Friday, September 25, 2015

Mighty No. 9's New Release Date Revealed, Demo Now Available

Just announced at TwitchCon, Mighty No. 9 is now slated to launch in North America on February 9th, 2016 and February 12th worldwide (all versions but 3DS and Vita. Release date pending). Further, the game's special demo version relaunched today on Humble Bundle.

All you need to do is login to Humble Bundle with the e-mail addressed you used to back the game. From there you just need to hit download. The demo consists of five stages: the intro stage and four Mighty Numbers. If you have any problems, click the link above for detailed instructions.

That's about all there is to report. Do you think they'll announce the next delay on February 8th? I'm just playin' - be cool.

Source: Comcept


  1. February 28th finally we get another contest and at the bottom yet again "steam/xbl/psn are awful, they just wont release our game..send us an email and we'll see about getting you the game.But if you'd like you can just buy the pyschl version available at gamestop!!!, kickstarter rewards will be out sometime in 2017 sorry bout that"

    I have zero faith in this coming out on February 8th. Unless we kickstart a new staff for them.


  2. I claimed the demo, but there's no download button. :(

    1. Go to Build > Binaries and you should see the exe

    2. I can't even download it. There's no button! Was it only for backers of a certain tier?

  3. Playing the demo right now.

    It's not bad, really. The focus is speedrun/score rather than exploration, and the game feels MUCH faster than MMX. The stages aren't as easy as previously seen (i suffered some deserved deaths in the fire stage).

    Aestethically, however, it's UGLY as a sin. everyone looks like rubber baloons, the cutscenes aren't animated, no facial expressions and almost no movement. Also, the english dub is pretty bad... everyone trying too hard to sound "cartoony".

    7/10 for me so far. worth 20 dollars for the ones that haven't backed it, nothing more than that

  4. To no surprise, considering my unreasonable ban, my email doesn't work and I can't claim my demo.

    I'm sure it'll show up on Torrentz or wherever in a few hours. : 3c

    1. @Amir
      Yeah, probably. But do you really even want it at this point? ;P

    2. Want or not, as a backer, Amir's entitled to having that.

      If it turns out indeed that he is no longer eligible at all to receive the demo by any means, I think we'd better start speaking with news outlets to bring this issue to light.

      Protodude, if you put out an alert asking everyone to find backers previously banned from the MN9 forums together, I think we can get something rolling and get Comcept to force to act to rectify this. This is straight-up theft of backer funds if they're not going to uphold pledges because of the whimsy of a former community moderator.

    3. Most of the gaming news places wouldn't dare speak any ill of Mighty No.9.

      Hell, even people like AlphaOnegaSin, who usually right away stabs into and hits on bullshit like this, has been completely silent about ALL of Comcept's negative actions but all smiles about anything they announce.

      Wouldn't surprise me if these people are being given favors or perks for speaking good about MN9 and Red Ash.

    4. Someone on Sonic Retro was talking about how they've been locked out of the demo for some reason too.

    5. did someone want a link for the demo?!5h9kFb5R!-p4ZlRDI29HN6HcW25UK9ORkNf4Pc7NyJtHarI39wMs

    6. I don't know about every site, but the anger towards MN9 is becoming apparent on MM news sites, even if just subtly but growing. But I have noticed that with AlphaOmegaSin, which did seem very odd to me.
      - Dr. Jerk.

  5. So, like, if we hate Mighty No9.. and MegaMan...
    What do we do?

    1. Uuuuuuhh.... then don't play it. It's that simple.

    2. To wait for Megaman X Corrupted to be released

    3. I don't know, go to a Pokemon forum? That crap is always in flavor.

      That said I love Mega Man, I don't know about you but it is my favorite franchise, and contains some of my favorite music, artwork, designs, and characters along with my favorite character (Zero) (and second Classic MM, then it's Gouki/Akuma(SF) but right back to Mega Man with Bass then I suppose Roronoa Zoro to round out my top 5 list).

    4. We dont hate mega man. just mighty no. 9

    5. I dunno? Stop hating? Find another hobby?

  6. Am I the only one here that is getting fed up with the haters? I mean every site I go to and see a article about MN9 they are there spamming, Sure you have your "good" reasons to be like that, but come on! Everyone have been spamming the exact hate message over and over. I even start to think they are trolling at this point since they do nothing else then hate :/

    Can't we just wait until the game is out and reserve our judgement for that instead?

