Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Megamix Robot Master Sculptures Are A Delight

Homebrew sculptor Awasai spent his summer toiling away on these absolutely incredible Megamix-inspired Robot Master statues. Ten in all, consisting of the likes of Heat Man, Metal Man, and the other usual suspects, the statues range anywhere from seven to eleven inches in height!


The amount of detail that went into each figure is something truly to be hold; in fact, each Robot Master has their own unique stand that coincides with their respective in-game stages.

Of course, to truly appreciate this labor of love, you'll have to check out the figure's individual pages at the following links:  Burner Man / Needle Man /Snake Man/ Shadow Man / Fire Man / Metal Man /Air Man / Heat Man / Quick Man / Elec Man / Group shot(with Dr. Wily)

Excellent work awasai. I do apologize for not covering these earlier but nevertheless, we can admire them now!


  1. Wow. Only devotion to Megaman can make a work of art like that.

  2. Just finished reading The Greatest Enemy in History and I must say, these sculptures really captured the essence of Ariga. My favorite one is Wily, that one just exudes badassery.

  3. I linked Sprites Inc to his Wily figure a few years ago when he first made it, after seeing it in a One Piece forum. Should have thought of notifying you, too, Protodude. As they are pretty

  4. *chucks brick*


    The Wily link just ruined the current One Piece arc...

  5. Speaking of "Fan' stuff, check this out

  6. And how did the wily piece ruin the current one piece arc? Something in the comments?

  7. I still say he should make HornetMan.

  8. A bit crude, but still very impressive. I especially love Shadow Man and Quick Man. :D

  9. Glad you guys like them! I really had a blast making them; Ariga's designs are so inspiring.


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