Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Capcom Details Rockman X DiVE "Paid Elemental Metals" Refund Process

With the main version of Rockman X DiVE coming to a close on September 27th, Capcom Taiwan has finally clarified how they intend on handling the refund process for any leftover "Paid Elemental Metals". We've broken it down for you after the break below.

First and utterly foremost: if you have any unused "PAID Elemental Metals", DO NOT DELETE THE GAME APPLICATION! The refund process will be performed within the game application itself.

After the Rockman X DiVE servers are shut down on September 27,all unused "Paid Elemental Metals" at the time of shutdown will be logged by the game servers and are eligible for a refund. Capcom Taiwan will start a 'Refund Application Period' that will start on October 3, 2023 (Tue) 12:00 (UTC+8), and ends on December 31, 2023 (Sun) 23:59 (UTC+8). 

During the refund period, log into your Rockman X DiVE account and there will be a "Refund" option in the main menu. Here, you can submit an application for the unused "PAID Elemental Metals" in your account. You will then be prompted to select your location with a few additional instructions to follow.

If you have unused Paid Elemental Metals in multiple accounts, you will only need to submit a single refund application, as that will apply to all accounts associated with your game. Refunds will be based on the last recorded data from when the server shuts down on September 27. In other words, try not to dip into your Paid Elemental Metals pool.

At the moment, there's no word on the actual monetary value each individual Paid Elemental Metal will go for. We'll do our best to update you as that information comes to light.

You can find the original update from Rockman X DiVE here.


  1. I never purchased any EM anyway.

  2. Meh. I’m on Global, which is the Backlog and not the Deep Log. We’ll never get refunds…Because the game is dead.

    1. It's BECAUSE the game is dying that they give refunds. that's the point. so that people who spend money on EM that they did'nt get to use before the service ends get back the money on theses EMs.

    2. Come on, it's over, you have been saying variations of this phrase in the comments of all MMXDive news for about a year or more now.

  3. It's nice to see that they're offering refunds at least. They've been getting called greedy a lot lately but honestly their recent actions seem like anything but, and a lot of the stuff people are saying about what's been happening is just straight up unsubstantiated misinformation, such as about the game shutting down due to being a failure (It was a pre-determined shutdown that had nothing to do with performance, and in fact the game was still doing well).

    1. "It was a pre-determined shutdown"
      "the game was still doing well"
      Do you have a single fact to back that up?

    2. "It was a pre-determined shutdown that had nothing to do with performance, and in fact the game was still doing well)."

      Where is your evidence?

    3. Well there's this for starters:

      And then here:
      At the end: "Despite the lack of new content, Rockman X DiVE has maintained an active playerbase, with over 8 million downloads since its 2020 launch."

    4. He's right. They WANTED to shut the game down. It had nothing to do with low sales. Specially when you take into consideration how cheap DiVE content is to make.

    5. And that makes zero sense.
      First off, the game is FREE the number of players means jack shit when it comes to income.

      And saying the game had a planned ending is up for interpretation based on thr amount of work they had completed to the point they realized it wasnt worth it anymore.

      If it was so "successful" it wouldnt have shut down.
      THATS a fact.

    6. "X DiVE EoS was determined internally a long time ago"
      Brian, what are your sources for this? How long ago was it? Why wasn't it renewed?

      "Rockman X DiVE has maintained an active playerbase, with over 8 million downloads since its 2020 launch."
      What are the hard numbers or statistics for this? Because downloads ≠ playerbase.

    7. Correspondence with Global Version team, and my original source who tipped me off to the game's existence several months before public announcement. I don't want to speak for the dev team... but the closure has less to do with "popularity" and more to do with a business-related pivot.

    8. Crapcom is still greedy garbage regardless, every gacha does refunds to give a sense of "I care about you" to the pay piggies that supported the scam, if they actually weren't greedy, they would refund every single cent to everyone and make real games.

