Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mega Man Universe Cancelled

Nearly sixth-months of silence has finally come to a head. Mega Man Universe, the D.I.Y Mega Man game for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, has been cancelled. Capcom Japan dropped a message announcing the news over at what remains of the game's official website earlier last night.

Capcom didn't divulge into specifics, merely citing "various circumstances" for the game's cancellation. Unfortunate news indeed, given that the title's status was recently confirmed as alive. But, hey, that's game development for you.

The developer left no indication if the title would resume development at a later date, either, so it's pretty much dead. It's a shame, really, because the title did offer some pretty near concepts. Hopefully those will carry over into a future Mega Man game.

Farewell, Universe. We hardly knew ye.
(Ironic this all comes just minutes after this report. I swear, that was not intentional!)

Credit: Andriasang


  1. Can't say I'm sad about this at all :/

  2. I may be the one who told you this Protodude and providing the link. Aside from that. it's sad that MMU is canned. Aw well, maybe Capcom will make a Star Force 4 since the Star Force sereies is on hiatus or a new MegaMan series.

  3. I am happy because this is horrible game. They made a right decision. Thank you, Capcom.

  4. Early April Fools?

  5. I am not pleased. I was hoping for major changes, but not a cancelation. So now all we have to look forward to is a game that is on the verge of being canned (legends 3). I really hope this is an April fools joke. If it is, it's NOT funny.

  6. I've had mixed feelings about this game, but it's always sad to see a MegaMan game canceled. :(

  7. Oh god i can't stop laughing at this news XD, first 4kids loses rights to YGO and now MMU gets canceled, this day can't get any better than this xD

  8. Saw it coming.

    Well, from what I've seen of the game in action, nothing of value was lost.

  9. Yea, unless they made some dramatic changes, I wasn't expecting much out of this title. This game just felt like it was a bastardized Megaman game. Let's just hope Legends 3 doesn't suffer the same fate.

  10. We all knew it was coming, but I was kind of hoping for the best for MMU.

  11. While it's sad that we aren't getting this game, I'm glad that it's this game and not Megaman Legends 3 that is on the cutting board.

      110 days later, and I think you jinxed it!

  12. Oh man.

    I'm sure alot of people will come here and say they're glad it's dead, but really, this is not a good thing for the MM license. And I'm saying this as someone who hates the "make everything like MM2" mentality which Universe was also following.

    And like protodude said, this game showed some potential and had some good concepts. All they needed was to readjust some stuff based on feedback, like the artstyle.

    Well, so much for Universe being related to the 2012 25th anniversary. As long as this is going to happen, I'll continue to hope the next classic MM project will be an effort to advance the series a little and bring it closer to modern-day relevance.

  13. Do I have to be sad about this new? I don´t think so.

    So instead of the phrase "megafied", it should be "megafailed" LOL

  14. Everyone saw this coming.
    Now give us Mega Man 11 with awesome graphics capcom!

  15. @Anon1: Agreed. I wasn't to impressed myself. In fact alot of the community wasn't overly enthused about it either (save for the stray super fan). I wonder if that was one reason Capcom pulled the plug since there was SO much negative reactions between "wtf is this" and saying the designs were terrible

    I will say one thing though, I'd like to see what they DID accomplish with it... or if they got that far

  16. Finally! That horrible drawing style combined with flat-looking level design should've never happened. Not to mention that the logo strongly reminds me of Transformers.

  17. What the first anon said.

    Though this would'va had potential. Guess capcom's learning to focus on one thing at a time, to make it better *coughlegends3cough*

  18. Your friendly, worrysome Mettaur.March 31, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    That's it, Rock is done with.
    Sorry if it seems like i'm a negative nelly, but I honestly feel that this was the saving grace for the blue bomber.

    I mean, as wanted as it may be, Legends 3 wasn't going to be a hot seller (Many factors account for this, including: Being an obscure subdivision in the MM series, (Seriously, it's not as well known as classic, X or even EXE), having it's last game being 10 years ago, (Which means that newbies would be lost unless a port is made, (And with the supposed legal issues, that's unlikly too)) The stubborness of some fans (they want HD or nothing, from what I can tell) and many others.) and would most likley reach bargin bin status a few months afterwards.

    Admittedly, I wasn't too fond of the title, due to it's meaningless cameos, (Ryu, Arthur and Japan's Barney? Almost sounds like a bad joke setup) but if it meant keeping MM alive, I'd take it.

