Monday, June 20, 2016

Mighty No. 9 Now Available in North America and Asia (Updated)

It's been a long time coming but Mighty No. 9 is officially out the gate. Backer keys are purportedly being prepped for distribution soon. If you opted for a PC key, you can redeem it by logging onto Humble Bundle with your Kickstarter e-mail address. If that doesn't work refer to this support page.

I gotta say, its really sucks that backers did not receive the same "early access" privileges as reviewers, YouTubers and Twitch streamers (who've been playing it as early as last week). It's a crappy move that further cements the campaign's incompetence and misguided management. I sincerely hope you all get your money's worth soon.

No word yet about those physical rewards, by the way. I'll do my best to keep this post up-to-date with more information. For everyone else whose not a backer, do enjoy.

UPDATE: Comcept informed backers this morning that anyone who requested a code for the Xbox 360 version will have to wait a bit longer. That version has to be resubmitted to Microsoft due to a bug. As compensation, these backers will receive a Steam key.

Additionally, the Mac and Linux versions are no *quite* done yet. They're currently undergoing testing and should be ready in a few days,

UPDATE 2: Be aware some Steam DLC keys going out are duplicates of one another. I have at least two reports of users receiving two Ray DLC codes instead of a Retro DLC code. If that's you, contact

UPDATE 3: A patch for the Wii U version will be pushed out later today.


  1. Hopefully we get our codes by the end of the day at least.

  2. Pretty sure the review copies were sent out by Deep Silver. Comcept biggest screw-up was partnering up with those guys.

    1. I was going to say starting the Kickstarter campaign for Red Ash before Mighty Number 9 was finished, hiring that crazy feminazi bitch via nepotism, and tacking on multiplayer were the biggest screw ups for Comcept.

    2. Don't forget porting it to 3289472497 systems and having console parity too....

  3. Maybe they'll make it so the PSN codes actually work. What an embarrassment this whole situation has become.

  4. Seems like the PSN codes aren't active yet. So close, yet so far...

  5. I backed the game i and now i regret it. Not for game but just how the whole thing was a failure that could have been easily prevented if they had gotten someone to properly handle the game. Along with adding mulitplayer which was not needed all these delays etc have left this game on the back burner of possible playing let alone buying the actual game.

    Not sure yet if ill even buy the game since it looks subpar at best but well see if the later stages look good then ill buy possibly buy, Not to mention the whole art style looks somewhat bad so yeah.

  6. They sent me a WiiU game code and Ray dlc code, but my golden hero dlc code is for steam

    Thanks, comcept

  7. Wow, some people complaint. Be grateful for this game! I played PS3 version last night.. No lag or anything to my knowledge. Its fun and enjoyable! I disliked one thing about it is the movie. They don't speak with lips moment at all. DISAPPOINTMENT. I wish this movie is like Megaman 8 FMV. However, game itself rocks!!! :D

    1. Are you kidding me? It's kinda hard to be grateful if you keep consistently getting screwed over.

      For example, I got my PSN code for the game, but I got Steam codes for the DLC. This whole thing has been one disaster after another.

      No one is complaining about the game itself. They're complaining that as backers they're literally being screwed out of playing the game they helped bring to life.

      If you can't at least understand that, you're simply being stubborn.

    2. Its not about the game bruh its about the people who helped fund this game getting screwed over and over again.

      Delays and now the reviewers getting code BEFORE BACKERS that is BS. This entire game has been one failure after the other.

      How can one be grateful when this happens and happens every damn time?

      As eddy said if you cannot understand that then you are a lost cause and most likely didnt follow the game dev for lat few years

  8. I guess it's always easier to critique people when you're in the stands. Keiji Inafune may have been a big name, but Compcept is still a small company. When you consider the scale of users invested in this project (at least 67k people), that's a pretty big user base to manage for a company who likely had little experience with something like this. Sure they made mistakes, but good grief, the attitudes people have toward it is toxic.

    1. Not bloody likely.

      Inafune certainly enjoyed throwing stones gleefully at other game developers when he left Capcom in a huff, he can choke on his mistakes. After all, someone with so much supposed "experience" after all these years should have known better.