    1. I'm sure the final game will be fine! I like the demo quite a lot.

      The emphasis on fast movement through foes and stages is really fun. I don't have any ill will towards the programmers and designers that put the game together that have iterated constantly and tirelessly until they got the flow of the game stages, enemy placements, and boss fights just right. I very much look forward to the final game, and feel my pledge was well-placed in terms of the game itself.

      It's the marketers and management that need the slap in the face, especially given that those who were banned from the forums are no longer entitled to what they paid money for. (Amir, a commenter here, had paid $80 in Canadian plus tax, only to be banned from the forums for a very petty and even strange reason.)

      I said this before, a company is not some amorphous blob of collective consciousness.

    2. @Cheerfuljonsku
      "Good" reason?
      Wow so freaking biased and fanboy that you don;t give a damn why do people complain hmm? They complain because they got screwed up from the reward, constant lies of the delay, mishandled survey and etc

      Of course they have perfect reason why they complain, and they are not complaining about the game quality only when the basic PR, communication and community handle are so bad from Comcept. But hey, me and other people are just troll to you right? You don;t give a damn how much many people were mistreated right?

      That;s ok, go ahead suck Comcept and screw us instead then. While at it, annouced that Vita and 3ds port has been delayed yet again to 2017 then.

    3. One user who backed the project for $300 got blocked from the Mighty No 9 twitter account simply because the community manager didn't agree with their political views. Not to mention many other users getting banned for dubious reasons now can no longer gain access to their digital rewards, this started to really rub people the wrong way. Back when backers had enough and they were asking for charge backs, the community manager even ENCOURAGED the boycott because she bragged about not wanting their dirty money on twitter.

      Dina is pure toxic, simple as that. Any project she gets her hands on, I am stepping 50 billion feet away from it. If you still don't know why people are upset, just search "The Dina Disaster."

    4. Does Inafune know about all of this, especially the Dina crap ?

      Why is he silent ?

    5. I looked into "The Gina Disaster" and everything I found on the matter was very comparable to "Gamer Gate" - typical immaturity among fanboys who hate fangirls. One could even say that many who were banned are the same who acted out in an immature nature once they discovered that their former community manager is, in fact, a woman.

      I don't care about Comcept and care even less about Inafune-san's political game, but if you search enough, there's plenty more to the story than innocently getting "screwed". I don't agree that people deserved to be completely cut out of the program, however.

      What's "toxic" in this case scenario are the people who make other grown men look bad because they have this "boy's club only" mentality about everything. Grow the hell up, that shtick doesn't work in the real world.

    6. "typical immaturity among fanboys who hate fangirls."
      Aaaand it becomes clear you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

    7. Is one thing to punish people for their behaviour but to rob them out of their paid reward? That;s outright stealing.
      If they just temporary punish but still give reward then is all ok but here clearly Comcept took everything from the backer.

      Also you seriously haven;t look hard enough if you think most of the banned people have to do with freaking gamer gate.

      Try not to be a whiteknight and sucker for Comcept ok?

    8. Try reading the entire post, please.

      I don't believe that those people should have been ripped off and cut from the program, at all. I plainly mentioned that. I also dislike both comcept and Inafune, and I do not believe the people who were banned are connected to Gamer Gate; they simply share the same mentality.

      From first hand experience working in the industry, people are called in to both oversee and work on projects which they had no prior clue even existed, and it happens all the time. Most people would be surprised (or maybe not) to discover that many popular games aren't even developed by people who share a passion for any given established franchise. That's reality. You just never hear about it because people are mature enough not to make a scene about it.

      The problem begins when people intentionally go out of their way to seek someone's personal twitter handle in a blatant attempt to troll and it becomes especially hideous when issues of gender get thrown into the mix. Trying to push for a makeover to Beck was absolutely dumb, yes, but it did not warrant the backlash that woman received.

    9. @Anon10:19: No it is people like you (extreme feminists) that care so much about clubs, clicks and gender arguments, most gamers couldn't give two shits about that. When you come in with feminist drivel like playing gender politics with Beck (a freaken robot based on another robot), based purely on feminist ideology and not actual interests of an audience, then yeah people will voice their opinions and raise discussion on the matter, which is the entire point of FORUMS.