    Now we only have the comic series as our last true place for Rockman recignition. This E3 will decide RM's future with the supposed 25th annaversery project. if nothing comes out of it, well you can basically throw Mega on a bed of spikes, cause he'll be done.

  19. I know this is supposed to be a bit saddening (who likes seeing a MM game cancelled?) but I laughed when Chrome translated the apology. "MMU will be cancelled and you will be developed for various reasons".

    Anyway, I wish it'll pick back up and be made better, a lot better than it was before.

  20. Never cared for Universe, but it's a shame seeing another Mega Man game get cancelled. No love for Rock.

  21. Well crap. Somehow I get the feeling that Keiji Inafune leaving was probably one of the reasons this got canned.

  22. "Good riddance."

    There. I successfully quoted all of you haters. No need to post!.

    And so, the utopic MM game gets canned. The promised land, where all stages are custom-made, all playable characters are customizable, and MM2 is slapped everywhere in it like it was some sort of Big Brother.

    Too bad it all functioned like spaghetti, and looked like a western comic with a hangover.

    I'm STILL waiting for PU2. Although with Inafune out of the picture, the chances are pretty much void :/

  23. Huh, I was hoping the silence was because they were redoing the art style and tweaking gameplay to not be like you're playing megaman underwater.
    Not a huge loss, I suppose. I'll just go back to playing MMPU.

  24. yesssss good news !

    Megaman is dead, inafune was the one who kept the franchise alive

  25. I hope this is a April's Fool joke...

  26. See this is what endless bitching gets you. I doubt they'll even bother with a Mega Man 11 any time soon after this now.

  27. Wait. Considering April Fools is around the corner, there's always the possibility this is a joke :P


  28. maybe Inafune will announced that he have the rights of the megaman franchise lol

  29. Also, if it's a April Fools joke, it's a cruel and drepessing one, considering the crisis in Japan. (And **** those complaining of the different design, which may not even be final version, just because it's too different (and the original Rockman IS in the game along "Megaman"). It's like complaining of the cartoonish Zelda games and SD games like Megaman Powered Up, Pocket Fighter, and Mighty Final Fight.)

    But if it's for real, I understand if it's because of the current events, but I hope production will continue after everything is solved.

  30. I am actually quite disappointed.

    It could have been something really good, and I actually liked it's strange Pop N Music-esque art style.

    Wow... Sad how the only thing left for Megaman now is Legends 3, which is still on shaky grounds.

  31. D:

    A sad day for some people. A sigh of relief for others. I myself fall into the former.

  32. Wow. And on April 1st Japan time. Hmmmmm!

  33. Well, we still have Legends 3.

    And that's what really matters. Especially since it's something different from what we've been getting for the past several years.

  34. This sucks. I'm willing to bet that the constant whining of the so-called "fanbase" led to this unfortunate outcome.

  35. This sucks. I'm willing to bet that the constant whining of the so-called "fanbase" led to this unfortunate outcome.

  36. LOL!!! Good, it sucked to begin with.

  37. There's April Fools just around the corner...

    But even if this turns out to be true, I wouldn't really care. It's not like I would be able to play it anyway.

    Poor Arthur.

  38. Good riddance. It had some kind of OK ideas but I absolutely do NOT want Little Big Planet: Megaman Edition.

  39. I just heard that this game was actually cancelled over a month ago, according to Famitsu.

    So I guess the earthquake had nothing to do with it, like I had once thought.

  40. Good...didn't feel like playing another Mega Man 2 again anyway. Move onto Legends 3, X9, etc.

  41. I hear BS. Too close to April 1.

    I'm giving this 48 hours before I call ti official.

  42. It might have been a decision between this and Legends 3.

  43. And the slow, calculated death of the Mega Man franchise continues ever so steadily.

    But honestly… Mega Man Universe’s cancellation is probably a good thing. If the franchise is to die, I’d rather it be remembered fondly than be run into ground and made a self-referential joke with crap like MMU. I’m one of the biggest Mega Man fans around, but as a fan this game was looking especially laughable… like they missed the point completely. Everything about it — the visual style, the “do it yourself” vibe, the different versions of classic Mega Man, the fact that it was yet another rehash of Mega Man 2 — were all completely wrong.

    Hopefully this means they can focus more on Mega Man Legends 3 and making new Mega Man games that we, you know, actually want! (Like Mega Man X9, Capcom… HINT HINT.)

