Wednesday, March 21, 2018

New Mega Man Animated Series Robot Masters Revealed

A brand-new promo image for the upcoming Mega Man animated series (which confirms the show will appear at the MIPTV tradeshow in April) brings us our first look at the show's Robot Masters.

So who's who? Well, Fire Man, Ice Man and Drill Man are instantly recognizable, each featuring design traits very reminiscent of their classic series counterparts. It's worth pointing out that both Fire Man and Drill Man have undergone significant redesigns since their appearance in the now-scrapped 2D version. The other two Robot Masters, though, are up for speculation. The flippers on the aquatic Robot Master between Ice Man and Drill Man reminds me of Wave Man or Bubble Man. The female Robot Master floating above Fire Man is probably a new character. Suna Light, maybe? Eh, who knows.

The animated series is slated to air on Cartoon Network in the states later this year in a 52 episode, 11-minute format. Hopefully we'll have more news and additional details soon.

Source: IMissBionix


  1. I'm betting thats Wave Man between Ice Man and Drill Man.

  2. I thought of Wave Man after seen the blue guy. Well, let's wait and not see this one.

  3. All I could muster at the sight of this was an audible groan

  4. I'm sure the aquatic Robot Master is Wave Man, it shares the same color scheme.

  5. Suddenly the 2D show doesn’t look so bad anymore.

    1. You should watch Film Roman's recent Marvel cartoons before saying stuff like that. Some really ugly stuff with stiff animation. The art style on the CG version is a mixed bag, but DHX Vancouver/Nerd Corps does good work.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is awful... Everyone at /mmg/ hates it. What the heck even is Ice Man's face? reminds me of the ugly cgi cartoons of the early 2000s. That new character is an absolute abomination. that lanky ass bubble man... The only one that looks decent is drill man. Put it back... pleas put it back in 2D...

  8. The colors definitely say Waveman, but the design looks like a Doc Robot mixed with Bubbleman… It probably is Waveman, though.

    At least Iceman looks really cute! And, honestly? Drillman has never looked more awesome. Even if he does have a bit of "Groundman" to him. Not sure what's up with Torch– I mean Fireman, though. He looks like he ate Gutsman!

    1. Maybe Fireman and Gutsman have fused together

    2. Futs Man. Has a nice ring to it.
      *vomits deeply*

  9. Sigh...Why do they pay a truckload of money for character rights, if they want to change it so much?
    Just make a new series without using the Mega Man name. Just once, I would like for them to try using the characters the way they where designed, with minor changes for animation.

  10. Wow the 2d version of the cartoon looks soooooo much better and looked to have potential, this, this looks horrible and really cheap.

    1. I have to agree here. The 2D, while not my taste, certainly did look better than the 3D.

  11. joe kelly and the rest of ManOfAction can't write engaging characters.

    1. EXACTLY I feel the same about every cartoon he and ManOfAction has had their hands on.

  12. Do you guys think the female robot master could be honey woman? That was the original version of the hornet robot master before hornet man became the final choice.

    1. Well, given how the redesigns still maintain their original concept/traits, it is very unlikely. She has zero resemblance to neither Hornet or Honey.

  13. just what we needed! an 8th canon. oi.

  14. people in other sites blame on Capcom for this, which in truth they are not involved with it. this is more of an after thought at this rate, which is not worth talk about. but yeah, art looks meh.

    1. 100% truth.

      Aside for the easy money Capcom can pocket from the IP...This show isn't anything more than "Mega-dude doing mega-dude things while looking demented"

  15. It will fail miserable. UGLY!

  16. I'd settle for 26 quality episodes over what we'll end up getting. This is disgraceful!

  17. Hey Protodude... You seem to have alot of contacts.
    can you remind these folks that many mega man fans aren't 10 years old anymore? and havent been for 30 years? a little camp is fine. but really, only a little.
    quality voice work, non-cheezy dialogue, and x or zero level story telling are a plus

    1. Eh. It's for a different audience.

    2. True but sonic boom was also for a different audience and it turned out to be a mixed bag. Some good episodes and some bad episodes. I hope this show can at least have some good episodes like sonic boom.

    3. true, but this has been an ongoing issue for the last two decades.
      tho a sepetate problem and company, mighty no 9 failed in spades on this. i hope mm11 doesnt over do the camp.
      thanks anyway.