    9. And to top it off, the amount of time XDive lasted is comparable to what a "Failed Gacha Scheme" lasts, Gacha's usually last at the VERY least 5 years. And some are still going for decades. You can safely say that this scheme didn't caught the attention of many because it was obvious from the beginning that being a subby who pays for NFTs isn't fun.

    10. @shrap Gacha games like this have to be more than just successful to stay online, they have to be incredibly successful. Just doing well isn't enough. Considering how many people who didn't spend money on the game have recently shared their stories online regarding why they stopped playing, usually related to the horrible f2p grind and unlikeliness of experiencing any of the content they cared about, it's a fair assumption that the vast majority of the players who were still playing at the time the shutdown was announced were actually paying players cashing in for pulls.

      If money was the only thing they cared about, it would have been far more profitable for them to just keep the game online without content support until the cash flow went dry. Not only did they not do this and decide to shut the game down, but they even went out of their way to offer refunds for any unspent EM purchases (something that absolutely is not guaranteed when these games shut down) but are also offering an alternative version of the game for roughly around the price of three 10 pulls that gives you access to most of the content without need of an internet connection, something else that's incredibly rare and much less monetarily profitable for them than if they had waited for even the global version to shut down first, and a move that's guaranteed to hurt the global version's profits.

      It's abundantly clear that none of their recent actions are inspired by greed.

    11. Not sure where people tend to think that EoS means something's unpopular, that's only a general reason lol. Thought that KoF, Destiny, Warcraft and a bunch of others were pretty evident of that. Usually if a game gets good traction they tend to try to find a way to improve stuff enough to warrant a 2nd game or make something different. "Nobody's playing Dive" was never an issue I ever heard of during its lifespan tbh. Server's were always generally busy either way. I assume they're probably did it because stuff finally "broke even", Capcom has other plans or they are wanting to move on to something else. maybe some version of all 3. (inb4 we get a Dive2 announcement~? Ah yes, I can already hear the cries and wanton salt lol)
      Either way, nice to see them being nice to the fans and offering some refunds to those that spent money on it.

    12. The amount of compliance in the comment sections is actually horrifying.

    13. JC Denton anon here.
      I'll trust Protodude about the EoS. That's at most a maybe probable fact but 5:45 PM anon quoted a source rather than give directly a fact. Since this relies on 'trusted sources' I'll take that as a maybe.

      Now, instead of providing any data for the player base claim anon quoted an article which its source directs to a post that never mentions the player base. How about providing how many players were active, for how many hours each day for the months of April and May prior to the announcement? I'll have to classify this one as NOT a fact until there's proof to the contrary.

    14. If anything is horrifying, it's that anyone can be so stubborn with this constant victim mentality. It's not compliance, we're just not as jaded and full of hatred and anger towards Capcom as you and those like you. We're not fabricating narratives to make everything Capcom does look like the actions of comic book supervillains trying to destroy their own franchises and screw over their own fans for some reason, and we don't wave off everything that suggests that at some level they do still care and that they're willing to sometimes do things for the fans even if in some cases it actually loses them money compared to what they could have done.

      What's greedy about offering refunds? What's greedy about replacing a hugely profitable product with one that offers a better user experience but shaves away the heavy handed monetization? Anywhere else I see games preservation as being cheered on, but this fandom specifically is full of people literally portraying it as a scam with the only supporting evidence being a totally fabricated narrative about the Online version failing and totally failing to take into account how much cheaper of an alternative it is to the co-existing global version.

      I'm sorry, but your jaded pessimistic victim mentality does not make you some kind of based gigachad sticking it to the man. It just makes you jaded and angry about literally nothing. Learn to smile and enjoy yourself every once in a while.

    15. Well I was smart enough to not spend money on it, so no skin off my nose. Now I will spend money if, and a big if, I see a MM12, X9, ZX3, or L3.

    16. 77777777 Man what I would do for Rockman Match to be a thing.

