Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Rockman EXE and Capcom Cafe Collaboration Announced

Capcom Cafe locations in Ikebukuro and Umeda are set to host a six week-long collaboration featuring Rockman EXE, Capcom announced. The event (January 24th~March 6th) will showcase a variety of new merchandise, along with a delectable array of EXE-themed food and beverages. Details regarding these items will be revealed at a later date.

In the meantime, Capcom has unveiled the main visual for the event, which you can view above. While the artist's identity remains unknown, there is speculation that it might be the same individual who contributed to Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. If the previous Capcom Cafe collab is any indication, you'll find this piece spread across all sorts of goodies.

Source: Capcom Cafe 


  1. Man this is hype actually. Imagine being able to go to the EXE Starbucks. Lucky jp

  2. They should feature a pudding dessert with a hard-candy shell that looks like a Metool, served with a little pickaxe to break through.

  3. It's always when I'm broke :(

  4. Trash game why don't they promote zero/zx

    1. Bro all of MegaMan series is gold ur the only one that thinks one of them is garbage

    2. To be honest, those are not "trash" games, yeah maybe Battle network isn't that popular on the western but in Japan is still the most popular MegaMan Series there that capcom will keep on collaborating and the second one is the classic and X the third (or they share places), Zero is kinda popular, but ZX is the only series that I've seen not so many fans on the JP side. So don't expect Capcom to take care of ZX like Battle Network.

    3. I mean it’s not the Mega Man I grew up with but Battle Network is not a trash game series. Same could be said about your precious Zero and ZX, which aren’t trash but you get the gist.

    4. Battle Network is garbage from concept to development to completion. Zero at least respects the genre. Battle Network should've remained a completely different IP.

  5. I wonder if the artist is yuji ishihara.

  6. No news is good news. At least that's what I gather from the MegaMan community lol.

  7. Bruh, are we going to get the curry ice cream?


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