  44. I'd say that's about it for the Mega Man franchise, folks. First MvC3 and now this.

    Bad trend.

  45. April Fools? =(

    I wish, but unfortunately I feel this is the sad reality of the game. It really did have some interesting ideas. Looks like it's just going to go the way of other past cancelled games though...

  46. ...and nothing of importance was lost.

  47. Neither am I. Too bad this is only an April Fool's joke, though.

  48. As long as Legends 3 isn't cancelled...

  49. I wanted to like it, but I just couldn't. As long as we get MML3.

  50. Obvious april fools joke is obvious.

  51. Hopefully this wont be foreshadowing for a certain Legends 3 as well...

  52. So now there really won't be any new Megaman games after LEgends 3 because Inafune left. Is this the end?

  53. I remember back in February they said that the game was still alive, but getting a major overhaul.

    So, I think it's possible that the game is still going to be developed, but either it's going back for a major overhaul, or it's just VERY low priority compared to Legends 3 and Japan rebuilding it's own country.

    Yet, if it is going back to the drawing board for later development one day, we all remember what happened to MEGA MAN MANIA. X_X

  54. :O NO! I was looking forward to this. :[

  55. I agree with anon. I'm a Megaman fan since day one but I can't be sad about this.

    The concept was good, the execution was not. With it's mix of a 3D look, 2.5D gameplay and 8-bit textures it looked more like a bunch of placeholders based on MM2 thrown together in a game.

    While it could be so simple. Either stay with the classic 2D 8-bit look and give us a level editor with all elements of all 8-bit Megaman games available, which would provide unlimited gameplay time. Or completely reinvent the Classic series for the consoles like Powered Up did for the PSP. The 3D model they used to show off the MT framework and which was last seen in the Legends 3 screenshots seems like a great visual style.

  56. Plus, you know I was thinking. I think this is an April Fools joke....

    Think about it, it's almost April the 1st. Capcom might have something up their selves.

  57. Thank god. I'm sorry, but the character design looks crap. Just... REALLY crappy... X_x

  58. I wanted this game, the soundtrack for the trailers was pretty good. I hope Capcom do something about Rockman's 25th, otherwise I will start thinking about DASH3 as the last Rockman I'll ever play, if it doesn't gets canceled too. :(

  59. Mmm... So, Japan celebrates THAT day too? It's Funny, isn't? xD

  60. Maybe this is Capcom's April Fools joke?

  61. ...oh, boy. Here comes the shitstorm...


  63. B-but... I w-was so looking forward t-to this game...

  64. "Gapcomlactus" destroyed a whole universe after Marvel vs Capcom 3!

  65. If this truly isn't an April Fool's joke, then good riddance. This stands as one of the happiest days of my life. As I've said a few times already, Mega Man Universe had me on the verge of giving up on the Classic series altogether, but now that it's (supposedly) gone, my faith in the series has been restored again.

    Like MusashiAA said in the other article, hopefully they'll make a REAL Powered Up sequel in the future. Aside from like, what? One feature, Universe didn't have a thing in common with it, and I'll never understand why so many people have labeled that piece of crap as "Powered Up 2".

    Again, good riddance. Here's hoping this isn't an April Fool's joke.

  66. Heck yes! I never liked this game concept and ESPECIALLY not the execution. let it die! :D

  67. I iz not surprised. :P If you hype something like MMU with something like the merch sold at conventions and then have no updates for ungodly long amounts of time, then there's something completely wrong.

    Also: If every post about MM games made from two days ago til tomorrow ends up being a April Fools' joke, I'mma be busting caps in someone's rear end.

  68. Hmm...actually I guess this could be an April Fools Joke, since they're over 10 hours ahead of us...but yea, with all the crap going on over there, it is kind of bad taste. Does Japan even celebrate April fools day?

  69. I bet there'll be a continuation anounced at E3

  70. Everyone who had MM universe stuff KEEP IT because it going to be worth a heck a lotta monaey later

  71. Hey, most of you are complaining there is nothing new, but you don't even played the game to judge it, and are only thinking in yourselves, forgetting the younger audience that never played a MM game and that it was made for all ages (the reason of Megapin). Also it has new elements not present in other MM games, like customization options more advanced than MMPU, many playable characters, and who knows what wasn't shown? Has it a story? Is there more than Mega Man 2? (Which was shown due to its popularity, but remember Cutman mentions in the trailer and group image) Something else? It's not easy to make a good game nowadays...

