Monday, January 1, 2024

Fan-Made Mega Man X8 16-Bit Demake Gets a Massive Update

AlyssonDaPaz's 16-bit Mega Man X8 demake is back, and it's better than ever. Demo build #3 just dropped, and it's loaded with new stages. You'll get to explore 16-bit renditions of the opening stage (Noah's Park) and ALL eight Maverick stages. It's all exceptionally well done. I'm seriously impressed by what was done with Optic Sunflower's stage, to name one. Check out the video above for a sneak peek! 

As previously reported, the 16-bit demake is being developed in Godot Engine 3.5. True to its 16-bit inspiration, the project aims to be a "vanilla" X1-X3 experience, featuring only X as the playable character. You won't find any Metals or retry chips here—it's all about capturing that authentic vibe from the SNES era.

You can grab the latest demo build from the game's official SAGE Expo page here.


  1. I wanna play this. Know what X8 needs? More end stages. It only has 2.5 of them. They used to be 4 to 8 back in the day. Full length stages, too.

    1. I think only having 2-3 (maybe 4) is fine, 8 sounds overwhelming.

    2. This is a lame take

  2. I wish the dev left any channels open for feedback, the game's page has comments and reviews closed and has his DMs closed on Twitter.

    A good amount of the bosses need to be toned down a lot. Some of them are nearly impossible without any upgrades.

    1. They've got a Twitch channel, you could try them reaching out there, the chat usually points out any bugs or gives opinions on the development of the game

    2. "get gud"

      Get mature, kid.

    3. We aren't taking about his psych profile, we're talking about getting good, scrub. Git good.

    4. I feel like there are times when "git guud" is a really stupid thing to say because some games are legitimately unfair or have bad progaming that make it borderline impossible to win.

    5. There's a difference between a boss that's hard for good reasons and a boss that's actually just poorly designed. These bosses are just poorly designed because they very obviously have not been playtested.

      They're often missing the gimmicks that made the original fights cool, for example Gravity Antonion no longer seems to be able to change gravity? Meanwhile they sure are heavy on just spamming stuff in the name of making it "hard", for example Gravity Antonion's low HP attack seems to basically having him spam blocks while overlapping with the rest of his pattern.

      For an unfinished project seemingly mostly by one person, it's understandable it'd be in the state it's in, but I sure do hope that the developer gets playtesters at some point, this thing needs it and the lack of them shows. Especially in the context that there's limited lives in this and the stages aren't as short as SNES X stages usually were. X8 originally had an infinite lives easy mode for a reason, the stages in it are longer than other X games where you restart stages entirely on game over.

    6. "We aren't taking about his psych profile, we're talking about getting good, scrub. Git good."

      You're trying too hard, kid.


  3. Wish this was designed with 4:3 in mind. It lacks the authenticity of the original with its wide-screen aspect ratio. That's something the 8-bit demakes handled welll. The janky camera movement doesn't help either.
    For clarification, observe how the camera moves vertically everytime the player jumps in non camera locked areas. In most games, the camera does not begin tracking the player unless a certain threshold is met. This is done specifically so that platforming onto lower areas isn't annoying. The way the camera transitions from one area to another for a majority of sections just feels incredibly sloppy. Thus is especially noticeable when the player is trying to acquire the final e-tank in Trilobyte's stage. The room isn't played out to match the screen space dimensions and the camera isn't fixed. You end up seeing the section from a previous area, but as you also get closer to the e-tank, the camera starts shifting all over the place. If the room was properly laid our, the camera locked in place and more padding was added so that the other stage section wasn't visible, the presentation would be far more polished.
    Overall though, excellent work and effort. It's a solid product so far.

    1. Kind of funny that this SNES style "demake" is in 16:9 when the original SNES games weren't... but X8 wasn't in widescreen either.

  4. This is less of a remake and more of a reimagining – and not a very good one, either. It's so… basic. The Sunflower stage, in particular, is boring now, right down to the boss fight. Violen had teleporting platforms. There's no reason Sunflower can't, too.

    In short: needs work.

    1. That's why is call a demo lol

    2. The demo is amazing. Can't believe people are on here complaining. Its not easy to make a game like this, and you got to play it for free. I had so much fun just now beating all these stages. Its not perfect, yeah (hence DEMO).

