Saturday, March 18, 2017

Fan Reimagines Mega Man X4 and X6 in 2.5D

What if some of the earlier Mega Man X games were remade in the style of Mega Man X8 or Maverick Hunter X? YouTuber X MavericHunter explored the idea with a few proof-of-concept videos that you might want to check out.


And an older X4 concept:

Pretty neat, right? Mind you, these aren't intended to be playable. But, man, do they really make me miss Mega Man X!


  1. I think those animations try to imitate the sprite originals a little bit too rigidly, which makes them a bit awkward along with the overall stiffness. Also not entirely fond of the shaders used; could use a bit more color.

    Otherwise, not too bad.

  2. We would've seen this officially if MHX sold well enough, but we all know how MMPU and MHX turned out...

    Neat idea though.

    1. too bad, Irregular Hunter X to an extent, wasn't released at the correct time; it was too soon

      had it been somewhere mid-2007, we would have seen a lot of things by now

    2. HX was actually on eo fmy favorite megaman games to come out in the last decade or so. Sure a rehash of the old game but still was so good looking even till now one of the best looking handheld games i have ever played

    3. What? Why? What's so special about 2007? Did handheld gaming stop being about Pokemon, JRPGs and extra popular Nintendo IPs that year?

    4. Well, 2007 was at least Rockman's 20th Anniversary......but X's 14th.

    5. The only reason why it (and Megaman: Powered Up) did so poorly was because it was released on a crappy portable gaming system that not many people owned at the time where it could have done a lot better on home consoles.

    6. I agree. Both should've been experienced on a big screen TV. Handheld is where old franchises go to die.

  3. I always hate to see people put so much effort in something just for the heck of it knowing full well they won't be able to bank on it.

    1. Agree. But in this case it is good to practice his 3D skills and could be used on his portfolio?

    2. and why not? as for every form of leisure or hobby, you do it mainly because you enjoy doing so and because you can. If the person who did this enjoy making 3d sprite animation, why could'nt they combine it with thei passion for MegaMan X?
      Or if they have to practice on their 3d animation, why not doing it on something they like (megaman X in this case)to make it more fun and entertaining?

  4. Not bad, but needs work, particularly in the animations.

  5. It's an idea that can be done justice. The Playstation games started using prerendered assets for the backgrounds, so they already lend themselves well towards a full 3D conversion moreso than the SNES games, and I even like the look better than X8.

  6. Someone should get Hideofbeast to play this.

  7. You should also mention his Dual Game runs.


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