    Also, why so many complains over the design? True it's not something "truly amazing fantastic epic awesomeness" or the standard look (which is present with Rockman), but it's also not ugly like the DOS Mega Man games and the CD-i Zelda games. Instead of complaining, say what type of look you all want, if it has to be new or not used often. SD like MMPU? Okami Man? A Resident Evil and Mortal Kombat mix with lots of (oil) gore and a adult and well-endowed Roll? The European NES Mega Man 2 box art? Or all blend together?

  72. I liked it better when April Fool jokes revolved around fake Mega Man games, like Mega Man ZX:Axess

  73. Is April Fool's Day a thing in Japan too? I'm wary to call things NEAR April 1st April Fool's Day jokes. (Because of course, that's cheating.)

    If it is a joke, I'd hate to be on the development team and see all this "meh" reaction to it being canceled.

  74. Like someone said, its probably being retooled/renamed (to distance itself from the bad press MMU got) and is going to be reborn as this 25th anniversary project thats being rumored.

  75. It's already april 1st in japan.. sooooo.......actually april 2nd 8:30 am.

  76. Congratulations mega man hatedom, your bashing of the game worked, it got cancelled!
    Poor inafune.
    Mega Man fandom= the worst fandom ever, even worse than the sonic fanbase and that is saying a LOT.

  77. Star Force is DEAD, HeroMan. Why can't you undersdtand that? The games utterly bombed, especially three.

    You don't make sequels to something unprofitable, save for MML3 which actually has a demand.

    SF is dead.

  78. If this is an April Fools joke why did they bother to delist Universe from the official Capcom of Japan website a week or so ago? I doubt they would be that prepared.

    Capcom has shown they pretty much don't care about the Mega Man franchise and instead just want to make Street Fighter crossovers and Resident Evil games. Sadly Mega Man just isn't in anymore guys.

  79. Operate Shooting Star was a spiritual Star Force 4, and the next 4 appearances of the series will be a cameos until 2015!

  80. It just hit me: In a certain part of the world where this game is being made, its april. first.

    I'm calling it here that its april fools.

  81. Congratulations haters, Inafune must be proud of you guys!

    I didn't like the direction MMU had, but I seriously hoped that they would be able to modify things and give us a good game. Sadly I think the haters won and we won't be getting the game at all.

  82. So, Mega Man Universe was cancelled? Gee, what a regretable loss.



  83. If this is real, I guess Mega Man isn't really important to Capcom anymore if they can't even finish a download title.

    Considering that X, Zero, ZX, Battle Network, and Star Force have either ended or halted by poor sales, and L3 will be the last if it is released that leaves only Classic, and at best all we'll get is Mega Man 11...

  84. *Yawns* Oh well, it didn't look good or interesting anyway. Looked kind of a mess, really.

  85. Congratulations mega man hatedom!
    your bashing of the game worked, it got cancelled!
    poor inafune
    mega man fanbase=worst fanbase ever, even more than the sonic fanbase and that is saying a lot.

  86. Perhaps we, the fans, scared Capcom off this. After all to make it what we wanted, they would have had to scrap the majority of the work done. But the nail in the coffin would be the fact that the Megaman X and EXE waves overwhelmed Classic Megaman at the MvC3 polls.

    So have fun knowing you killed off a Classic Megaman game that might have been good if you gave Capcom the chance to fix it.

  87. I fucking hate the Mega Man fanbase.

  88. *reads comments* (blah blah blah words)

    This fanbase... WHAT AM I FIGHTING FORRRR!?!?!???????

    That explains why Capcom is so "meh" about their games (except fighting ones like Street Fighter and MvC3) nowadays. Heck, the licensed Korean game Rockman Online is showing that Mega Man can be great, while Capcom itself is lazy and only wants profit. (but who doe$n't?)

  89. Capcom has struck the first blow. Next, they'll cancel Legends 3, and before you know it, they'll start denying the very existence of the MegaMan franchise.

    It's amazing how a company can have so much hate for a franchise that has done nothing but earned millions for them.

    Well, I'm sure they'll do just fine with Chris Redfield as their mascot. Lots of luck on that one, fuckers!

  90. @MegamanMegaFan: I'm with you on this one. I find it rather funny that a few days ago, Gearbox announced Duke Nukem 4ever is delayed (yet again) and everyone says "Okay, ha ha ha, good early April Fools": yet Capcom announces Mega Man Universe production is cancelled and almost nobody from either fansite suspects it could be a joke.