      To then ban people for something as benign as a suggestion or question like "Why turn Beck into a girl, there's already a playable Call for those into that aesthetic" or something is deplorable.

    10. @12:55 - If you had fully read my follow-up at 12:14 PM, you'd realize that I thought the idea of changing Beck into a female to fit someone's agenda was dumb. Also, if you had fully read my initial comment at 10:19 AM you'd realize that I don't think it was fair to ban people for voicing their opinions.

      Instead, you probably saw that I don't support the hate agenda from cliques of butthurt basement dwelling virgins and instantly responded without even giving a second thought to what the rest of the comment had to mention.

      What's deplorable is people not even bothering to fully read comments and in turn judging for things that the other didn't say and doesn't support. Reading someone's response in full before responding is the entire point of FORUMS.

    11. First off I wrote that comment before your second comment got published. Second you're transparent

      "typical immaturity among fanboys who hate fangirls"

      "What's "toxic" in this case scenario are the people who make other grown men look bad because they have this "boy's club only" mentality about everything. Grow the hell up, that shtick doesn't work in the real world." <(Which is the end of your comment BTW)

      These are feminist talking points and propaganda, and yes I bothered to read it, it is you not reading my comments and stuck in your own bullshit so deep you can't even see the irony in you attacking and getting offended about a group of widely diverse people you label as cliques and continue to degrade that I never mentioned, which I strictly stuck to you and your feminist babel. But you can't help yourself, you're so self absorbed I have to be in the defense of some group that you hate (with baseless crap) when I go against your BS.

      "What's "toxic" in this case scenario are the people who make other grown men look bad because they have this "boy's club only" mentality about everything."

      But I'll reiterate one last time, ^this shit doesn't exist within the majority of gamers (especially the subset that enjoys Mega Man/Mega Man-like), you grow the hell up and and understand that your baseless assumptions is not grounded in the real world/reality.

  7. Sadly it's Windows only. Looks like I'll have to wait for release day for my Linux port.

  8. Does anybody know how many people Dina banned?

  9. If people getting banned are having issues even getting a demo, it's gonna become all kinds of awkward when the game comes out and all those backers don't get their copies.

    Regardless of your opinions on whether those people deserved bans or not this has the potential to become a PR nightmare if Comcept can't fix it between now and release.

    1. I still say that the Kickstarter site be contacted about this. I feel a bit bad for Inafune that his project's become such a nightmare, but there's no exempting it.
      - Dr. Jerk.

  10. They clearly should have just put out a public link to the demo on a high load-bearing server. It would have been much smoother, and there's no real reason the whole world shouldn't have access to it. It's a demo. A DRM-free one, too. It was going to happen eventually anyway.

    This feels so... bush league.

  11. After playing I I thought it was alright. That dash mechanic is a bit underwhelming and I'n not a fan of grabbing the ledges. I kind of ruins the flow and sometimes they just seem like they were placed there like the beginning of Pyro's stage, but I'm glad this is getting a delay. The game is not pretty to look at and that life bar has to go. It doesn't match with the game and looks flat.

    1. If you mean the magenta life bar the bosses have, that won't change. That's been there since the very beginning. It's also unlikely they'll change anything else aside from fixing the bugs, as they said prior to the delay that the game was already more or less finished.
      - Dr. Jerk.

  12. Quick question: are transformations in the demo?

    1. Unless they're buried in obscure commands or something, no, they're not. Which is extremely disappointing.

    2. That feels very odd to me. You would think with this demo being made to tide fans over until the release that they would include the transformations, since that is something we really haven't seen much of yet. Without them, the demo seems kinda lackluster, at least to me.

  13. It wasn't supposed to turn out like thiiisss...
    I played it. ... I liked it. It won me over after two stages. Ack...

    I think I understand why people kept saying "You need to play it before you can judge it". I stubbornly refused to use the AcXeleration function at first, but eventually, I found myself using it as frequently as possible -- even if only to just full my AcXel Recovery I thing. I even started to warm up to the powered-up shots once I realized the game really is centered around AcXeleration. It's kind of annoying that you can't just destroy a boss with the pea shooter, but at least the game is nice enough to give you a window of invulnerability after stupidly ramming into a boss. Hah.

