Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mega Man 8 Coming to PSN Next Week

Do a 'Jump! Jump! Slide! Slide!' because we've got some good news for you. Announced during the latest PlayStation Blogcast, Mega Man 8 is headed to PlayStation Network next Wednesday, May 27th. The game will be playable on PlayStation 3, PSP and PlayStation Vita.

Originally released in 1996, Mega Man 8 brought the classic series to the 32-bit frontlines with fluid animation, FMV custcenes (topped with legendary dubbing), and a colorful musical score courtesy of Shusaku Uchiyama. It is one of the few PlayStation Mega Man games to achieve "Greatest Hits" status, selling at least 350,000 units in North America alone.

With The Misadventures of Tron Bonne out the gate and MM8 on the burner, who knows what we'll see next...

Source: PlayStation Blogcast


  1. Proto, how many Mega Man games are playable on VITA?.

    1. You can also download MM Maverick Hunter X on Vita as well if I recall... If you've got a spare memory card & access to the JP PSN store there's also MM6, Powered Up (RockmanRockman), Battle & Chase & the PSP ports of Legends 1+2 (if you know the game well enough to play in Japanese of course!) all of these work on Vita & Playstation TV/Vita TV as well.

    2. That's awesome, sadly none of those are available in Europe :(

    3. I can't find Mega Man 5 on the NA PSN store.

    4. Again MM5 is on the Japanese PSN store if you're wanting it & since it's the Japanese versions put on the U.S. store when it comes to MM1-6 it shouldn't make any difference.

  2. I was actually about to research whether or not Mega Man 8 was on PSN right now, but this answers my question. I still do not have enough of a reason to make an investment in a Sony console (mostly 'cause I haven't the money), but I'll pay attention for when the rest of Legends somehow finds its way on PSN.

  3. JUMP

  4. Are any of the Mega Man games on the American PSN ever coming over to the EU PSN?

    1. I'll be honest I gave up on waiting for them to port them over to the EU PSN years ago, takes literally 5 mins if you have a PS3 to setup a U.S. or Japanese PSN account, buy a U.S./JP points card online & download all the titles you'll ever want. On top of that all EU PS1 Classics run at 50hz & with the obnoxious black borders that plagued PS1 releases in Europe back in the day, all U.S. & Japanese PS1 games run at glorious 60hz with no borders & trust me it's worth it for that alone. If you're playing on Vita it's a bit trickier but it's still possible.

  5. I noticed that art box of Europe is better than art box of USA version.

  6. Saturn version > PSX version.

    'Nuff said.

    1. AGREED! The Saturn versions of MM8 & MMX4 were better than the PS1 versions. 8 with its sweet Tengu theme and added bosses then X4 with its wave effect for added ambiance & bold dash effects!

  7. I wonder if things like this influence the possibility of HD re-releases. I mean, so many Mega Man games have been re-released over the years, some multiple times. I kind of wonder if HD re-releases would be significant in any way.

    Maybe of games that haven't been re-released yet, like Command Mission or Maverick Hunter X.

  8. This is the game that made me call Bass bass (like the fish) for 7 years. Thank you.

  9. Mega Man: What do you think of these?

    Dr. Light: Deez...? Zeems ta be enuhjee wezuhses! But... I've nevah seen dis type on Oith. I dunno where dis enuhjee came from, but! It cannot leddit fall inda Dogtah Wahwee's handz! You just recuvuh all de enuhjee immedly, W-Mega Man!

    Mega Man: But where IS Dr. Wily?

    Dr. Light: Datz uh guhd kreschun! We a-may be abul to locate anuddah enuhjee emission fwom da waydaw woom. When we find dat media, we'll FIND DOGTAH WAHWEE!

    1. I think he sounds more like he is saying WAH-EE not WEE, he actually has a lot of floaty L sounds in his pronunciations.

    2. I'm so glad you included the "W-- Megaman!" part. I thought I was the only one who noticed that stutter. *laughs*

    3. That W-- stutterer is the best part of the entire game lmao.

    4. I wonder why that part barely gets noticed?

  10. It would seem Dr. Light's voice actor detracts from the entire experience aside from a weird pronunciation or two. At least with most people.

    1. No in my opinion Mega Man was much worse, and no he didn't sound like a boy he sounded like a female mouse, Roll had a deeper voice than him.

    2. Mega Man's voice was fine. I don't know why so many people want a 10-year-old kid to sound manly or deep voiced, anyway. My only problem with him is that he mispronounced Bass' name.

    3. People wanted him to sound like a regular 10 year old kid. Not a 10 year old kid that sounds like a grown adult woman with a unreasonably high pitched voice.

    4. @Anon4:17: Like I said, he doesn't sound like a boy he sounds like a really high pitched FEMALE. Mega Man's voice in contrast with even the same voice cast is like, what the hell??? He is the only one all high pitched and squealy like that.

      There are so many characters that sound like young boys who have light voices, it doesn't need to be straight deep burlyness.

      Rockman's JP voice was OK in terms of tone, Mega Man Legends (a 14yo) sounds fine then got ruined in 2.

      Some good examples are Astro from the western dubs of Astro Boy (2003) anime, the main young boys from DB/Z's English dub, the 11/10yo boys from the Digimon dubs, heck even Mega Man from Powered Up sounds like a regular 10yo and he's suppose to be the cute and fluffy one. There are so many better cases of characters that sound better than Mega Man in MM8.

    5. I feel like the one from Powered Up sounded older than 10 (more like a teenager), but I do think the DB/Z young males could work pretty well.

    6. Mega Man's voice was perfectly fine. Every delivery was fine. The only bad thing is the mispronunciation of Bass' name. Which just goes to show how careless the voice director was in recording both Mega Man 8 and X4. Although there were deadlines, there wasn't enough time to say, "Oh wait! It's pronounced "Base" (heck, you'd think they could infer that from Bass' line "Come on, Treble!") I can look past that, though.

      It's getting very old seeing these game's voice acting bashed 100% when they aren't too bad. Just seems like a lot of people hopping on the hate bandwagon because it's the thing to do. It's shortsighted.

      Oh, and Susan Roman fit Volnutt great in Legends 2. It actually suits how he looks in the game. Whereas Corey suits how he looks in Legends 1. I don't think they'd work vice versa. I actually think the voice acting in the Legends games are completely solid and memorable, so those casting and voice directors definitely knew what they were doing. lol

  11. Not sure why anyone would download this game (or any game) when the physical copy is widely available and cheap. Of course you could also go the emulator route and bypass all that.

  12. Wow. That box art cover is so nostalgic.

    But strangely, because I always saw it in game stores! I never had a Playstation when I was little, so I never got to play it. :O

    Time to dig out the anniversary collection.


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