Friday, April 5, 2024

New Exoprimal x Mega Man Collaboration Trailer

As the Exoprimal and Mega Man collaboration event approaches its April 17th launch date, Capcom has unveiled a comprehensive trailer featuring the Mega Man and Air Man exosuits in action. 

The trailer also offers a peek at the different classic series-themed items and emotes that players can scoop up, and more footage of the event-exclusive Yellow Devil boss battle. Yellow Devil's iconic attack patterns are faithfully recreated, looking really nice in a 3D space. If there were a classic series third person game, I don't think it's a stretch to say it might look a little something like this.

The collaboration coincides with the Title Update 4 on April 17th. More details from the game's official website here.


  1. Hey I mean it's pretty cool for Exoprimal all things considered. If there was another Megaman game on the way, I think this would be a nice promotional small side-dish of content. As an isolated thing though, seems neat. They included a whole yellow-devil fight in their own way and it looks like a good amount of thought was put in, like it doesn't look sloppily slapped in from the small bit shown. Kinda weird seeing him skate around with guns in his hands still lol, what it be to fit in that game.

    1. I completely agree. I appreciate the love and hope it would attract new fans, but a new game is ideal, as it’s frustrating that MegaMan is consistently an afterthought.

  2. How are they going to shoehorn Rock into Dragon's Dogma?!

  3. Did you know that this video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube?

    Anyway, those costumes really are kind of wonky. It's nice to see the Yellow Devil pop in and be represented, but… Wily Stage 1 from Mega Man 2 again, huh? I guess it works, considering Airman is in the mix, but meh…

  4. Classic Rock in Axl`s archetype gameplay.

  5. Funny thing is most MM fans don't even prefer classic MegaMan lol. Yet more evidence of capcoms lack of... well.. everything lol.

    1. [citation needed], boyee. How do you figure "most" Mega Man fans don't prefer the Classic series?

    2. And that's a huge problem that shows just how badly this brand has been managed.
      All of which could have been avoided by simply making new IP... Or by taking the Mario approach where you don't reinvent the entire premise every time you wanna experiment. Now it's a giant, bloated fustercluck.

    3. Not OP and I'm not sure if that statement can be quantified, but it really should've been X and Sigma respectively. The probable reason they didn't do it might be the classic: laziness. Considering they don't have a high quality model of Sigma unlike the Yellow Devil to build from.

    4. There's fans of all the series, Classic included. Even if "most" fans are more into Battle Network/Starforce or X/Zero/ZX or Legends, Classic is still very iconic and most fans still appreciate new Classic content regardless.

      Even if they'd be miffed at MM12 coming out before X9, I can guarantee you that the fans care a lot more about the game being good and getting released at all than which subseries it's part of. MM11 is still one of the best selling games ever in the franchise history up to this point.

    5. "There's fans"
      It's 'there're fans'. Man, what is it with people nowadays getting the very basics of grammar wrong? I'm seeing this everywhere now.

    6. "Even if they'd be miffed at MM12 coming out before X9, I can guarantee you that the fans care a lot more about the game being good and getting released at all than which subseries it's part of."

      Yeah, I definitely agree with that. Just give some good food to dig into and I'm good. Might not be what I really want, but a good meal is a good meal. Community been starving for a while now...I can chill and wait for an X9 as long as I know quality games are being made somewhere in the series.

    7. Who made you the grammar police?

    8. Only people obsessed with Grammer are those looking to avoid the feather whip of randoms usgement lol.

    9. Sorry I hit publish before I was done. I'd rather care less about spelling and care more about how me and others are treated especially by a company we/they supported for over 30 years lol. It's either you care more about Grammer and yourself or you can take the literal side of basic morality and see where people with a long history of support and sacrifice are coming from. But those cards are already on the table so.. and sharp has a solid gd point lol

    10. A few errors here and there is one thing, but not knowing the difference between "there is" and "there are" is a grave mistake. It's embarrassing.

    11. Shrap doesn't make any good point (in this case). Mega Man has like one breakaway continuity (if you don't consider MMX:CM), Mario..... Mario doesn't even have a continuity in the first place, but if it did, the "Paper" and "M&L" series would not be the same for a fact, and I don't think those would be the same as any others that you could possibly "group as a series".

      Even then, half the time people are saying series like Mega Man Legends suffer for being part of the main continuity. I don't even know of a Mega Man that reinvents the entire premise.... Maybe ZX... Zero? (I don't think they do but I am thinking the rational would be since you play as characters many in universe consider to be anti-heroes of sorts that are not really mainly blue...IDK)

    12. April 8, 2024 at 7:17 PM anon, how much does it drive you up a wall when people spell 'definitely' wrong and use the wrong form of 'they're/their/there'? Drives me up a wall, but I've given up on correcting people - it's a matter of picking your battles. I get the frustration, though.