  91. Well.. that's... very disappoint. I'm not sad, but just disappoint. I think if this isn't early April's Fool then it is true. Megaman Universe... has come to an end.

  92. C'mon, now... Fun is fun, but this April Fools Joke wasn't very funny at all. :| (Provided this is a joke. The post was written at 8:09 PM JST, after all...)

    That aside, I know a lot of people are cheering for this game's demise, but I'm certainly not one of them. This game is an extremely neat concept and, in my opinion, seems pretty well executed so far. You can't go wrong with classic, 2½D gameplay and Rockman himself.

  93. @Rock-X

    I wouldn't be too suprised if protodude was put up to this.

    Also way too many comments jesus christ

  94. Uuuuuuuh...


    This might get out of control. This is not time for fooling around. Please.

    Hey P-Dude, you don't really look that much dissapointed, considering you where rooting for this game. :P

  95. Personally, I think it would display an incredible lack of class and professionalism on Capcom's part to make an April Fool's joke about a game's cancellation.


    Ah well, bring on Mega Man 11 then. ;-)

  97. @Anon who responded to me

    SF is not dead. It's on hiatus. What, you a Star Force hater? There is still hope for Star Force 4.

  98. Rock-X: Are you kidding? It's been brought up numerous times in the comments on both.

  99. @ProfessorMegaman:

    I agree with you completely.


    Haha... how sad, but true. I never thought of it like that.

    @Anon who said "I fucking hate the Mega Man fanbase":

    THIS. Preach on, brother/sister. The Mega Man fanbase is the goddamn worst. So few of us actually like or care about the franchise -- the vast majority are hateful posers.

  100. Hiatus, HeroMan?

    I'd love to see your source on that.

  101. Great, so in terms of future platformers, all we have to look forward to is a future Mega Man 11, which there is no way I would buy.

  102. Alright, I'll make a serious post here--lest anyone think I'm one of the hateful poser fanbase or some such. ;-)

    It's regrettable in a way for the franchise that this game's been canceled, but I think for this particular game it was for the best. I think a Mega Man game like this can work, but the direction in which this one was going--the poor art, arbitrary Capcom cameos, overemphasis on MM2 to the exclusion of any other games in the series--were glaring weaknesses. (Also, it should've been for the Wii in addition to the 360 and PS3.)

    But I do think something like this can be taken back to the drawing board and given another shot at some point down the line.

    In the meanwhile, perhaps we can content ourselves with a Mega Man 11 announcement instead. (You know it's going to happen.) =P

  103. HeroMan, I hate to say it but SF pretty much is buried at this point. I don't believe they ever came out and said "Legends is dead", but it was still MIA for ten years and only got a third installment thanks to its cult following. SF just doesn't have that kind of following.

    Would I like an SF4? Sure. Is it likely to happen? I doubt it.

  104. Holy crap I'm posting a second comment on here....

    WHY THE HELL CAN'T WE GET ALONG?!? Sure, the game fell through. Stop kicking the poor thing and let it die quietly!

    OH WAIT, that's not gonna happen, 'cuz we're on the FRIGGIN' INTERNET. And nearly everyone becomes savage idiots at the slightest provocation on here.

    If anything's gonna cause the death of the Mega Man franchise, it's gonna be the part of the fanbase that can't get along for 5 goddamn minutes without all hell breaking loose on a PRC blog because they can't be pleased at all.

    Now I kinda wish I'd never gained interest in the damn franchise...

  105. @HeroManX -
    Man, you really need to face the music. Star Force is done. Over. Star Force 3 was meant to end the series, and it did. Pretty much everyone got their happy ending.

    Look, I really like Star Force. I'm sad to see it go too. But you need to accept the obvious: it's over.

  106. @MusashiAA

    That link is an April Fools joke. The so-called "concept-art" of a Mega Man reboot is just fan-art, I've seen it elsewhere before.

  107. See a lot of negative, but for me considering a fun of MM hope they continue the MMU think of it a lot ways to play the game a playable RYU may be nxt time BN character or Legends or other capcom franchise, think off it! and happy Aprils Fools Day.

  108. *shrugs* guess it just wasn't meant to be. Oh well, at least we're not losing anything that we havent already seen.

  109. @Ash

    But Capcom never said anything about SF3 the last in the series, so it's not over yett.

