Sunday, April 21, 2024

Rare Footage Surfaces From the Rockman Grand Exhibition Stage Show

Back in 1997, Capcom threw a massive birthday bash for the Blue Bomber at the Tokyo Dome called the Rockman Grand Exhibition. Fans and families were invited to check out the latest games, snag exclusive merch, and join in all sorts of activities like RC races, obstacle courses, and even aerobics. Footage from this event was captured on the Capcom Friendly Club Vol. 6 tape for posterity, but sadly, it was missing a key element—the live stage show. 

Now, after 27 years, a little over 4 minutes of fresh footage from this rarely-seen gem has been uncovered.

This footage comes from Twitter user NEWTON_13, who captured portions of show from the audience's perspective. It includes audio, giving us a better sense of what was happening. Essentially, Rockman appears to be struggling against Knight Man but can't win without merging with Rush, who is missing. Suddenly, a familiar whistle is heard, and Blues seems to provoke Rockman further. Rockman believes Blues has kidnapped Rush under Wily's orders and attacks. Roll steps in to intervene, and... that's it.

Reports on the duration of the show vary, ranging from fifteen minutes to half an hour. Regardless, the ending remains a mystery as we are missing that crucial part. However, following the typical storyline trajectory, we can assume that justice prevails, with Wily ultimately defeated and begging for forgiveness once again.

A huge thank you to NEWTON_13 for sharing this footage with us. Be sure to visit their Twitter account for additional stage footage from other properties.


  1. Kinda reminds me of the Transformers Beast Wars II stage show that was discovered not too long ago.

    1. I never knew about that until you mentioned it, I’ll have to look it up sometime.

  2. I never would’ve expected to see a Dr. Light costume. Wonder where they all ended up?

  3. Haven't laughed out loud this hard at a Rockman Corner post ever.

  4. 1997 is crazy lol, cool to see some retro footage though!

  5. All this sudden classic Mega Man news suddenly. Something up! Somethings coming!!!! : DDDD

    1. Nothings coming, this is discovered footage from fans that found the original recording not game dev news.


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