Thursday, August 10, 2023

Exoprimal's Director Interested in Mega Man Collaboration

With Exoprimal already in the hands of players and experiencing a moderate success with more than a million players, the development team recently unveiled the game's post-launch roadmap for the months ahead. It even includes collaborations with Street Fighter 6 and Monster Hunter. However, the game's director has even grander aspirations, envisioning more collaborations that could include Mega Man.

Find all the details below!

Siliconera had the chance to interview Exoprimal director Takuro Hiraoka, and among topics discussed, Hiraoka spoke about his wishes for future collaborations.

A Street Fighter Exoprimal crossover was already announced. If you had free reign to pick additional collaborations, which ones would you like to pursue?

I think it would be a lot of fun to have a collaboration with the Mega Man series, which I’ve been playing since my younger days. The idea of going head-to-head with monsters from the fantasy world of the Dragon’s Dogma series personally excites me as well.

At the moment, the director's hope remains just a wish, but Exoprimal stands as an ideal platform to bolster the promotion of upcoming Capcom releases. In fact, Capcom has already made plans to utilize Exoprimal for this very purpose. Time will tell if the Exoprimal will end up collaborating with the Mega Man series.

Thanks to Santiago Casale for the tip!


  1. Hey I'd be super down to see a crossover like that. Especially if they have some event where they use some of the dinosaur enemies from the blue bomber franchise as well as the skins. That'd be pretty sick I think.

  2. This is the start of something big, I know it.

    1. Nah. Capcom does this on EVERYTHING.

    2. Yeh, best to just wait till Tokyo Game Show in september if you want hope of something big like a new game comin. If they're workin on anything, that'd be the time to show some announcement maybe.

    3. OP here, I did not know about the Tokyo Game Show, though. However Capcom is likely to drop Mega Man news in December for MMX's 30th anniversary.

    4. Nah, Capcom has ignored Megaman for about ten of those 30 years. I think quite a few anniversaries had absolutely zip talk about Megaman at all.

    5. Please, just stop dreaming. Crapcom never cares about us at all.

  3. No thanks. Leave him alone and get his own new games or a sequels only. Capcom, dont be stupid.

  4. I'd love to see Mega Man appear in crossovers outside of Capcom. I've been dying to see him in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Namco Bandai got him in Tales of the Rays.

    1. It might actually happen considering gumi has that collar with Capcom Taiwan regarding that NFT project

  5. Wow, I've only now just heard of and seen this game. I hope such a collaboration wouldn't just be a skin for certain suits. The samurai would be an easy Zero but I'd hope they would be better than that.

  6. I mean it would help advertise the brand so why not

  7. I don't think I know anything about this game. But if Capcom wants to, then go for it.

  8. Cool but I would rather see an actual new MM game that isn't an cash grab and release on consoles


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