Ahead of Tokyo Game Show, Capcom has unveiled the fourth installment in their VOXENATION plushie series. Following the release of classic series Mega Man in 2023, this edition features Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXE from the Battle Network series.
Find all the details after the break!
Visitors to the e-Capcom booth at Tokyo Game Show this week can preview both plushies ahead of their March 13, 2025 release, priced at 3,520 Yen or $24/22€ each. The little guys measure 16 cm tall, are made of polyester/cotton, and come packaged in a transparent box.
You can pre-order them from our affiliated store, Hobby Link Japan, with a small discount for $22.44 or 20,10€:
Will there also be an article on the Monster Hunter Collab restoration mod for X DiVE Offline?
ReplyDeleteNot big on the style of these ones unfortunately. I like the little battlechip though.
ReplyDeleteTGS came and went, next cope is the franchise's anniversary on 12/17. For a more unlikely occasion, there's PAX Aus 2024 in Melbourne, Australia running from 10/11 - 10/13.
ReplyDeleteYou're really choosing an article about plushies to whine about game announcements?
DeleteGet a brain, you really think that's whining?
DeleteI'm just a humble cope bookmaker.
DeleteMake your cope bets! Make your cope bets here!
Will there really be anything happening next event?
Make a bet and you might be the lucky winner!