Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sigma, Forte.EXE, & More Revealed in Kotobukiya's Rockman Anniversary Stream

After a small delay, Kotobukiya is back with their Rockman 35th/Rockman X 30th anniversary live stream event! With several exciting new announcements, including Sigma, Forte.EXE, and weapons from Rockman 11, I think we can safely say that it was worth the wait! After the break, let's discuss everything that was announced!

The show started with the results from a wish list poll from recent product survey. With this, Kotobukiya is showing that they are taking the fanbase's opinions into consideration. The results from top to bottom are as follows: Sigma, Iris, VAVA, Zero (X Series), Rock Volnutt, Aile, Ultimate Armor X, RiCO, Leviathan, Dynamo, Forte, VAVA Mark-II, Ryuusei no Rockman, Shadow Armor X, Rockman Model ZX, Forte.EXE, iCO, Harp Note, Gaea Armor X, Roll (Classic Ver.)

With the confirmation of a Sigma kit (discussed further down), it seems that our voices are being heard! If you're able, be sure to participate in future polls to make sure your most-wanted characters get a chance to be made into a kit!

The first new announcement we got was actually a pair from Rockman 11. Two of Rockman's special weapons from this game are being made! We got to see both the Pile Driver and Scramble Thunder looks! With these on the table, are the other six weapons soon to follow?

The next thing we were shown was an in-hand look at Roll.EXE. With bright and vibrant colors, she looks wonderful! We also got a look at the amazing box art for her kit. Seeing the box art early is definitely a treat! Roll.EXE is scheduled to release in April 2024, so be on the lookout for her!

The next announcement was for Forte.EXE. Instead of showing a plastic prototype, Kotobukiya instead showed off an early 3D render of the kit, indicating it is still in early production. Even though we have little to look at, this is still a very exciting announcement, and shows that they are becoming more open to different characters getting kits.

Following Forte.EXE, we got an in-hand look at Falcon Armor X. With Falcon Armor, we will have representation from the first six Rockman X games. Like with Roll.EXE, we got to see Falcon Armor X's box art, and it is a work of beauty. Seeing all six boxes lined up like that is almost beautiful enough to bring a tear to your eye. Let's hope Kotobukiya is able to release all of X's main armors to complete the set. Falcon Armor X is scheduled to release in May 2024.

The next thing we got a look at was an update on the Max Armor Triad Thunder Ver. kit. The Triad Thunder effect piece can only be described as insane. The piece towers over X, and can also be used as a stand, so you can easily display X in the middle of his attack! We were also shown the new curved midsection piece in action, allowing X to easily hit the pose of the charged Triad Thunder. More complicated poses like this will now be possible!

We got to see a completed Black Zero next. Black Zero comes with a ton of accessories: we were shown his purple Z-Saber, a Z-Buster, a Messenkou (C-Flasher) effect piece, and a brand new hair sculpt. The new hair sculpt looks incredible. While it is shorter than the previous hair sculpt, it is more full and doesn't have that hollow look to it. The kit also includes a new hair sculpt to match the original Zero release. However, if you did prefer the original Zero hair sculpt, this kit will include that sculpt in the Black Zero hair coloring. Not to be outdone by Triad Thunder X, Black Zero also comes with a curved midsection piece, allowing him to hit the Messenkou pose, as well as other complicated poses. We got a look at the included red gem that makes this kit resemble Fake Zero as well. Black Zero was also shown to include a smirking face and a damaged face. With the finished product being shown, does that mean that Black Zero is due to release soon?

Lastly, we were given the biggest shock of the show: Sigma from the first Rockman X game is confirmed to be joining the Kotobukiya line! Some have said a Sigma release would be impossible due to his size, but sometimes you just have to make the impossible possible. While little information is available, perhaps there will be several Sigma releases to go along with the X Armors. Time will tell...

