Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Additional Mega Man X DiVE Offline Details From Producer Asada So

In the latest Mega Man X DiVE video update, the spotlight turned to Asada So, the producer of the offline version. He took the opportunity to reveal further details about the game's development. It's a little over 4 minutes long, but if you're in a hurry, here's the noteworthy bits:

  • Elemental Metals will be given to players as stage completion awards. Additional items, characters and weapon fragments will also be available as stage rewards or to exchange in the in-game shop.
  • Seasonal Events are included and can be played whenever you want, regardless of the time of year.
  • A new mode has been created to listen to the game's BGM and character voice clips.
  • To compensate for the removal of PvP, certain skills have been adjusted and fine-tuned for PvE.

That's about it for now. As a reminder, Mega Man X DiVE Offline launches September 1st for PC/Steam, Android, and iOS for $29.99. Although not outright confirmed by Capcom, an internet connection is reportedly required to play the game on Steam.


  1. Don't buy from these NFT Creators, your money will go to finance disaster

    1. Bruh, it's just a game...

    2. Bruh, everyone is an NFT creator these days. You better manufacture your own PC and smartphone then it you're gonna adopt that line of thinking.

    3. ^ Don't be oblivious, NFT is nothing but scam that steals your money away.

    4. Anyone who supports NFTs is supporting a scam.

    5. You are the reason modern media is dead Zephyr

    6. Dude, it's a game. Doesn't have anything to do with those stupid NFTs. Boycott the company but not the game over a petty reason like that. The game has bigger issues than unrelated NFTs.

    7. Another person who does not know this "game" has been used to advertise NFTs.

    8. If you consider NFTs petty, then you are insane or live under a rock.

    9. There are literally NFts for everything so having Mega Man NFTs is to be expected (it's still pretty lame though).

    10. If you think NFTs are not worhtless, come back when you make money just from buying them.

  2. Online DRM for an Offline headlined and premised game... Right...

    1. The Steam Store page has no indication of DRM, while it usually would this close to release if there was any included. The only thing listed is that you need to agree to a EULA.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This is basically Warcraft III: Reforged all over again lmao

    2. Is it gonna end up like Dark Spore did? D:

    3. What happened to Dark Spore? (also what IS Dark Spore)

    4. Dark Spore was another game created by EA that played like Spore mixed with Diablo. It's unplayable because of the "DRM scheme" (not my terminology) that required an internet connection to play it. I never played it myself but I've heard people complain about EA's cruddy practices that made it inaccessible.

  4. It sounds like a neat way to preserve the experience of DiVE... if it were $9.99. I honestly thought this was going to be some sort of museum/apology to make sure the game doesn't become lost media, not another cash grab. Why any regular person would choose to buy this over Mega Man 11 is a mystery to me. How can two games of such vastly different levels of quality under the same IP and publisher be the same price? I guess it just ensures DiVE's fate as the worst Mega Man game to date, which is a lot considering some of the other stinkers we are still trying to forget. Just really disappointing from Capcom, but I'm still praying for the best going forward... like maybe an actual new game???

    1. Honestly I think this is a quantity over quality thing since it includes all content from its release minus pvp, co op and cross over stuff. 30 sounds close to what I would pay for it, prob drop a 20 on a sale.

    2. If it's own Steam, then just wait for sale. No need to get games on release date at release prices anymore nowadays unless it's an online game of sorts.

    3. "Why any regular person would choose to buy this over Mega Man 11 is a mystery to me."
      Because this game contains several waifus and fanservice, that's why.

    4. Amen bro. But also yeah, having a Mega Man game with more than one playable character is nice. Even if the gameplay is far from good.

  5. I swear, if this game bombs and Capcom takes it as an excuse to be like "Oh well I guess people don't want any new MegaMan X content, so we'll just cancel whatever project we had in the works for it" I'm going to be so mad.
    I know that's a fairly pessimistic and likely very flawed view of things but still, that line of corporate logic is what put us MegaMan fans in a drought period for over 8 years before MM11 came out.
    And before anyone asks, no this isn't a "Go buy this game now if you want MegaMan X9!" type of thing, I'm just concerned that they're doing this to test the waters, to see what parts of the MegaMan Franchise are the most profitable before doing something new with it.

    1. Not everything is a test. X DiVE is just a spinoff made by a completely separate dev team. If it exists for any reason at all, it's probably for there to be literally anything at all keeping us occupied between larger projects.

    2. The most profitable Mega Man being the one that has NOTHING to do with Mega Man outside of a name.
      That's what they learned in the last few months.