  5. Awesome. Why dont they do X5-X7 SNES version ? It will be incredibly. I loved SNES graphics!

    1. You seem to be confused. X1-3 are the SNES games. X4-6 are PS1 games, and X7 was the debut into 3D on the PS2.

    2. I'm pretty sure he meant he wanted to see X4-X6 in the snes style.

    3. anon 2, i think anon 1 was wondering if someone would make demake of X 4 to 7 in the snes style, not saying that X5 to X7 were Snes games.

    4. Anon 1 looks like you're the confused one!

  6. It seems that there’s a fan who knows to create a Rockman X game better than the original X8 staff

  7. This is too cool!

  8. I respect the work put into this, but I absolutely disagree with the sentiment I see here. Even as someone who dislikes X8 quite a bit, I wouldn't want to replace it's identity and gameplay with this, nor do I want another SNES X game when those were already turning into what some might call "slop" with stuff like X3, and their visual style was... mixed.

    Not to mention that this doesn't even really feel much like a SNES X game, either. Widescreen, long and open stages, every single boss attack being overly animated, flashy and absurdly quick: SNES X bosses were mostly simple and a lot of them were outright easy, so the choice to go overboard when X8's bosses were already some of the harder ones is... peculliar.

    If anything, this feels more like another Corrupted - it is undeniably well made and high effort, but from what I've played (or in case of Corrupted, seen), this feels too much like a fangame in it's design, with lack of limitations causing odd results. Good luck to the team, regardless.

  9. What's everyone talking about ..I understand your points of views but we gotta give this credit's super fire 🔥🔥

    1. Absolutely! Always love seeing creators working on these projects. This is a demo, so we should share feedback with that in mind. Smaller devs need all the support they can get ❤️

  10. This looks fantastic, but I agree with some of the criticisms I’ve read on here. The boss difficulty appears frustrating and not enjoyable. I don’t expect easy, but it does look overboard. Personally, I love the SNES appearance and that X will be the only playable character to follow.

  11. Sadly it isnt optimised for low end pcs tho, i cant run it properly and to run it i'd have to put a opengl 3.3 dll file in the game folder to open it but still- laggy

  12. I prefer modern graphics MM11+ style, though X8 was fine the way it was in graphics. If a demake, at least no lower than PSX. PSX looked fine. But since it is a fan project, no problem either way since it isn't replacing it and playing the original is still an option, unlike with things like MM9 and MM10 where we were forced playing it in 8-bit, without slide or charge shot even, and diversity and what can be done with the game is limited when you got limits on what details you can use to that extreme. This is 2024, not 1987.

  13. I'm starting to get tired of these "demakes". Just seems pointless, especially in this case when so much content is taken out to make it work.

    1. Same. They just seem like arrogant cries of "Mega Man Classic should only be 8-bit and Mega Man X should only be 16-bit!" to me. Kind of insulting to the actual staff who worked on the originals.

  14. I'm starting to understand the whole "The MegaMan comunity is never satisfied" thing with these comments.

    1. That's people giving their opinions on a demake, with several positives ones, and even the negative ones admiting that the work put onto it is commendable.
      Dunno if the Mega Man fandom is never satisfied but that's about the same reaction you get with something like that in any fandom.

    2. *sigh* welcome to the internet.
      Its how it works. Its not for everybody.

    3. Hey, as someone who's never shy about complaining about the state of the Mega Man IP these days, I certainly don't hate this. I wish the music matched the style they were going for, but I still think it's pretty cool.

  15. I can appreciate the work done with spriting. But most of the people hit it on the nail with criticisms. Probably doesnt help that X8 is my favorite X game. I'd be down for SNES Demake for X8. But with wide-screen, and all the other over the top oddities Im not a big fan visually. I didnt like the look of the game when its first demo game out during SAGE. The more I see the more I don't really like. Makes me cringe when people say THIS IS WHAT X8 SHOULD'VE BEEN.
    That being said its a respectable effort. Plus might make morr people look in the direction of the original X8.

    1. I dont mind the widescreen. The screen tearing is a huge problem.

  16. These custom sprites are beautiful! You can really tell how much hard work went into this.

  17. Personally I'm a bigger fan of X4-6's graphical style. I've got nothing against the original X8's 2.5D graphics, but I've always felt like X4-6 were the best looking X series games.

  18. The sprite work is really good, but it's almost too fluid compared to X? I feel like they should modify the base X sprites to make it more uniform with the custom sprites. It would look less authentic to the SNES-era, but I already feel like the custom spritework is too high quality to count as SNES-era anymore.