Though he was verbally mentioned several times, we got no signs of Axl. Hopefully we get more information on him soon since we have been waiting on him since April 2022

The show closed with a tease of an unknown kit, and speculation is abound. The silhouette seems to resemble an armor with some sort of wings. Is this a tease for a brand new design?

And that wraps up our coverage of the Rockman Anniversary Stream. What did you think about the reveals? Which were your favorites? What do you think that mysterious tease was about? Be sure to sound off.


  1. Copy X from MMZ maybe?

    1. Copy X has red eyes not blue.

    2. In MMZ2 and his MMZ sprite had blue eyes

    3. @shrap I was thinking more phase 2 Copy X

  2. I'll probably buy 2 Black Zero's, to build both characters. I really like the new hair piece. It's so much better. If I had one nitpick, it would be adding a face plate with red eyes. Sigma's a definite. Falcon X and Axl are definite. I wanna get my hands on a second standard Zero too, at some point.

    Don't really care one way or the other about .EXE models. I might get it. I might not. I will probably get the weapon Rock. Not sure about Triple Triad, I am not a huge fan of re-colors when the models take up as much a space as they do and I don't use the effect parts anyway. I am running out of room quickly.

    1. Oh, and I did wish they made a hair piece for nightmare zero too. Oh well.

  3. Ah yes as foretold Koto always delivers and everyone who complained will now bend the knee lol! This is also why I never made a custom black Zero easy to see that road map from space even if it was almost 2 years ago. I will be getting multiple of all except Sigma/Zero and will be making multiple customs of each I cant wait to make Bass.EXE Hub style the layered methods I use will be exquisite with the holo flakes I have prepared. /drool

  4. A Forte.EXE Figure..
    Humanity is healing.
    This is the best news I've seen in a long time!

  5. Special Weapon kits from MM11 is an unexpected surprise. It would be interesting to see if all 8 variants could be released.

  6. Mega Man 11's version of Mega Man with special weapons? X and Zero finally being able to punch the floor? I want them all. I have to agree with the statement: Triad Thunder X looks insane, but in an incredibly impressive way.

  7. Finally a Sigma!
    Also definitely getting the X and the Bass.EXE

  8. My wallet will get some rest as I only have the falcon on the way. Am I the only one that got all the D-arts figures a few years back? I am not getting doubles of black zero and Sigma. Just waiting on Gaea and shadow armor at this point. Wish they would do mavericks, but on the other hand, glad they aren't so I wouldnn't go broke

    1. These are better/more accurate than the D-Arts figures imo
      but if I had all of them already I'd probably not go for some of these. I actually sold my vile d-arts assuming koto would make one, which it looks like they will in the future going off the poll.

      Definitely getting B-Zero, Sigma, and Axl. Triad Thunder, depends on if I see it at a discount in the future

    2. Same here mate. I have the entire D-Arts line and several of the 4-inch nel, and frankly they still look great. So far I avoided purchasing any models that Bandai released in the D-Arts line as I am happy with them.
      This Black Zero is very tempting though, with all these cool accessories….

    3. I got the D-arts line and I'm also cool with it for the same reasons. With that said, I would probably buy Iris and Dynamo and many of the Maverick bosses, if released.

  9. Honestly surprised how high up rico is in the polls for the next kit also
    I would personally love an ultimate armor kit from x4 with maybe the x6 and legacy collection colored
    I'm also super curious about the silhouetted kit

    1. Yeah, so am I. Protodude seems to be hinting at something new. Unseen.

    2. Surprised to ser anything X-Dive related there, when there are still so many classic characters they could do….

  10. Still waiting for an eventual Shadow Armor, but this is really cool.

    1. I think we'll get glide armor before shadow armor. the problem with shadow and gaea is that there's no variation potential for those.

      heck, we might get the white ultimate armor before that

  11. Silhouetted figure kinda reminds me of Gospel from BN2, the jagged parts anyway. All these figures look nice though!

  12. Oh my god they are actually considering making Leviathan but also ZX form Megaman!? This is all I have ever wanted!!!! Please please PLEASE let them be made! We need more figures from series other than the X series. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why they are made over others but please, let other series have the spotlight for once! ZX literally does not have any official figure merch and if we can get the guardians made that would be amazing! If they also make copy X and Omega my life would be complete!