      But you keep on with your white knighting, you lot. Your desperate tears are delicious.

    2. If I'm 'white knighting', then I guess that makes you the troll.

    3. being a small company is no excuse. Shovel knight had no trouble, and that was a small company. So far, Bloodstained seems to be progressing smoothly, while MN9 was full of drama from almost day one after the kickstarter ended.

      And Inafune is an industry veteran, and his game is being developed by a veteran company that made the megaman Zero games, and Megaman 9 and 10. along with other freelance former capcom veterans.

      He had all the money he could possibly need, all the talent and experience, and yet still the game has turned out a disaster

    4. Mr. Inafune has no idea how to manage money or projects. He was doing the epitome of counting his chickens before they hatched, what with wanting a cartoon and a sequel before the first game was even finished production. On top of that, he wanted to do a not-Legends while again, Mighty No. 9 wasn't finished development.

    5. He deffinately got waaaay too ahead of himself. He was riding the wave of megaman fans and neglecting the fact that he wasn't making a megaman game. He failed to create something unique that could truly stand on its own as a franchise. It is completely and totally a rip off of his old work, right down to the names and designs of characters. "Dr. White"....really? It all feels hollow and souless, like an empty broken shell of what used to be.
      Guess that's what happens when u make a game out of contempt and spite.

  9. "I gotta say, its really sucks that backers did not receive the same "early access" privileges as reviewers, YouTubers and Twitch streamers"

    Not really. I always thought it was normal to do that nowadays. I did find it kind of bad that backers and those who didn't back get access to the game at the same time. That's kind of bleh, but whatever.

    Comcept preyed on people's "vengeance" and spite to "piss" off a company that wasn't effected in the slightest. Because of that, I can't say a lot of the fans are totally blameless in this mess. People gave their money fueled by the cancellation over a game very few people would have cared about. $4 million worth. To a triple A company, that is a tiny budget. It may seem a lot like to you and me, but with the team Comcept had and the stretch goal ambitions like porting to a ton of platforms, I'm surprised they were able to bring something out period. The only people I feel bad for are those who just wanted a good game and didn't participate in any of the forum garbage.

    With all that said, the game on the Wii U is horrendous. It slows down constantly to where freezing has occured, it has load times that can last almost a minute long, the graphics are terrible, and I found none of the characters charming.

    I'm glad MN9 is out so it can be forgotten like a bad dream. In all fairness, it has taught me some valuable things: never jump on hype and hate bandwagons. Peace out, MN9. You tried.

  10. And the psn codes still don't work. Cuuute.

    1. That's a Sony problem. The code's will not work until the content goes live. Usually later in the day, 3-7 hours from now?

  11. "I gotta say, its really sucks that backers did not receive the same "early access" privileges as reviewers, YouTubers and Twitch streamers (who've been playing it as early as last week)."

    Protodude, do us a favor and drop the pretentious and entitled attitude already.

    I'm frustrated and pissed off with this game too, but unfortunately reality has called and in reality, we aren't owed shit. This is a normal thing, and Shantae and others will likely do the same.

    1. You haven't backed many video game Kickstarters have you?

    2. No we're not entitled. We willing backed the project. But it's wrong backers did not take precedence over reviewers, YouTubers and Twitch streamers. This was a conscious, negligent decision on Comcept's part that furthers their image.

      The entire campaign has been a bungled mess. Period.

    3. You obviously don't get anything amigo we back the game etc and we have been screwed over again and again this time with the release. As the backers we should have gotten FIRST ACCESS to the game before anyone else.

      You have backed many games i am assuming or you would not be throwing ut word vomit.

    4. "But it's wrong backers did not take precedence over reviewers, YouTubers and Twitch streamers."

      Why? The places that you mentioned are much more visible than this place. (Please understand that no offense is intended with that statement, but I am just evaluating how many people visit YouTube and Twitch as opposed to this site.) Given that Comcept is trying to make MN9 as visible as possible in order to make as many sales as possible, I am not surprised that they are giving priority to the larger media channels. So I don't think it was a decision made against you personally but instead just a simple business decision in line with any other game's release.