    13. Picking battles about spelling and not picking battles on how you and the fan base is treated? Accuracy of Grammer is clearly worth more than curtesy decentcy honest consideration let alone self respect. 😅 But I do honestly love how not 1 person argues my points and just says "spelling"... you do realise you are only admitting outright you have no argument and that ive hit a sensitive area you are obviously aware of right? 😂 That's been the only interaction for the last several posts from any who speak so I can only assume I've cornered the entire population on this site lol. No? Prove it? Say something beyond "spelling" because I know you won't. You know im right and it simply upsets you if not anger and insults wouldn't be the only answer I get lol. Besides most of you learned perfectionist Grammer out of fear and self defense from spell checkers not out of an intellectual inclination of intelligence if you did and felt so superior you could actually hold a conversation with me outside of 2nd grade spell checking that my friend is embarrassing lol. Enabling the unfair and lesser treatment of others and encouraging product quality drops by defending terrible practices and hyping garbage? Grammer should be the last thing you care about when you lack a basic moral compass and have follower only tendencies mixed with broken logic. Anyone can learn spelling anytime. You were born with the ability to he better but refuse.. at least I'm not ignoring my basic DNA eh? 🤣

    14. Anon April 9, 11:50

      lol.....bro, whut?

    15. @ Anon April 9 11:50, Broooo...

    16. @April 9, 2024 at 11:50 PM This is just a general thing and has nothing to do with Mega Man. I've stated (or implied at least) this before, but my main interest is the Ruby-Spears series and the X series. I'm not sure why you're taking it so personally when I have only posted in this bit as Tiny Proto Man and not anon.

    17. Either way, I hope whatever is causing you to spring a sprocket clears up. I know my mood goes to the dogs when I'm having a bad day or week.

    18. Anon from April 9, 11:50 pm relax a bit instead of flipping out. Yes the grammar police suck but it's not the end of the world, just ignore them.

    19. Oh that wasn't the same guy. I derped, my bad.

    20. When people give the default "bro" or "wut?" All I think is "Wisdom must be sold on post cards not in books lol" 😂 No ones freaking out Im not the one getting mad and insulting and avoiding making any relevant argument as pointed out above pay attention guys lol. 😅 Just calling out the static stance all you MegaMan yes only fans have and showing you how having a slave to master relationship in 2024 over an IP isn't logical. 😉 BTW you all might want to avoid using the same lines repeatedly as it's pretty obvious who is upset vs who is trying to reason with you.. I mean I know im not the only one who can read and thats just exposing yourself.. 🤭 This is why I gave yall a few days because like your hero I like to hold down square and mow all the Macericks at once. 🤣 Yall fight for world peace? More people in the world than capcoms office? 🤣 "says in a musical tone" "Backwaaaaaaaards" 🤪

    21. Guys, what’s going on?! Has one of you going insane over grammar? Autocorrect just fixed the problem long ago!

    22. @Anonymous April 9, 2024 at 3:03 AM
      "Mega Man has like one breakaway continuity"
      What are you talking about, like have you ever played the games? Exe doesn't follow the continuity of Classic and does reinvent the entire premise. Dash doesn't follow the same continuity of Zero. Exe definitely should've been a new IP and Dash probably too in order to avoid pretending this is all the same franchise. Sharp not only has a point, he is completely correct.

  6. That Yellow Devil with the gatling gun was dope

  7. "I am Shadow Android, the ULTIMATE life form..."

  8. This is a limited time event, right? Why can't it just be permanent DLC?

    1. Because Capcom.

    2. ^ "Because Crapcom"
      Fixed it for you, lol.

    3. Nah, there's just nothing else to say really. No one knows what the future of the franchise is. That's why it's "because, Capcom".

    4. All the replies here are stupid and pointless

    5. Oh my god, again with the whole “Crapcom” insult again?!

  9. Rockman is on roll skating/ice skating ? LOL. Capcom, where your new Rockman game as you promised ? SMH. Sorry about my English.

    1. They didn't promise a thing.

    2. They never announced a new game.

    3. @Anonymous (April 10, 2024 at 4:28 PM)
      It wouldn't be the first time we've seen Rock skating around. Remember Gun Spike?

      No one remembers Gun Spike…

    4. Jo, the title on the English version says Cannon Spike.

  10. I hope they make a new mega man game soon.

  11. I hope they make a new mega man game soon.

  12. Your regularly scheduled Mega Man griping aside, Exoprimal looks cool if for no other reason than the playable characters. Great designs, cool looking weaponry. As for Mega Man and the Yellow Devil, they honestly look great in this. Mega lacks expression, but then he is more of a skin, right? That checks out. It's less egregious than X's face in MVCI.

    1. If I played the game I'd probably get the skin but I don't even own it, I did grab the Street Fighter 6 Mega Man costume at least.

    2. I dsiagree. In MVCI X actually emoted, and blinked. And amde faces. This si juwst a garbage mascot looking costume. They didnt even try a little.

    3. X in MVCI was a let-down, presentation-wise. Great to finally have him in a fighting game, but the face just lacked emotion in spite of the voice. He was overshadowed by how awful Chun-Li's original face was.

  13. Cool, but I want a new Mega Man game.

    1. You can't first they need to Remake 1 2 and 3 and then the rest because porting for 20 years became to obvious so making a games that require 0 planning and already have the majority of it made just new graphics is the cheapest route and requires less of a team to "throw" together.

    2. I agree, but seems at this point, we won't. The news posts on this site are just grasping at straws and scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. I mean, this site posting unused MM10 co-op mode, and MM10 cover art. Really? Yawn-worthy. I see it and think 'same old same old'.


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