Some months back, the ESRB rated Mega Man X2 for the Wii Virtual console. Things were quiet on that front up until a few days ago when Capcom Japan confirmed the game for a December release. Meanwhile, the Australian Classification Database has officially awarded the game with a PG certification, thus confirming the X2's Virtual Console distribution in that region. So if it wasn't clear enough: Mega Man X2 is coming to the Virtual Console.
Australia and North America tend to get Virtual Console releases weeks to months after Japan, so we can probably look forward to a late 2011/early 2012 release. No idea what's up with Europe, I'm afraid. Those folks are still patiently awaiting X1!
So if all the X-related merchandise wasn't enough to deplete your Zenny, be on the lookout for X2. Awfully lot of Mega Man X love lately, what with all the figures, trinkets and classic game re-releases. Gauging interest in something are we, Capcom? Hm...
Thanks for the tips, everyone.