      "As the backers we should have gotten FIRST ACCESS to the game before anyone else."

      Was early access offered to all backers in the Kickstarter campaign? (I cannot recall if it was or not.) If not, then they did not fail to deliver services that were promised. Backers are only entitled to the special privileges/rewards specifically detailed in the KS campaign and nothing else.

  12. Ah, they finally went live. Cashed in my codes on PSN. They should work now.

  13. So here's a new one. I have a physical copy for PS4, ithe has a single promo code which unlocks the ray dlc, retro hero, a ps3 digital copy AND A PS4 DIGITAL COPY. Yes, you read that right, you can turn around, sell the disc and still own the game, oops. Guess they wanted to fucking themselves as well since Ps4 owners at least are getting 2 copies.

    1. Just bought the game myself and entered the code, and this is absolutely correct! The PS4 version is supposed to give you cross buy codes for the PS3 and Vita, but I guess they screwed up the Vita part.

    2. I received 3 digital codes!

  14. I had duplicate retro dlc codes (one was labeled as a Ray code on Humble Bundle) for Steam. I was issued a new code at some point today and everything is working fine. I did email the address you provided, but never received a response, sounded like it was something on Humble Bundle's side of things.

  15. I'm SO glad comcept was quick to give attention to retailer buyers while stI'll ignoring the Backers they left out in the cold

  16. Wii U owners - Bricking warning!!!

    Hopefully it gets resolved soon!

  17. So alright. Complaints about the delays, community, and everything else aside, I have to ask the one question that is burning in my mind right now:

    Did you enjoy the game from start to finish?

    I played the second demo and was kind of "eh" about it, and from what I can tell, not much has changed since then (aside from, ya know, being able to use the boss weapons and DLC stuff), so I'm really curious. Again, I don't want any of the "delays" this or "backer" that stuff. I just want to know, flat-out, if people enjoyed the game from start to finish and if so, why. Even if not, why?

    Also interested if the multiplayer is fun, works well, and legitimately works cross-platform.

    1. Hey man, this game just came out, right? I think it's probably a little early for a literal answer to your question "start to finish". I've got a good couple hours in, and I could tell you what I like so far, but try asking again in a couple days if you specifically want an end-to-end verdict.

    2. I suppose it depends on where you put the "finish line"...

      What I mean is the main game; from the intro stage to the credits. I don't particularly care about any of the extras, aside from multiplayer, right now. :3

    3. The game is decent, not awful or great. It's mediocre.

      Honestly? It hasn't changed much from the Beta, if I remember right. I remember having to do that pixel perfect dash under the Turbines in Dyna's Stage in the Beta and it's still there in the final.

      The game does seem hell bent on expectinf you being able to see the future, with random spikes or insta kill objects off screen you can fall into on accident.

      Overall, I think I'd give it either a 5 or a 6 out of 10. Probably a 6 because I did enjoy the game to some degree.

    4. Very underwhelming. I did not appreciate turning the game into a score rush. This essentially forces the developers to place enemies a certain way so that you're meant to rush through it rather than use patience to think and overcome an obstacle (you'll be penalized for taking your time). On top of that, the dash mechanic was unneeded and made it so that you had to be close to enemies to absorb them because the window between a 100% and a 80% is about a second. Mega Man isn't generally about sticking close to enemies. It focuses on spacing and dodging, things that go completely against the kamikaze-style dash system. Lastly, the later third act of the game felt rushed and unmemorable. Not to mention one of the lamest final bosses that was more of an endurance fight rather than actual skill, it ended with a sour note.

      Forgot to mention. Online Co-Op is completely broken. It's super laggy to the point that your character teleports and doesn't act for a good 4 seconds. If you're lagging during a boss fight as Beck, it's even more infuriating because you need to dash into the boss at certain breakpoints, which ends up hurting you since your character is teleporting everywhere and will most likely be standing where the boss is situated after absorbing them.

  18. I've been playing the WiiU version all day and haven't been bricked. The framerate was pretty terrible though and it crashed on me once. I managed to fix the framerate by disabling the bloom effect in the general options menu. It didn't fix the stuttering, but the framerate went from barely 30 to *almost* 60.