    1. the poll shows Aile was 6th in the poll so it's possible in the future, although I'd rather we get Model ZX which is 15th :(
      If you want Omega and Copy X figures, the E-Model kits are still not difficult to find, fairly recent

    2. I am shocked that iCO of all useless characters made the list while Alia did not. Whatever.

    3. I know. so many more ACTUAL real mega man characters. there's Alia, Palette, Layer, Nana, Ferham, Cinnamon, Marino, berkana, plum, MM11 Roll, kalinka, Ceil, Prairie, pandora, niege, rouge, juane, and ashe

    4. Damn it now I wanna build a custom Nana. I wonder if that's doable...

    5. where there's a will, there's a way. you should set up shop. plenty of people would buy good custom stuff. I'd love a plum figure/model

  13. The silhouette looks like the Black Ace Noise Form from Mega Man Star Force 3 Black Ace.

  14. I'm glad Sigma and Bass.EXE is being made, but still scratching my head on the mystery character.

  15. Man I TRIED to TELL Y’ALL they might sneak in something like that!!! Taisen-bound, folks! Count the days!

    But for now, just like the did with “Accel” (Axl) back when X7 was first teased? Speculation time! My favorite! I’m gonna say it’s the Mega Man who starts the (Taisen) altogether? Or maybe a version of X in an alternate world that decides to choose another path instead of the heroic one? I wouldn’t think Zero, but I could be off on that.

    Either way, it’s either a new armor or a new character altogether we’ve never seen. They have an intimidating feel about them from what I’m looking at regarding their eyes. Unmerciful, or so I’d think. Not quite Copy-X, but possibly the X that grew tired and numb to all the fighting? All the death? The same X as described in the first Mega Man Zero game?

    So many possibilities. So many theories and thoughts. Man I can’t WAIT!!!!

  16. Finally a Sigma kit! That fucking rules. I've been waiting on him and Vile forever, so hopefully Vile is next. Bass.exe and Black Zero Armor look great as well, and the MegaMan 11 variants are wonderful too. I loved that his armor changed drastically in 11 rather than just pallette swapped like the older games . All of the power up designs are great. I still hope we get more Mavericks in the future. I would love anyone from MMX, even little Chill Penguin would be tight lol

  17. Crimson Valtrax Zero?

  18. It's Zero or CM X as the most likely based on the face and color

  19. Where's 11 ver. Roll? 🥺

  20. I like what I'm seeing. Black/Fake Zero looks really cool and he might actually become my first koto kit since he comes with a good amount of stuff for the price (unlike some of their other kits imo). Bass and Roll are nice looking but I've never played Battle Network games so I personally don't need them, good for the BN fans though. The third armor X with Tri-Thunder looks neat but I would rather get the third armor in its regular colors or gold colors. SIGMA IS COOL!

  21. If they actually do an Iris kit, I'll be all over that.

  22. We need more classic Protoman representation! 🙏

    1. Agreed, I’d like a 2.0 Protoman because the old Kotobukiya Protoman kit from 2010 is pretty bad, a classic Bass would be nice as well.

  23. I REAAALLY want the regular Zero but it’s OOP. Luckily I found one on Amazon that I’m saving up for. The Black Zero looks astounding, as does the Falcon Armour and Triad Thunder! This has the Autistic Femboy Teen from Melbourne’s stamp of approval!

  24. Why would Sigma's size make him impossible? Bandai makes giant model kits (In scale) all the time, like Machinedramon. I don't see why Koto couldn't do the same.

  25. What is the best way to buy these kotobukiya kits? Should I try directly from the Japanese website?


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