Friday, September 1, 2023

Mega Man X DiVE Offline is Now Available on PC, Android and iOS

In case you needed a reminder, Mega Man X DiVE Offline is officially a-go. The game is now available to download on Steam, the Google Play Store, and the App Store. It'll set you back $29.99. No micotransactions, no additional DLC - it's a one time payment. Also, contrary to early speculation, an internet connection is not required to play the Steam version. 

In a nutshell, Mega Man X DiVE Offline retains most of the original game's content: 100+ characters, stages, and modes. However, online features such as Battle Mode, Co-op, Ranking, Guild, and Capsule naturally didn't make the cut. Crossover content based on Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, and Monster Hunter won't be making an appearance either. There's currently no plan to include them down the line. 

A final note if you missed it: save data transfer from the original version is not possible. You'll have start the game over from scratch. Not a terrible loss if you're new to X DiVE, but for those who've been around since the beginning, I feel you. 

And that's about it! Capcom also posted a post-release survey. After filling it out, you'll be treated to some hi-res key art. Hit up the link and let them know what you think!


  1. I'm enjoying the game quite a bit so far. It's really refreshing how quickly and easily you can unlock characters in this version.

    1. I like how the pacing gets faster as you progress, rather than slower

    2. Okay. Between these two comments (Anonymous and Erik the Red), there's every chance that I might end up buying this game in some form. One thing I hated about Story Mode was that it made you work for days on-end to become strong enough to get to the next stage. In the same world. While it was kind of amusing having to fight the same boss for five minutes straight due to being under-leveled the first time… the novelty wore off very quickly.

      I'm not saying the game needs to be paced exactly like a traditional Mega Man X game. I'm just saying… locking away Story Mode stages behind arbitrary "power spikes" felt unnecessary. Especially since most of them didn't really reward the player with anything they couldn't get elsewhere.

    3. Power levels are still in but the process has been streamlined. Generally speaking you should have no issues going straight from one level to the next more like a traditional platformer, though you do somewhat have to keep an eye on your power level and do upgrades on things as necessary. It's very easy to do the upkeep for that in this version though. For reference, it took me 8ish hours to get up to level 63 and in that time I never had to repeat a single stage I had already played.

  2. I recommend to include that Capcom is making a survey about the game to receive feedback. I recommend to do it for everyone to help improve the game if it's actually possible.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Would you like to take a survey?
    ...Yes. Yes I would.

    The questions are interesting...

    1. I like to take the surveys simply just because I like the idea that Capcom are trying to actually give fans a proper voice to communicate to them their desires and criticisms directly. Hopefully these surveys will mean that the Mega Man franchise will actually start getting more games properly and not just be barely hanging on through legacy collections and spinoff titles.

  4. Was playing this just to test it for about 5m... I ended up playing it for like 5h. It's a very addictive game.

  5. Whoever bought this got duped for real.

    1. Nah, game is super fun. You're free to keep being salty though, nobody really has any reason to care. It's selling really well on Steam (It's ranked #46 in top sellers right now) and is getting positive reviews.

    2. Nobody’s salty lmao

    3. Games free right now also you need to stop projecting saying people are salty

    4. Shovelwares rank higher on steam the first days.
      Let's see it plummet.

  6. They were (in the survey) oddly concerned, extra concerned about the language features...

  7. I may not like the game, and certainly won't pay $30 for it, but I am glad it's being preserved.


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