  19. "its really sucks that backers did not receive the same "early access" privileges as reviewers"

    Were backers promised early access in the kickstarter? I'm one of the top backers but I honestly don't recall : ) Someone let me know if that's the case. If it wasn't a promise, I don't see how this is something to take offense over.

    1. The closest thing I can find regarding "early access" is the $99-tier which reads (with the important part marked in bold):

      A special Mighty No. 9 T-shirt (Western- or Japanese-style, your choice), an exclusive Backer-only transformation for the game's hero, Beck, and Beta access to the game early via Steam! Includes all previous rewards. (Check the reward section of the page for more details.)
      I want to say that people did get that "beta access", since there were two "backer-only" demos (which ended up becoming "unofficial public demos"...), but I don't see anything about getting the full game early. Unless you still consider the original April 2015 release date to be "the date". Heh.

    2. It's typical for Kickstarter video games to deliver back codes early, days even a week before wide release. It's goodwill and, honestly, common sense. Nothing was guaranteed here, yes, but it was largely assumed they would because that's the norm.

    3. Maybe I haven't put alot of money into kickstarters, if this is such a common practice that it's upsetting when not given. There's been issues, but I don't see how this one in particular is incompetent and misguided management.

      I look forward to your review of the game, Protodude.

  20. Joseph Collins : tired to hear bad things about the game...this game is really FUN (I'm playing the Wii U version right now). Yes the graphics and the frame rate are bad. I hate everything about the Unreal Engine and the load time is aweful. It should be smooth, but it's not. BUT the game really feel like a Mega Man/Rockman game. It's WAY better than X7 or the overated X8. AND it's way COOLER than Azure Striker Gunvolt. Anyway, It remind me a little bit of Powered Up and even Maverick Hunter X, which was good.

    Seriously folks...I know there's a lot of technical problems around the game (and yea it sucks), but people who say that the core of the game is bad are just hypocrites, trolls or they just don't like rockman/mega man games.

    1. I love how you're mad about opinions and labeling people according to their opinions depending on how you disagree with them, then expect people to take what you're saying "seriously".

      Tell me how much better MN9 is than that other overrated game over there, I'm almost convinced and shifting my opinions on things. Almost, but for now I guess I'm just a hypocrite, troll or just a guy that doesn't like Rockman/Mega Man games but own and play many of them all the time.

    2. I have no idea what version of x 7 and 8 youve played buy those games are leaps and bounds better then no 9 dude.

      Azure striker is hundreds of times better then no 9 no idea why you would like 9 over azure. Maybe to difficult for you to play?

      also not even remotely close to mmh x like dude did you even play game?

      you opinion is so biased it hurts dude

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. @Anon June 22 1:22 AM

      U honestly believed I would defend everything, do you? I don't defend everything. So this game is a big flop, so what? There are those who might enjoy it.

      And will you stop mentioning me everytime there is something Inafune, Man at Action or MN9 related news. I don't defend everything as you claimed I do.

    5. Lol ok girl, calm down. A simple "no" would have been acceptable.

    6. I’m sorry but I can express my opinion like everyone here, even if I’m positive about the game.  Yes I’m mad about people who have a preconceived idea without even played the game.  I see a lot of people in different forums that says : I’m glad that I didn’t backed the game, this game sucks. What ??

      MN9 is a run and gun platforming game.  You run, shoot and dash into enemies, you have to be careful to avoid instant death trap, you have to be quick, dash jump etc.  The boss battle are fun, each one have like 3 moves and you have to learn their patterns and «dance» to avoid their attack.  Exactly like Rockman, Rockman x (1-6) and Rockman Zero.  Like I said, the graphics, the slowdowns, the loading time, the launch, the kickstarter etc. sucks. But at least I’m playing a Rockman/Mega Man here and the game is playable.

      SO I’m sure you all played the game, beside all the technical problems, what do you not like about it ?

  21. what about the rewards? I got a t-shirt a long while ago, but I also payed for the art book. Are they just not making any of those?

  22. At the anonymous randomly berating Joseph Collins... I don't recall him saying anything negative so far on this article, so calm down alright?

