Monday, February 22, 2010

Is Tango In Mega Man 10?

A neat little discovery made over at The Mega Man Network:

"A few days ago IGN posted some new videos and screens of Mega Man 10. One of the things about the screens is that they featured borders which will fill in the dead space on 16:9 aspect televisions. As it turns out, though, these borders reveal a bit of information when you look at them up close! Namely, it shows off quite a few, if not all of the game’s stage enemies in one of the borders (not including midbosses)."

Apparently, Game Boy Mega Man V's robotic feline, Tango, is but one of the many characters featured within the border! Check it out:

"It’s kind of hard to fix the color, since there’s clearly a blue tint on them. But it’s easy enough to make out that Tango is there. Having made a sole appearance in Mega Man V for Gameboy (and Rockman & Forte on Wonderswan, if you’re in Japan), could this cat finally be coming back?"

 Well, what do you make of it? Indeed, the above sprite looks similar to its MMV counterpart, but does this necessarily confirm the critter's presence in Mega Man 10?

The complete border analysis available at TMMN


  1. Fuck Tango i want Bass!!

  2. @Missopotami:
    Shutup you freaking noob. God, all of you just about get a boner from Bass I sware.

    Anyway, I think it's awesome Tango is in MM10.

  3. I don't think it's confirmation. But it's definitely a good hint that he's there. I wonder with what function, if any, if he is indeed back... that would be an interesting revival.

  4. Ha! That's awesome! I always loved Tango and it's about time he finally returned!. Even though he is a small character, its real good to see that they haven't forgotten him (unlike most of the X series characters, lol). As far as I am concerned, this is great news and I cant wait to see what kind of role he plays. :)

  5. More support weapons are always good.

  6. Tango?! Awesome!!! I hope we get to use him!

  7. Looks like we finally found out the third playable character! :p

  8. If Tango is in Megaman 10, I'd image he would be used by Proto Man in some way.

  9. Megaman is getting new support how about Proto and Bass they should make one for them too if possible....

  10. You know, maybe I'm overthinking it, but... "Menace from Outer Space!!"... RockMan Mega World 5 featured the Stardroids... Gigamix 2 also happens to have the Stardroids... you don't think they have anything to do with this, do you? ... Nah. I'm overspeculating.

  11. Let's just hope Tango's actually useful this time.
    ...But then again, moar cute factor is always appreciated. :D

  12. I'm glad to see Tango. I doubt he'll play any useful role, but even a cameo is better than nothing. Now if only they could work Reggae in somehow...

    1. Wooooo message from the fuuuuuuture! Both Reggae and Tango are cameos in Bass and Protoman's shops respectively. Now we just need all the side characters to appear in Mega Man 12 since 11 was sorely lacking.

  13. @Oren:

    ...You're joking, right? Not that I have anything against Tango, but still.

  14. In MegaMan 9, MegaMan had Rush to help him out, whereas ProtoMan, being essentially a fun "bonus" did not (not as far as I know anyway). That said, if ProtoMan is a regular, playable character right off the bat, it might make sense that Tango would be his version of Rush. Think Tango Coil or Tango Jet...something along those lines. That's just what I think though.
    I mean, for all we know, Tango's not even in the game and they just threw in a picture of him as a filler. XD

  15. Consider this:

    Roll is the 3rd playable character and Tango is her "Rush".

    It could happen...

  16. Very cool. :D I hope this means Tango's in the game. I know it seems pretty obvious that that’s exactly what it means, but it’s just so surprising that Capcom would go to the trouble of remembering such a minor character (given that they couldn’t even be bothered to write Bass into Mega Man 9’s story). Maybe that’s just one more reason that Mega Man 10 is shaping up to be so amazing… it seems like they’re really going above and beyond with this one, and aren’t just content to coast on the success of Mega Man 9.

  17. Protodude:

  18. Oh also apparently someone from Capcom is going to announce something big in April. I'm thinking it's MML3 for the PS3 though, since it was on the PS blog. :P

  19. @GeminiSaint:

    Sorry, but no. Roll's playability is out of question, since she got sick and bedridden because of the Roboenza virus.

  20. second anonymous:

    if you dont like him go fuck yourself with tango included.



    Megaman 10 just hit GOTY status.

  22. @anon with gonintendo link:

  23. I bet you Rock can call Rush, and Blues calls Tango. That would be most neat... and kind of go with the manga, no? But I can't imagine a "Tango Jet", haha!

  24. @Krazy Monkey:

    Not really. In MM9, Protoman had no story at all, remember? He didn't have any cutscenes or even an ending. I'm pretty sure it will be the same in MM10, with the 3rd character not having a story at all. In other words, the 3rd character mode being basically non-canon. This non-canonity puts Roll in the realm of possibility. After all, they don't have to write any story around her, at all. They don't have to explain anything.

