Monday, May 13, 2024

Fan-Localized Mega Man: Phantom of the Network and Mega Man: Legend of the Network Will Release on May 25th

About four months after being announced, the English fan-localizations of Mega Man: Phantom of Network and Mega Man: Legend of Network are almost finished! Prof. 9, a member of the project team, has confirmed that both games will be released on Saturday, May 25th. A how-to-play guide and patching instructions will be provided, ensuring everyone can enjoy them with ease.

Alongside the release date, Prof. 9 also unveiled a slew of additional features and enhancements aimed at making these the definitive versions of the games! These include the addition of Buster MAX Mode, mirroring its functionality in Battle Network Legacy Collection, as well as the inclusion of extra Battle Chips and Folders. Moreover, animated Cyber World backgrounds and Online Ranked Battles have been incorporated, though availability at the time of release can't be guaranteed. You can find a more detailed rundown of these features here.

I'll provide an update when May 25th rolls around in case you forget. But hey, exciting stuff! Did you ever think we'd actually get to play these games in English after all this time?

Source: Rockman EXE Zone


  1. I can't wait! Thanks for posting it!

  2. Will these 2 new megaman games be for nintendo switch

    1. No. These are newly-translated, old mobile games that never released outside Japan. You'll be able to emulate them on PC.

  3. Do we know which games they take place between?

    1. Not really, just fan theories that's based on individual head-canon: I myself previously mentioned setting them between Episodes 5 & 6, but I could see the fan-translation make a passing reference to previous places or bosses from other entries.

    2. Phantom of the Network is most likely after BN3, while Legend of the Network can be assumed to be before BN6. Legend of the Network also runs on assuming both BN4 Red Sun and Blue Moon happens (which to be fair was just a game about Lan and MegaMan.EXE entering different tournaments, so you can just say all of them happened before the end of the game), seeing as Lan knows both Lan knows both Shuko and Raika in that game, which wouldn't be possible other wise.

  4. WHOOHOO!!! If the date is accurate then this will land on my B-Day!

  5. Big W for the Mega Man community. I'll let my brother know.

  6. Is there any emulator for mobile? I really want to try to play this game


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