    Also you completely defeated your own argument by stating the game has flaws.

    I've been playing the game, got s game over at the final boss and quit. It's been a mediocre experience so far. It had potential but unfortunately it wasted it.

    I feel like I've said this a million times but IF YOU GET UPSET BY SOMEONE WHO HAS A DIFFERENT OPINION THAN YOU THEN YOU NEED TO GROW UP. I'm sorry, but even if you don't agree with him you can't go around saying he's wrong. Your opinion is just as valid as his. I'm so sick of people blindly defending this game.

    There is NOTHING wrong with liking the game. There is NOTHING wrong with hating it. Opinions are a thing.

    Now if he was going "anyone who likes this is an idiot" that's a different story, but he ISN'T. If anything, YOU'RE the hostile one, calling anyone who doesn't like the game a troll or a hypocrite.

    Sorry for ranting, but I've grown tired of seeing people get upset because someone has a different opinion.

    Seriously though, if enjoy the game, more power to you! Just don't go about attacking people who disagree with your opinion.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I feel like an ftard my bad Joseph, my bad Eddy I'm the one that can't follow

      I thought the Anon that wrote Joseph Collins: was Joseph Collins I didn't see the fox dude with the blogger tag. Sorry again. But I can't delete the comment above sooo... Protodude you wanna do something about that.

    4. Don't worry 'bout it! We all make mistakes! I know I've made a few over the course of this whole thing, ha hah~

    5. It's all good! Sorry if I got kinda rough with my comment.

  23. I'm glad the game is out so we won't have to see anymore Protodude rants on it. Of all the articles I've ever seen, the ones on MN9 display the most unprofessional demeanor I've ever seen out of him.

    1. Probably for good reason, MN9's development was anything but professional.

    2. He's been nothing but professional. He's just critical and rightfully so. Too many pundits bending the knee just because it's made by Inafune and they "mean well". You should be pissed about this game.

  24. Just gonna put this out there: The online modes, when they work, look like fun. When they work. The streamer I watched could not, for the life of them, find a match all but one time out of the five they tried... and... one of those times, the game crashed back to the console dashboard.

    Two delays to get this working... and it still only barely does. C'mon... really?
    (But to be fair, "Online Matchmaking" seems fickle as hell in most games, be it indie or triple-A. So.)

  25. Prepares to play the game, it doesn't work due to crashing at launch, and that's after several delays to make sure it would work fine. Bravo! :P

    1. To be fair, the delays were mostly to get the multiplayer working across 10 platforms. Nobody said anything about stability. ;D

  26. I was a backer (number 1052 or some such). Backed at a pretty high level. Followed most of the development and issues surrounding this.

    I played the game last night for about 2 hours, and was entertained. I didn't mind the graphics. Controls are decent once you get 'mega man' out of your head.
    Definitely use the Japanese voices though. I need to get into voice acting.
    Anyway, I just wanted to share my overall positive experience. I'm sorry not all of you are having the same.

  27. The online functions NEVER should have been added in the first place. It hardly works for me.

  28. They handled this all wrong. Heck I was able to get the signature edition which was suppose to be very limited. I guess it isn't because people are still able to get it. I noticed that it wasn't numbered either. Not on the box or the figure. And it was suppose to be numbered. It's funny that I got the signature edition before the backer download. And when I play the game for the first I saw that the graphics are crap. How the heck did that happen? When we saw the first pictures it looked so good cellshaded and even Becks design looked good. Even the early gameplay looked good. Then we see the trailer and more gameplay and everything looked different. To be honest it looked like they redid the game with a rush job. So dissapointed. Plus the fact that the game is way too hard to play. There isn't a normal mode because it feels like difficult mode.

  29. Well... Early games were usually released for only 1-2 platforms, and only later ported/rereleased to others. While it is great to have it available for as many people as possible (and really annoying when a game you want isn't in system(s) you have), Inafune bit more than he could chew. That's the result.

  30. Wow....
    Congratz for finally finishing something Inafune and Comcept!
    It truly was a wonderful experience for a anime fan on porm night to finally play a Mighty/9 half baked Megaman game. At least it was something than nothing right?


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