    But yeah. I still prefer Bass over Roll... We'll have to wait a couple more weeks and see what happens.

  25. I'm pretty sure that Bass and Treble are the final boss :)

    That's probably the last Rockman 9 secret...

  26. Hey, leave tango alone, he is cool, he reminds me of my cat LOL, and i´d love a chasing scene between rush and him

  27. Any Bass fans or non-fans that love or hate him enough to cuss other people out and get truly angry at them over their opinion of him are... well, just stop and take a look at your lives. Do you really have so little to care about?

    And I'm talking equally to both guilty parties on both sides of the argument. Get a fucking grip.

  28. That's a good point, but if that's the case, then I'm going to rage like you wouldn't believe, as I've said many times before. There weren't enough words to describe how pissed off I was about Bass being left out of Mega Man 9, and the way they threw his blueprints in the ending was MORE than just a slap in the face; it was a kick in the nuts. Yes, I've heard it all before, he was supposedly undergoing some king of upgrade (even though he didn't need one), but this time around, there won't be ANY excuse for that whatsoever. If it's done again this time around... Not only would that demonstrate a complete lack of continuity, but it'll also show that they still couldn't care less about what anyone else wants, other than Mega Man 2 fanatics (which Mega Man 9 was made for the sole purpose of pleasing).

  29. Whoops, I forgot to specify that my post was directed toward GeminiSaint.

  30. There's always the possibility that Roll is one of the final bosses. She came down with the same disease, after all - why hasn't she gone berserk too?

  31. @Anon9:
    Learn to count, I'm the first Anonymous you idiot. Just because you can't have Bass in every game doesn't mean it's the end of the world. This is showing fan support to old players who actually know who Tango is and not a 12 year old who only plays games with Bass.

    Also PD as stated by previous commenters, you should check out this link:

  32. ^
    Yup, I've seen it. Nothing to do with EXE, I'm afraid:

  33. Tango! Tango needs some love!

    After all, Bass was in.. three games! Tango only got one. ^_^ Is only fair! *Teases the Bass fanatics.*

    But seriously.. I want Bass as much as the next guy.. But what I want more is a Mega Man game! You know.. Mega Man.. Not a Bass Game.

    If you want Bass so bad.. Why not learn a Game Making program? ^_^ The community needs more fan games!

    Anyway. I'm only giving Bass a 25% chance of actually being in the game... I mean... Did Capcom ever officially say there is a third character? All I remember is the list of rumors.. A couple have been proven wrong. (Like co-op, my biggest disappointment. D: )

    Just don't get mad that your faboy/girl dreams don't come true.



  34. @Mocho:

    Actually, Bass fans have every right to be pissed off if he's left out this time around. He did NOT actually NEED to be left out of the ENTIRE FREAKING GAME for his so-called "upgrade". It was specifically stated by Dr. Light in Mega Man 9's intro that Mega Man hasn't had to fight in a while, and I'm pretty sure that also includes his battles with Bass. Why is it that Dr. Wily was JUST NOW starting it, when that could have been finished ages ago? Also, it made no sense for Bass to have even accepted an upgrade from Wily in the first place, since he has an ego the size of a planet, and already feels that he's powerful enough to destroy Mega Man without any upgrades or enhancements. Also, he specifically told Wily that "all [he] make[s] is junk", so that "he was getting upgraded" thing just doesn't add up.

    Lastly, although I consider his blueprints being slapped into the ending as a kick in the nuts, at the same time, it could be viewed as a promise that he's going to appear in the next game. Again, Bass fans will have EVERY RIGHT to be pissed off, because of that broken promise. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: There won't be ANY EXCUSE WHATSOEVER for leaving him out of the game this time around. If they do, then it's definitely nothing more than a blatant disregard for what their fans want.

  35. Then again, Tango WAS Blues' partner in the manga...

  36. @Last Anonymous:

    I certainly HOPE that's the case. It would make a lot more sense than Tango being Roll's partner, who shouldn't even be playable in the first place. I'm not saying that I have anything against Roll, but I just don't think that third character slot should be reserved for anyone other than Bass. And besides, it's not like Roll didn't already have a moment in the spotlight as a playable character in Tatsunoko VS Capcom (although it isn't technically a Mega Man game, but still). Bass, on the other hand, has not been playable since Rockman & Forte/Mega Man & Bass, which was originally released in 1998 (and needless to say, that was over ten years ago).

  37. Whoops, I forgot to mention Rockman & Forte: Challenger From the Future in my other comment, but it's not like that game was released anywhere other than Japan anyway, so it's pretty obscure. Also, I'm not sure whether or not the game's canon, anyway.

  38. Hey Protodude, can you be more careful when posting spoilers? I thought you were more careful than this.

  39. @Anonymous:

    How is this a spoiler? This has next to nothing to do with the plot.


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