    17. So, okay. I got a bunch of things to say about those whole replies.

      1. Crapcom, really? That’s what you call the company that?

      2. I know you were not jaded full of hatred and anger. So technically, if you are, then you would be overreacting.

      3. You will be a SammyClassicSonicFan knockoff if you keep taking it way too seriously.

      4. Is there any other any good reasons to give X Dive offline a chance?

      5. Why don’t people just play Mega Man Fangames or play the offline version of Dive?

      6. This amount of compliance in the comment sections really is horrifying and has been seen a couple times in other posts.

    18. Because people don't want to pay for something that isn't what they want, especially such a high price. Fangames themselves exist at CAPCOM's mercy and can be taken down at any moment, and XDiVE being preserved only appeals to those who were already fans of it in the first place. People who did not like XDiVE and have been going through yet another drought of games aren't going to be happy because of this.

    19. If they are at CAPCOM’s mercy and can be taken down at any moment. Then why… ARE THEY STILL HERE?

    20. Because CAPCOM, for one reason or another, has decided to not do so. I thank them for that, but ultimately, they have the full legal right to do so and ultimately, that is also the reason why a fangame, unless it was officially authorized (which almost never happens, though funnily enough, it did happen to one Mega Man fangame), should not be used to handwave official releases off. Whether an official release is good or not is up to debate, but if the argument is "if you think it's bad, just go play a fangame", it doesn't really work.

    21. "1. Crapcom, really? That’s what you call the company that?"
      What? Is this the first time you heard such name? People has been calling Capcom like that for almost a decades due to the amout of awful games they made in the last 10 years.

    22. I noticed the term Crapcom used after they did us nasty by canning MML3 + didn't even release the demo. What a waste of money and time on Capcom's part to can games. May as well not even start it if you are gonna can it. Also getting people's hopes up like that was a bad thing to do.

    23. anon @8:56 PM
      "If anything is horrifying, it's that anyone can be so stubborn with this constant victim mentality. It's not compliance, we're just not as jaded and full of hatred and anger towards Capcom as you and those like you. We're not fabricating narratives"
      Gotta love people like you blame others of making narratives and immediately proceed to make a narrative like "victim mentality" coming completely out of left field. It's things like these why people make fun of Dive defenders.

      "What's greedy about offering refunds? What's greedy about replacing a hugely profitable product with one that offers a better user experience but shaves away the heavy handed monetization?"
      If they didn't want to be seen as greedy then the offline game should've been the only version of the game to have been released. In fact, they should give all the money that players of the online version invested back not just the unused in game currency and give them the offline version for free(if what they spent is equal to the offline version's retail price otherwise give the money back minus the offline version). Also $30 for a mobile port is laughable. Only then they won't be seen as greedy. Gachas are immoral and scummy there's simply no counter for that. Capcom was, is and will be rightfully called out.

      "I'm sorry, but your jaded pessimistic victim mentality does not make you some kind of based gigachad sticking it to the man. It just makes you jaded and angry about literally nothing. Learn to smile and enjoy yourself every once in a while."
      More nonsense and if anything this sounds like angry projection. Maybe YOU should try to smile, enjoy yourself every once in a while and stop being an apologist for a scummy enterprise.

    24. So OP made a statement that was maybe true and another one that was false. In the same comment, he had the galls of accusing others of providing unsubstantiated misinformation while proceeding to provide unsubstantiated misinformation. Can Dive defenders have some self-awareness just for a couple of seconds?

    25. I don't fall for the whole "it was established a long time ago" shtick due to the nature of it being a service "game". They can essentially pretend at any point during service that it was already established for closure. It was as much "established" as if it was shutdown 6 months after release.

  4. Welp, come October, and the refunds don't work. Enter your info, they just do nothing with it. Pretty wary about what they might do with it as they ask for enough to just empty your bank account.

    1. Did the refunds work?

    2. Seems that either the refunds didn't work or didn't work for some. Another negative point added to this scam. This won't be forgotten nor forgiven.


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