Sunday, May 28, 2023

Mega Man 4 Gets 16-Bit Remake in Fan-Made Wily Wars Sequel

Mega Man: The Sequel Wars is a fan-created endeavor that brings new life to Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5, and Mega Man 6 on the Sega Gensis/Mega Drive. This home cooked labor of love pays homage to the Mega Man: The Wily Wars, serving not only as its unofficial successor but surpassing it in practically every way. You can even play as Proto Man and Roll, among other nifty touches!

To set the stage for the project, the development team dropped "Episode Red" as the inaugural release. This standalone remake of Mega Man 4 showcases the project's authentic 16-bit visuals and sound design that captures the essence of the original. What's even more impressive is that the game is fully compatible with the Genesis/Mega Drive hardware, allowing players to experience it on the actual console.

You can download Episode Red from the dev team's official page here! For additional info and updates, give the project a follow on Twitter here.


  1. It's really good, by the way. Like really, really, REALLY good. I think the final release will be the single greatest fan-made Mega Man project for a long while.

  2. FYI for Protodude: All of the links in this article are weird YouTube redirect URLs. May want to fix that.

  3. Hopefully Capcom doesn't force a cease and desist notice. Some fan remakes have been shutdown by Capcom before like Code Veronica and Battle Network Phantom of the Network. I'm going to download this ASAP.

  4. I wanna play this, but I also wanna wait until 5 and 6 are also released to get the proper Sequel Wars experience.

  5. Please help me to understand. Isn't making homebrews of copyrighted properties liable to get you sued? How does these fan creators not get in trouble for this stuff? Maybe I'm too stupid to understand, but I just don't get it.

    1. As long as fan-games are not being sold for profit, Capcom have no problem. There have been a few rare cases were nonprofit fan-games were requested to be removed largely due in part because they resemble something that hasn't been publicly announced. Example, the fan-made Resident Evil 2 remake. Capcom asked the team to cease operations. A very short time later, REmake 2 was confirmed.

    2. Technically, it is, but the right holders don't necessarily enforce this.
      Some don't care, other let it slide as long as it remains mostly confidential, but step in if it starts gaining too much notoriety (ex: hasbro with a My Little Pony fangame a few years ago), since at this point it could affect the brand, or worse, threaten their copyrights.
      Other are downright ruthless or even abusive about it (Like Moulinsart SA who owns the rights to Tintin).
      Capcom is quite tolerant about it.

    3. Thank you to both of you for explaining that to me.

    4. @Anonymous #2: I need me a Tintin fighting fangame ASAP.

  6. Fans are doing more for the 35th anniversary than capcom is

  7. It does look really good, but I'm so fatigued by classic Megaman at the moment. I really wish Corrupted would just release soon, or some fans would try to tackle a "ZX3", but I get how that's a lot more work compared to the classic formula.

    I remember how happy I was to see a group even doing their own project regarding the Legends 3 demo, but I think even that went under. Regardless, congratz to the team that put sequel wars together - making a game is no easy feat, especially when you can't make any money off of it.


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