    So long as this game doesn't retail for like sixty bucks, I'd say it's probably worth getting now. Doesn't change my opinion on the politics of the company and all that, but the game itself is quite alright, if this demo is anything to go by.

    1. Good news! The physical version will go for $30 and will come with the Rey DLC attached.

      The digital will be $20, not certain if it'll come with said DLC (probably not) up front.

  14. Christ, do people actually think Dina was the only person to ban people? Have any of you ever moderated a forum with a team of moderators and admins? I'm 100% positive it was a unanimous decision to ban whoever caused trouble on those forums. I really need to stop reading the comments on this blog.

    As for the game itself, it's so-so. It's okay at best, but it needs polish. Would have been nice if Comcept focused more on the game itself than getting BS like voice actors for this thing.

    1. "Beck should be a girl!"
      "That's silly, we've already got a female lead, why do we need to change him for an arbitrary reason?"
      "Because BAN!"

      Obviously she conferred with the rest of the community leads to ban the people who disagreed with her personal politics.

    2. Here;s the thing, once they are banned they are locked out from their payed reward, survey pariticpation and even the demo and sending PM about it will result in nothing and since Dina is a community manager when all of this happened. Obiously she should be responsible.

      Otherwise what;s the point of community manager if they can;t manage the community hmm?

      Don;t be such a whiteknight and sucker for Comcept.

    3. What are you Dina's best friend, a radical feminist or something? Every single time it is you trying to deter negative feedback or rationalize the situation, as if to obfuscate Dina's negative spotlight.

      Also who cares if it was unanimous, people getting banned from the forums that back the project, shouldn't be excluded from other backer rewards that were specified for their payment, or general backer rewards that every other backer regardless of payment tier get. So people who so happen to have specifically been in altercation with Dina and were banned as a result are perfectly within reason to voice their complaints here in a section about an article telling people that there is a Demo to tide people over till the release of the game that they can't get legitimately.

    4. There's this video that goes into depth about the Dina disaster. It has quote screenshots,

  15. Also, a lack of innocence doesn't give them the right to take their money and run.

  16. Hey I haven't been paying attention to any of the forum madness in sometime but what exactly became of Dina anyways? Is she no longer a community manager for the forums?

    1. She's been out of the picture for a while. She hasn't been a community manager there in months, but the damage is done.

      I'd really encourage people at this point to focus more on the fact that banned forum members are completely removed from their pledge rewards, rather than what led up to it. That's the present problem that needs fixing.

    2. Where does it say anything about banned from your pledge rewards? can't find anything on google about this

    3. People have been saying that ever since getting banned, they have gotten no e-mails about the Kickstarter and that their e-mails won't work getting the demo from Humble Bundle. Getting banned on a forum, which should have nothing to do with the Kickstarter itself, has locked them out from anything related to it.

    4. Weird i got banned for my #ineptcept and i still get everything. It's too bad, I enjoyed watching there mods change content of posts without warning, and seeing the same 4 people stick up for them on everything "yeah it got delayed but you have to understand making games is hard" "yeah they didn't tell us why it was delayed for a few days but you have to understand it's hard to update when they have such a small staff" "they'd go out of business if we don't kickstart red ash cuz mno9 is done and finished no one would have work"

      I miss those days "(
      Oh ineptcept

  17. I got to play around with the demo for a bit. It's not too bad. The controls are fairly solid even playing with a keyboard and mouse. Gameplay-wise, I enjoyed it so far. I don't care much for the dashing mechanics, but the basic running and jumping is not bad. It's about as solid as Mega Man X8's controls. The graphics aren't that bad. I'm playing on a fairly old laptop, so I had to tweak the settings a little bit. The framerate is fairly consistent although there are a few times where the game does stutter, but that's probably due to my old laptop. I don't really like Beck's design or the other Mighty Numbers, but Dr. White, Dr. Saneda and Call's design are alright. The voice acting is atrocious, especially the narrator. Dr. White's voice is the least grating. The writing for the script is pretty bad too. I ended up skipping all the cut-scenes. The music is really good. It's definitely the highlight of this game.

    Overall, the game is fairly good. Much better than I had anticipated. Aside from the terrible voice-acting and the laughably bad dialogue/script, Mighty Number 9 is worth checking out. Not a full-price for me, but if the game gets a price-reduction (maybe $12.00 or less), then I'd buy it.


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