Monday, December 15, 2014

Rockman EXE 3 Black & White Hit JPN Wii U This Week

December 17th, 2014 marks the 27th anniversary of Rockman, and Capcom is readying another classic for digital distribution. On top of five PSN PSone classics, Rockman EXE 3 Black and White is set to hit Wii U in Japan on the 17th. They will run for 650 Yen a piece.

In all, that's seven individual Rockman games launching on a single day. It remains to be seen if Capcom USA or Capcom EU will follow suit... only time will tell!

Source: Capcom Retro


  1. Good, my MMBN3 cart (and other GB/GBA games like MM Xtreme and Pokemons) can no longer save due to dead battery... Now I don't need to worry with this problem.

    1. Does BN3 use a save battery? Most GBA games use flash memory instead.

    2. It's not all that difficult to replace those batteries.

    3. Yet they will eventually dry and lose the save again, so it's better to not use batteries.

  2. MMBN is the good stuff. Some great ideas that could have been implemented in the games are, a party system that lasts throughout the game, unlike the ones presented in 5 and 6. The addition of a view the enemy/collide to initiate battle system, in replacement of random encounters (although I would understand why that didn't make the cut, BN was pushing the GBA and that would have been more sprites to jam into it). Less linear game progression, having more options on the order in which you could beat the game would make it feel more Mega Man and unique. Lastly more focus on story/ character development. After that not much else to add personally, MMBN is a pretty perfect series conceptually.

  3. Another redistribution
    Another Merchandise
    Yep just another regular day on the Megaman Franchise.

  4. BN3 had some badass promo art.

    Wish the US box art hadn't ended up so awful.

  5. Japan artboxes were amazed and always will be. US artboxes.. Well, UGH!

  6. But how to get all postgame content?


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