    4. I know what you mean by "X and Zero level dialogue", but still, the plot & dialogue from the X series has always been pretty weak. The Zero series does a better job, but I care less about Mega Man lore at that point.

      Also, like Protodude said, this is intended to get younger kids into Mega Man who otherwise don't know or don't care about him, but enjoy watching Cartoon Network.

    5. the thing capcom needs to understand: do you want to appeal more to your existing fans and earn new fans, or appeal more ro children and risk alienating a large part of your fanbase. its bad business thats become a sad running joke.
      i mean, really, this is laughable.
      i want the brand to succeed, not give it a brand new shovel and an assistant.

    6. and one more thing: if this is the reason the fantastic archie run was canceled, then i could shatter glass with the acoustics of that facepalm.

  18. I look forward to the memes it will create.

  19. This show is clearly not made for us. It's made to introduce Mega Man to a younger audience. Like most of the comments here, I'm not a big fan of the character designs, but we are only judging based on a few promo images. Perhaps the writing on the show will make up for it. Time will tell.

    1. I mean, I like the Ruby-Spears series in some ways and I still think that kids deserve better, so I don't really care much for that argument.

  20. I was really hoping that when they went silent for so long, it meant they were doing some serious course-correction. No such luck, it seems.

  21. Bad Box Art Mega Man v2, anyone?

  22. Hmm..I have a few friends that have co-workers who work on this show. Bases on the discourse between the companies in production, I've come to assume it's a pretty low budget production...Also, the design team is just..oh dear...

    I don't know, am I the only one that feels that this just looks like a parody of Megaman?

    1. MAD makes a parody of Mega Man and Tron, maybe.

  23. I want to cry.

    But also I'm interested in the female (?) flying character.


  25. I do think the male Robot Masters are OK. It's like MMBN. Not the design itself mind you, but the concept of redesigning an existing character. Funny how people think the female character is Honey (or Vesper who's Archie-exclusive anyway) just because she is flying. She doesn't even look like a bee or a flower. Also her design sucks. Well it's not terrible, but not fit as a Robot Master.

  26. First knuckles now fireman #Bodybuilder

    1. One day they'll remember GutsMan

  27. It was a good year until this showed up, I almost forgot about this series...

  28. Oh for crying out loud.... Can we NOT judge this show until it comes out?! Yes, I know a lot of fans are upset about the designs, I was too. But then it started to warm up on me. Besides, this is it's own canon, it's not gonna be like the games!

    1. we have enough canons. this hurts the brand. so no.

    2. The same thing was said about the Sonic Boom cartoon, and look how well that did.

    3. Maybe if the Mega Man twitter becomes a meme wizard the likes of @sonic_hedgehog it'll be halfway good.

    4. I ses no reason we can't at least judge the designs as we see them here. Just because you warmed up to them does not mean others are obligated to.

  29. Drill and Fire Man are okay. I think that's Bubble Man in the back, but I'm unsure. Ice looks awful! The flying one looks more like a reploid then a robot master.

  30. There is no limit for terrible and ugly stuff...old cartoons was better at least, more classy and mixing megaman with the actual style is really a bad idea... :/

    1. Ruby-Spears was a product of its time. 20+ years after its cancellation and I think everyone deserves a more faithful animated series.

    2. This ^ right here. At this point if you want to show your kids mega man that has a saturday morning vibe to it just show them the 90s show. Sure it won't be as impactful as a show every kid can see on cartoon network. But there's a youtuber named ShadowRockZX and he showed the leaked opening to his younger sister and she said it looks like a show kids would make fun of. Honestly most kids probably want to see show like rick and morty and south park anyway. So if you want to make this show for toddlers that's fine but at that point yo gabba gabba is the way to go. Which funny thing is yo gabba gabba is owned by dhx media anyway so this new mega man could be a show for no one.

    3. Furthermore I if ace attorney can get an anime based of the game with its art style then mega man can get a show with the art style based of the mega man 11. And ace attorney doesn't even have the great animation either and yet it still looks better then this.

  31. Have to be straight. This looks absolutely terrible. Reminds me of my kids, Disney jr cartoons. But this is the best we’re going to get...such a let down that we may possibly never get a true anime styled program. “Rockman online” would of made the ultimate Mega Man Anime. I guess I’ll have to watch an episode to make that final judgement call.

    -bummed mega man fan

    1. I'm actually kinda hopeful for a straigt up Mega Man anime in the near future, be it the dark Netflix series based on Classic or something else based on X/Zero.