  19. What's the point of not adding Zero & Axl to the game, X3 has Zero (for a bit) and by that the navigators would be absent to keep "faithful" to the snes.

    1. Exactly. Did the creators of this de-make forget that Zero was in all three? Hell, he was even playable in one of the games they're being "faithful" to.

    2. Maybe because this is a demo version of the game ?

    3. Taken straight from the bullet points listed on the website:

      "Only will be playable. Zero and Axl will be completely absent."

      Seeing as they used the words "will be", rather than something along the lines of "are currently", then that pretty much means that these plans are set in stone for the final product. That could be subject to change later, but with this kind of wording, I doubt it.

    4. The developer has said Zero and Axl will be completely absent, it's not because it's a demo. Of note is that at first, the dev said Zero would at least show up in cutscenes, but that Axl was going to be completely absent even then.

      Considering X8s' story heavily is about Axl originally, I have a funny feeling the developer is one of those people who has nothing but spite for Axl for pretty much no reason other than the fact that he debuted in X7, and decided to change it so Zero wouldn't show up either later on mostly to make it less obvious what the motivation for removing Axl was. I mean, frankly, the motivation of this project in general seems to be "the 16 bit X games were better and it's the only valid style for Mega Man X", so like... y'know...

      Could just be me though, I suppose...? Maybe I'm reading the room wrong on why the dev isn't including Axl or Zero.

    5. Well if that's true that really sucks (especially since I really like playing as Zero).

  20. I love X8, but the metal grinding and the retry chips are just flat out bullsh!t

    1. Definitely didn’t care for the metal grinding, though there is a glitch in the ps2 version to get infinite metal chips. It was unfortunately removed from the legacy collection versions.

    2. Doesn’t fix the retry chips tho

    3. Well one can skim many metals in that ground stage by hitting that robot that chases the player...Just found this person can do it even better:

    4. Also by chance, I saw his additional video of the so called infinite metals method before reading the anon sub comment above talking about it, and people under the video in the following are saying it can still be done in the collections in this video. I never did it in this section, but it looks like many of the metals disappear since you can't get most of them when they fly in all directions if you are stuck in place here, so not worth it in this particular section:

  21. This is exactly the Megaman X game I want to play. The control, atmosphere, flow and fast pace level is what got me interested back in the days. Surprisingly the 16 bit graphic actually looks better than Capcom lame 3d polygon graphics.

  22. When I think of demakes of Mega Man games, the first one that comes to mind is Rockman 7 FC. It is a pretty good demake, because MM7 itself isn't far off from an NES game. You don't feel the lack of shop system and story anywhere near as much due to the emphasis on replicating the original 6 games' presentation while keeping most of MM7's design otherwise intact.

    With this demake of MMX8, the changes made have a much larger impact than probably intended. Compared to classic, the X series had evolved significantly from the SNES\SFC era. The X8 demake rolls back the clock in some ways good, but many ways bad. Zero and Axl are gone, as is the shop system is gone as well, there is no "Neutral Armor" but instead just the Hermes Armor. The customization for the Neutral Armor, which both Hermes and Icarus were based on was something that originally made X8 stand out from all of the prior games. Bizarrely, the guard break system is still present even though of all the mechanics in X8, guard breaks are something that could've been done away with altogether.

    Before anybody gets confused and calls me a hypocrite, what I'm saying with this post is that Rockman 7 FC does a far better job of adapting MM7 to an NES format than X8 does to a SNES format.

    1. You're wrong about the Neutral Armor. Both Icarus and Hermes parts can be obtained just like the original, except some abilities have been altered.

  23. I respect the effort being put into it, but X being the only playable character kind of completely kills my interest.

  24. Just played through all of the stages. It was a ton of fun. I liked x8 a lot but always preferred the SNES style so this was a seriously fun time. Also very unexpected. I didn't even hear about this until demo 3 dropped. I'm very impressed with this developer (solo dev too, right?). Can't wait until the final stages are ready. If anyone knows the best way to support this project, let me know.

  25. Nice job cant wait to have the full game, hope no take so long to finish, also it will be amazin if do the same with MM x7... Mega Man x7 Demake will be nice

  26. Will Zero and Axl be DLC if this demake goes well?

  27. You give people a free cake and they complain the cherry on the top is not perfectly centered. You people deserve Capcom not giving a crap about the series.


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