  110. I bet that if the game was called something like "Capcom All-Stars" (MM, Ryu and Arthur being the first characters revealed) and had the same appearance and gameplay, not so many people would complain about it.

    And a large cast of playable characters from MM1-10 & GB + Street Fighter + Final Fight + Makaimura + a lot more...

    A Capcom only crossover in Mega Man platform style. What was the last time it happened? It didn't. The only non-fighting game crossovers are Namco x Capcom and the SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters series.

  111. Bass: Proto Man, what the scouter says about this post's comment level?

    Proto Man: It's OVER 90!!!!

    Bass: WHAT!? 90!?!? Not bad. But why?

    Proto Man: Because Mega Man Universe was cancelled!

    Bass: WHAT!!!!! HELL NO! I wanted to blast everything on it!

    Bass, Ryu, Arthur, Nappa, Cammy and more:

    Proto Man: Look to the calendar smartass.

    Bass: Doh.

  112. HeroMan:

    They didn't have to say ANYTHING. It's obvious.

    Look at the story. It had a climactic ending that ended PERFECTLY. Everyone had closure, everyone. Theres no need for another.

    And, again, sales sucked. 170k in lifetime is horrendous.

    Give it up, man. It's over.

  113. @Anon

    Like I said, there is still hope for a SF4 despite the sales, there will be a new plot kinda like the BN series.

    So who knows? We'll get a SF4 someday.

  114. @HeroMan: You've made me facepalm so hard just now.

  115. @Last Anon

    Yep he tends to make people do that.

  116. @HeroManX -

    I'm starting to think you're just trolling at this point. You might actually like Star Force, and I do too, but you can't possibly be naive or stupid enough to think a Star Force 4 is ever coming or that Star Force 3 wasn't the end just because Capcom said it wasn't. I just don't believe you could possibly be that naive. Then again, maybe I'm just giving you too much credit. I don't know you, after all. :/

  117. @HeroManX: There's ALWAYS the possibility for a sequel if Capcom wants to do it, but I doubt it will be any time soon. Maybe several years later like Mega Man 9 and Legends 3, or a new series 100 years in the future?

  118. Yeah, I would say a sequel series to Star Force is more likely... or a BN interquel that takes place between BN 6 and the epilogue. Or a sequel that stars Patch.

  119. I'm disgusted by all the Mega Man "fans" here that are happy a new game was canceled. I was actually looking forward to this MORE than Legends 3. Yes, believe it or not, not everyone has a raging boner for the Legends series. Not that I have anything against the Legends series, mind you, but I actually LIKE the classic 2D platforming waaay more. Especially if there's a large focus of customization. I'm especially saddened seeing Inafune so enthusiastically yell out "Your world! Megafied!", and then come here and see such treachery with words like "good riddance" and "won't miss it". I am seriously starting to regret being associated with this fanbase. It's only a matter of time before it gets as bad as the Sonic fanbase... or worse.

  120. I seriously hope this ISN'T an april fools joke.

  121. Although it didn't look too good of a game to me, I'm kinda shocked they cancelled it. I mean, they had big plans, getting rights to use Getcha Pin and possibly other characters. I just hope this is some elaborate April Fools joke.

  122. @ Clown Prince of Crime

    Fans aren't allowed to say a game looks bad "because it's Megaman" then? That's a naive viewpoint to take.

  123. @Vegeta: BEST COMMENT IN THIS POST EVER. Seriously. I laughed my socks off.... XD

  124. @Clown Princes of Crime

    Well stated. Well stated. While I understand that a number of people didn't like the game for whatever reason (even if most of the reasons were terrible, such as "the art looks bad" or "too much Mega Man 2"), there are those of us who are saddened to find out that this post is actual fact rather than April fluff... Like Mega Man Mania before it, I guess this will be swept under the Capcom rug in lew of other, more profitable franchises new and old... I do want to point out one thing, however:
    Inafune didn't make Rockman. He just made Rockman what he is, and what the franchise is, today.

    And that's all.

  125. April 2. So, is this for real!?

  126. Looks like this bad news is truly a bad news... :(


  127. Something wrong with the time:

    March 31, 2023?

  128. I feel like Capcom is trolling us... We demand details for why it was cancelled!

  129. Why did so many people hate it? Sure, it had some bad artwork, but that could have been easily fixed. At least it introduced something new. The old series is getting a little...old. Their repetitive and introduce pretty much nothing new to the series.

  130. I think MMU was a good idea, but not the way Capcom did it.


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