    2. oh an anime done right would be boss.

  32. I'm seriously glad Mega Man 11 exists.

  33. I'm gonna reserve any harsher criticisms until I see what the actual 3d model looks like. A 2d drawing of a 3d animation can be misleading.

    1. The looks from it aren't the best, but the show itself might still be good if the writing is alright.
      I don't know Man of Action enough to tell if they will do Megaman justice with their writing, though.
      I do like the fact they are willing to do different things with the brand, like adding some new characters and I don't mind if they remove some old ones to give space for their new characters.
      If Dr.Wily was actually replaced by this Sgt.Night then I still don't mind. I'm just wondering were they are going with it and I'll reserve my judgment of it until I see the final product.

  34. This looks so bad, it deserves to be on Cartoon Network.

    1. CN was cash back in the days of Toonami and early Adult Swim.

  35. getting some uncomfortable 'Transformers' vibes

  36. The leaked Fire Man looked much better, though the one thing I'd give them credit for is keeping Fire Man's classic face design. Also this might just be me, but I would never picture Mega Man with a smug smirk like that. He is usually either happy, intense, or just kinda blank-faced, but Mega Man was never one to look so arrogant, which I am afraid these guys will do to his character.

  37. protodude please stop them

    1. lmao yes please protodude we believe in you

    2. Protodude can't do anything about that. I spoke to one of the animators last night and he seemed like a cool dude. He confirmed Guts and Cut would be in the show along with Wood Man. Also that's NOT suna light, but rather a female robot master. Love it or hate it, it's happening, buddy and seeing a face that's actively working on it oddly makes me want to support it for his sake.

    3. I wonder if the flying girl looking different is intentional or because they have no clue what classic female robot masters are supposed to look like. There's Splash and Honey, plus various concept arts for them.

      Though, I give them praise for keeping her look mechanical. I couldn't like QuakeWoman's design because she looked like a human cosplayer than a robot.

  38. Mega Man X new logo hinting at a possible future for the series - 25 comments

    Bad Megaman TV show artwork revealed - 60+ comments


    1. We're a jolly lot, the Mega Man fan base, and we encourage and embrace all things new-and-different.


    2. Yep I was actually going to comment on how a website has info for the gallery extras of the mega man x legacy collection 1&2 but everyones focus is on this show.

    3. It's cool to hate.

    4. Sorry for the late reply here is the link in question:

      It's nothing serious as trailers for mega man x1-8 are in the list but I do find it curious that the day of sigma ova is featured in it even though MHX is not in the collection. With the new MMX 25th anniversary logo having a MHX silhouette and capcom also teasing MM11 in MMLC2 like you pointed out. I think this may be a teaser for a MHX remaster or sequel. But that's just my theory.

  39. America have bad taste. It is ugly and I will pass. Disappointment art style. Japan anime is the best.

    1. Dear weeb. Unfortunately, your twisted sense of Japanese nationalism is ill-fitted for the real Japan outside of your sheltered mind's imagination. For your own sake, I suggest that you accept that you will never be an accepted member of the Japanese populace, nor are you capable of understanding their culture without a disgusting and archaic level of romanticization. However, you are still welcome to buy as many exported Japanese goods as you want in your eternally pathetic quest to be accepted among them. Have a nice day.

    2. Well if you believe this then you do not know "de wae".

  40. The unknown one looks a bit like Venus from Rockman Strategy.

  41. Hey Protodude, seeing as how you're a school teacher, you could tell us whether or not kids end up liking the show.

  42. Tbh, my main gripe with this cartoon is the art style. Both Fire Man and Drill Man's design actually look pretty cool, but they are ruined by how they are rendered in that picture. If they are drawn in a better art style, they might actually look pretty great. Ice Man can't be saved though, he just outright looks bad. Also, if Mega Mini ends up being a Scrappy Doo clone I will be so mad. We don't need a character like that, it never worked for Scrappy Doo, it never worked for the Gadgetinies and it will not work here.

    In terms of story however, I will give my judgement on them when some the episodes is aired. I have, ah, reservations for the plot. What I have seen so far does not give me confidence that it will be good. So I'll just set my expectations to the absolute lowest so that I don't get disappointed. It feels like this show was never made for the fans, like it only exist to attract kids attention to the franchise. And to sell toys of course, its always about the toys.

  43. Looks like a typical cheap AF CGI cartoon for kids. I'll give it a shot, but I'm not expecting anything.


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