotistical"? Psht, you don't even know what that means.
ReplyDeleteSaid the guy who always causes flamewars, namely you.
You been causing nothing but trouble and that is why some people like me really hate you...
As much as I love the BN & SF series, it's time for a different MegaMan, give the other MegaMan fans what they want, BN needs to stay low for a while give it time to recover, same with SF give it time to rest, plus if they do announce Legends 3 it's only fair since Legends fans have been waiting for an eternity.
ReplyDeleteHate is a very strong word. =(
Well, heres hoping for any one of the games Jimb0 listed! =D
erm,erm....www.megamanx9.com ;)
ReplyDeleteBet ya it's gonna be ZX3. I seen the hidden ending in ZXA on Youtube and we want to know what happens next on the sqeual! :D
@ Alantor: Not trying to be mean here, or defend Saito or anything, but you should realize that he's not actually trying to start anything this time around.
ReplyDeleteYou should go back and re-read all of your own posts you've made thus far, this time.
Is Saito truly the one causing a fight in this case?
Or is it really just you, responding to him in the way that you have been, without realizing it?
Isn't he currently working on an original Resident Evil game for the 3DS? I have yet to see any news from that game, so I guess it would still count as a new announcement.
ReplyDelete@Anon13 (unless I miscounted: Uh... it's not as if Capcom's been pumping out the Network games lately. While it would be nice to have, say, DASH3 or an official US announcement for MegaMan Universe (X), a Network game wouldn't exactly by oversaturating.
ReplyDeleteYou know, maybe I'm mistaken, but I've never noticed a flame war started by Saito.
ReplyDeleteSo either he doesn't, or I don't pay close enough attention.
- Seriously, it could be Mega Man 11. :)
ReplyDeleteToo soon for MM11, guys.
ReplyDeleteI don't start any flame wars. It's mainly Alantor here who can't handle anything I say, and needs to try and start shit over it.
It's probably going to be Megaman Online, I bet you a million bucks it will be that
ReplyDeleteAlso, I heard from a friend that there were originally going to be 5Starforce games, but for some reason, 3 was rushed to the ending, so don't be suprised if it turns out to be Starforce 4 or anything
Perhaps it's a new Megaman series, like one that thakes place between Battle Network and Starforce
but first of all, it's NOT going to be X9, definete no! So don't get your hopes up for X9 (or Legends 3)
I've got my doubts - Comic-Con just seems an odd place to announce a new Mega Man game, and Inafune's connected to enough game series to make it pretty unlikely.
ReplyDeleteNot too soon for Zero 5. Maybe the Zero Collection was to get us all ready. But yeah, it's way too soon for MM11.
ReplyDeleteHA!!! And look at that, Inafune-san got his collar popping too, lol.
ReplyDeletelol its not zero 5, the series ended.
ReplyDeleteif it is a megaman game, it will likely be megaman online. that's what we've been hearing loads of bustle about
I for one am hoping for a new Megaman game, and I could care less if it's 8-bit, 6, 32, 64, or even 2-bit. I'm looking to see if it will be promising and not be another one of Capcom's Ultimate Lie: For those of you short of memory, I'm referring to Operate Shooting Star.
ReplyDeleteMegaman Universe looks interesting and all, but I'm not the biggest X fan and I'm not an MMO fan at all.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping for Legends, Network, or a Classic reimagining. Latter would be the best, I think.
Meh, it's probably gonna be SSF4Turbo, or (Better yet) that new Darkstalkers game that's been rumoured.
InB4: Rockman World 6, Rockboard 2, Wiley Wars 2, SARockman 2, Battle and chase 2(Hope this happens), Rockman soccer 2, Rockman xtreme 3, BN7, SSR4, ZX3, MegaMan Mania.
Looking at these lists, it's sorta sad that the things we're all hoping for are sequals, and yet no one's hoping for a new series. (One that's not a platformer, 3D adventure or a RPG)
Where's the love for ZX3? :(
ReplyDeleteGuess I'm the only one rooting for it
ReplyDeleteThat's probably because there's too many already. In my opinion, they just need to focus on the ones that they already have.
People seem to think that Universe means X series... There's no confirmation on that...
ReplyDeletePeople also seem to think Mega Man Universe = Mega Man Online. Wrong. We've gotten no word whatsoever that the two games are related.
ReplyDeleteTo me, Onimusha doesn't seem likely either. DoD didn't do that well, and since then, Sengoku BASARA has done well enough for Capcom's "Sengoku-era" needs in Japan.
ReplyDeleteTo me, it's either Mega Man, or possibly Vampire(Darkstalkers). Ono (the producer of SF4) has hinted at such for a while now, and well, Comic-Con would be a great way for Udon and Capcom to start hyping up the game...
Oh lord. I didn't mean to ruin the blog with my aguring with the biggest prick in the world, Saito.
ReplyDeleteSorry Protodude. But Saito was causing trouble whenever he goes. I heard he got banned from gamefaqs by a member named MewMewFan. MewMewFan did a good banning that loser.
So uh... I hope you delete all of Saito's rude and offenisve comments. I know you can't ban him, but be sure to keep an close eye on him and keep him from causing any trouble.
Dude, I had the most awesome dream last night. They announced a new EXE game where navis could fuse with viruses for new abilities. :O And they could have pets. Rush!
ReplyDeleteYea... I'm not a nerd. At all.
Megaman Legends/DASH 3 on the 3DS is my personal hope.
ReplyDelete*Prays for ZX3.*
ReplyDeleteProtodude, there's now another rumor going around that this game is something like Namco VS Capcom (or Namco x Capcom 2, or a port of the original Namco x Capcom to current gen consoles that hopefully makes its way to the States).
ReplyDeleteTekken producer Harada appeared with Street Fighter producer Ono at the end of a Tekken tourney this past week, announcing that something's going to happen at Comic-Con.
This is on Ono's Twitter:
"Dream match!! Blanka v.s. HARADA-San as TEKKEN's project leader". http://twitpic.com/24jyt0
Heh, if it really is a Namco VS Capcom game, I suppose we're going to end up with a second Rockman representation war.
(Personally, I'd be happy with X showing up in MvsC3, if EXE is featured in this rumored Namco VS Capcom game as well)
Oh my god! If Namco X Capcom does make it to the USA! I will so buy it! :D
ReplyDeleteAtlialis, when did you heard this rumor?!
Ono's game is separate from Inafune's, everyone. Trust me ;)
ReplyDelete@Alantor: Yesterday night.
ReplyDeleteHere's some links to a NeoGAF thread about Inafune's game (where this rumor appears somewhere on the linked third page, labeled as Street Fighter VS Tekken, although I personally believe that it's more like Namco VS Capcom).
There's also mention of Nintendo showing up at Comic-Con as well, although they're likely there for other reasons.
It's megaMan Universe