    3. If they do that I'm just gonna laugh.

    4. And if it doesn't bomb, they might use it as an excuse to make more gacha mobile nonsense. Damned either way, perhaps.

    5. Why would Capcom base the succsefullness (ik that's not a word) of Mega Man X on a mobile game's sales. That seems very unrealistic.

    6. Because Gacha's sadly generate more money than any other release in this day and age-

  6. 🤣 🤣 🤣

    So much for "offline" game actually being playable offline lmao

    1. Sounds like it only applies to the Steam Version.

      I already plan on buying the Mobile version Day 1 and wait for a sale on the Steam version.

  7. So does this mean my north american X Dive mobile and Steam versions are going to be useless and I should wait for the offline version or what now??

    1. It means that its now pay to play and all your progress is lost.

  8. I'm guessing there's no mention of changes to Story Mode level progression? Sounds to me like the game is still going to be a grind, if not…

    Regarding the DRM rumors… groups have been getting around copy protection and DRM for as long as it's been a thing. The only thing DRM does is, at best case, delay the inevitable, and in the worst case, do something awful to one's computer or make a game run badly. Companies will never learn.

    1. The Steam Store page doesn't have any indication of DRM, only that you will need to agree to a EULA to play. Unless something changes, the DRM rumor seems false.

    2. Pretty much this. The Steam page doesn't say anything about it.

    3. There's a screen in the Offline trailer showing Jakob Elevator stage 174 with a power recommendation of 779017 on Normal, while it's 978479 on Normal in Online, so it's pretty safe to assume they're rebalancing the power expectations to cut back on the grind.

  9. I'm glad my email did something. I'm the one that requested the sound fix. I emailed Capcom asking for them to accommodate people with hearing issues like myself so Rico wouldn't hurt people with her squealing. Capcom are actually pretty cool to talk to.

  10. You can play the current version up until September 27 and that's when it will down. You cannot transfer the info from the current version to the offline version. Me, I think I'll play the current version up until the 27th and pick up the offline version on October 15th AKA after a pay day lol! I actually enjoy the game a lot and don't mind having an offline version to continue controlling Mega Man characters on my phone every day. Wish it didn't cost $30 but Zelda Tears of the Kingdom cost $76! The Super Mario RPG Remaster costs $59.99! $59.99! The economy is bad everything is expensive! EVERYTHING! Not much we can do about it until Putin eats a Snickers. :P

    1. Bruh rolflmao, what a rip-off.
      30XX costs $19.99 and Gravity Circuit costs $16.99 and both have far more usable features than this broken game.
      Chew on that first.

    2. You can't use Nintendo as an example of the norm. They are the exception when it comes to fleecing their customers. Every other major platform has deep cuts eventually relatively soon and major discounts frequent as all getup.

      If it were up to Nintendo I would not be able to afford very many games. Thankfully I can purchase several hundreds a year, but not due to Nintendo.

  11. >PEGI 12

  12. WHAT DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH NFTS? Can somebody please explain this! I am so tired of hearing this and people bashing on this game. People complain when games become lost media, and this is no different. As a person who strives to play all of the Megaman games shitty or not this is really helpful. I know this game has potential, and if i’m going too be called a motherfucker because of that, so be it. Let’s just be grateful that Capcom is preserving this game and for 30 bucks. I’m pretty sure that you would have to pay more to 100% the original. I just hope they balance the difficulty for story mode.

    1. Anything about Dive brings out the whiny "fans" who crawl out from under their rocks once they have something to complain about. Personally I have no interest in this game but if it's your thing, have at it! Thinking that buying it or boycotting it is going to impact the direction of this franchise is just silly.

    2. The game itself doesn't have much to do with nfts, but there is specifically an XDive nft project being created by CapcomTaiwan apparently. ...Some people like the game, some people don't, everyone doesn't like nfts, so that's how it be. I don't know about all this talk of boycotting, but yeah naturally people are going to bash the game when they already don't like it and then hear about what seems like an official nft effort by the same branch of capcom that made the game (which already was kinda predatory with the gacha costs) shortly after the game ends online and repackaged for 30 bucks.
      "Let's just be grateful" to capcom taiwan seems kinda weird though. I don't even know if preservation is the main reason they're doing an offline version.
      If you want to play anything megaman related shitty or not then have at it, but if a game seems shitty, people are going to bash on it.

    3. Thanks for the explanation. When I said “Let’s just be grateful” I meant about the game not the company.


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