Friday, December 1, 2023

Dr. Wily Wins 6th "Capcom Election", Keisuke Mizno Illustrates Commemorative Art

In the sixth round of Capcom's official election campaign, Dr. Wily clinched the top spot in the category "Which character comes to mind as Capcom's final boss?", surpassing both Albert Wesker and M. Bison.

To mark this victory, Capcom enlisted Keisuke Mizuno to create an exclusive illustration of Dr. Wily. This artwork is now accessible for download on Capcom Town, compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

More commemorative wallpapers featuring characters determined by popular votes will be released in future Capcom Elections. Stay tuned!


  1. That's funny one is based on a military dictator, the other an Aryan genetic supremacist, yet Albert Einstein is the first thing that comes to mind in terms of final boss for the Japanese... Those bombs really effected their social consciousness.

    Moe on Topic though Sigma is basically a combination of all three of them, and he feels way more final bossy to me.

    1. Its entirely possible that it has less to do with real world comparisons and more to do with the character himself literally being a nostalgic final boss character on pretty much every console generation going back as far as the NES.

  2. ...He even surpassed M. Bison? Wow. Perhaps in Mega Man 11, this was what he meant by, "Wily always wins!"

    1. If ya say so. I'm surprised that he won.

    2. I'm actually not that surprised. With Fighting game, the notion of a final boss is not the same as in a platform serie. And even though. Bison is the most iconic vilain in Street Fighter, he is arguably not the one that marked player the most (that would go to Akuma's original secret boss fight). Many remember Bison for other aspects of the character.
      Meanwhile, "Wily always come back as the final boss in every game" is one of the most distinctive features in Classic Mega Man, and him being the final boss is one of the most well known aspects of the character.

    3. To add on to what the December 2 Anon said, boss fights in general just hit different in platformers. In a fighting game a "boss" basically just amounts to a harder enemy, it's the same gameplay as the rest of the game but with the difficulty cranked up. With a platformer such as Mega Man though, the journey to a boss and the boss itself are entirely different gameplay styles that make use of the same moveset, and in Mega Man in particular you are gradually growing stronger as you collect boss weapons until finally you have them all and finally get to go up against Wily at your full power. There's a certain progression to the whole thing that feels more like a proper adventure than anything a Fighting game could reproduce.

  3. Wily is finally getting the recognition he's wanted for so many years. Congrats to him.

  4. And out of the other Capcom game series, MM is pretty much the only Capcom series I play. Never cared about street fighter and stuff, though played random Capcom titles like Demon's Crest (decent game) in the 90s. Since I prefer MM, I'm happy Wily wins. I would hope more MM popularity and recognition, like things like this, pushes us to another revival and more normal main timeline games.


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