Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Red Ash - Play the Pre-Alpha Mockup Today!

Red Ash backers and skeptics, take note. Comcept has released a playable build of the Red Ash mockup developed by HYDE, Inc. You can directly download it to your PC or play it in your browser via Unity web player. You'll find a rundown of both keyboard and game pad controls here. It's free to play for everyone, even if you're not a backer.

Before you download, be aware this is a mockup in every sense of the word. It's pre-alpha for demonstrative purposes. Although Red Ash is a third person shooter, no gunplay is present here. The mock-up is restricted to exploring a small world, interacting with townsfolk, objects, and discovering hidden secrets lurking in the shadows. The presentation is a little rough around the edges but that's expected at this point in development.

This is a pretty nice surprise from Comcept. But once again I feel its arrival is a little too late in the campaign. I don't know if it will be enough to revive pledges.

Red Ash currently sits at $477,936 of its $800,000 goal. Five days to go.


  1. "Although Red Ash is a third person shooter, no gunplay is featured in this demo"

    Do I even need to say anything?

    1. Actually, I jumped the gun (hah) a little. The little mock-up thing they made is actually pretty cute and I had fun playing it.

    2. Thanks for posting that. Simple and clean. Watched and liked.

    3. Joseph, have you even played Mega Man Legends? I loved the portions of the game where your gun was put away and all you could do was run, jump, talk to folks and kick things. I played the no shooting parts for hours.
      Gunplay is just one part of a great game, you show your ignorance when you speak.
      -Logan O.

    4. @Anonymous (July 29, 2015 at 9:15 AM)
      Buddy. Don't you even start with me. I may not be as vocal about it as most everyone, but I am as much a Mega Man Legends/Rockman DASH fan as anyone else. Sure, I may not have played the first game in any of its incarnations, nor the spin-off title or the various cell phone games, but I did play one game. The most important game, in my opinion.

      Mega Man Legends 2.

      I've owned a copy of the original Playstation release since the late early 00s and loved that darn thing from start to finish. Except for that water ruin. Screw what people say about Ocarina of Time's "water temple", the one in Legends 2 is more confusing (at least the first time around) and way more of a slog due to how the water effects make the game run at half speed. Thank god for those Aqua Jet Boots...

      But yes, non-violent interaction is a huge aspect of the series. From gameplay interaction to cutscenes and back again, there's a lot of talking and listening to be done. But without the gunplay, what would you have? Even the most rudimentary RPG has some form of action, even if it's just solving puzzles of some kind.

      But then again, this isn't Mega Man Legends. Now is it? ;3

  2. Mock up or not, I think it's not too much to expect characters from the game they're promoting.

  3. This is the kind of thing I wanted to see from the beginning! It is a very rough mock-up (as they said would be)... but now whether or not the game gets funded, I can now go kick a can whenever I want. Thank you, Comcept!

    Some people were definitely withdrawing their pledges throughout the day, hopefully in the final hours there'll be some ramp-up of interest to see this hit the minimum goal. (I would not pledge at the 'get the full thing when all that's done' tier since that seems like an incredibly risky prospect!)

  4. Exhibit A on how not to run a Kickstarter.

    This was certainly flubbed from the get go and that's why it's highly likely it will not be funded. Hopefully Comcept will learn from this mistake and do things differently for when they roll out their next kickstarter,Mighty No. 9.0:Battle for the Network!

    1. That or MML is niche and this proves it. Watch Mighty No. 9.0:Battle for the Network reach a million in 5 days.

  5. This is just depressing... They may as well start literally begging, at this point.

    Yet again, thanks, but no thanks. I'll have to pass on this one.

  6. I have a feeling this demo mind end up like PT Demo..so better start downloading this miserable kickstarter not funded game and then reap lot of money later.

  7. I won't lie. If I had money I would donate now. It made me remember just how much fun Mega Man legends was. I wanted to leave those doors and explore.

  8. I won't lie, I burst out laughing when I saw this come up. This just shows how desperate they've become.

    There's very little point now. Only five days away and funds currently at $480,435, there's no way they're going to make it in time. In a way, I almost feel really bad for Comcept and Inafune. But I guess they needed the wake up call sooner or later. Perhaps they'll revive Red Ash another time when things are better off for them.
    - Dr. Jerk.

    1. You mean when MML fans incorporate some basis into their as of now all talk, I highly doubt it MML is just too niche. I am willing to bet money if Capcom announces MML3 today and made it at a reasonable expense for current gen consoles, it would bomb.

    2. I said "Perhaps they'll revive *Red Ash* another time", not MML3, which are two different things. I'm more willing to bet that if the Kickstarter did fail, Comcept would still find a way to make it happen because unlike Capcom, they're more passionate about it. You have to give them that.

      And as it turns out, Inafune did find a way. They got FUZE now, so this is a moot point to argue.
      - Dr. Jerk.

    3. No it's not moot not if Red Ash is banking on MML fans as a spiritual successor, like I said it would never get fan funded through kickstarter in that context.

      They have to market Red Ash as supremely its own thing, which so far with the music the designs the can kicking and world building so far is doesn't seem to be the case. Like I said, if they bank on the novelty that this game is a spiritual successor to MML, than it will bomb. If I were them I'd distance from that theme.

  9. That was rude, to me. Not the developers. Your should learn some manners, Dr.Jerk.

    1. "Your should learn some manners, Dr.Jerk."
      I won't lie -- I giggled. (And not because of the small typo.)

    2. I guess being rude is the norm for this site. Lets just openly mock one another and show what horrible people we really are.

      Or, you could try making a point and being civilized. Just an idea.

    3. Okay, see, I was actually teasing you there, not outright "being rude". Because... ya know... telling a guy named "Jerk" to learn some manners is like telling a guy named "Pigpen" to clean up his act. :P

    4. You mean when I laughed out loud at the announcement?

      Honestly, I do not care. The Kickstarter has been a complete mess (and now a complete waste of time with FUZE now on board), so really, I'm being honest with my opinions. I don't want Comcept and Inafune to fail, but they most certainly have been.
      - Dr. Jerk.

    5. Wow, turian. You should hang around my turf sometime. You'll get some real perspective on what is and isn't rude or horrible.

  10. Nice however limited playable.. Disappointment!

  11. Hey, Red Ash is being funded by Fuze, so we're getting this game thanks to them. It's according to Gematsu.


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